What is GYEN (GYEN)?

GYEN is a stable coin built on the Ethereum blockchain, backed by the Japanese Yen (JPY). According to its website, GYEN crypto is the first regulated digital JPY. This ERC-20 token is issued by GMO-Z.com Trust Company Inc (“GMO Trust”) and strictly pegged 1:1 to the Japanese Yen. The GYEN stablecoin is 100% fiat-backed. Meaning, the coin is 100% backed by the physical currency (JPY), which you can trade online in real-time at any GYEN-accepting exchange.

As per the whitepaper, the stablecoin is introduced to “alleviate the problems inherent with unregulated and non-fiat backed stablecoins. Moreover, the GYEN crypto offers high liquidity. You can always redeem 1 GYEN for 1 JPY directly with GMO Trust, or by trading with other digital assets on exchanges that list the stablecoin.

How Much is GYEN Crypto?

As of Nov 17,2021, GYEN’s price is $0.0474.

If you would like to buy GYEN, the top cryptocurrency exchanges for trading in GYEN stock are currently Coinbase ExchangeGate.io, and Liquid.

Which products support GYEN? 

Coinbase          ✔      ✔
Pro          ✔      ✔
Wallet          ✔     ✖️

What regions support GYEN? 

Coinbase    ✔ ✔   ✔ ✔ ✔✖️✖️✖️
Pro   ✔ ✔   ✔ ✔ ✔✖️✖️✖️
Wallet ✔ ✔   ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔✖️

Crypto to fiat trading pairs

USD  ✔ ✖️ ✖️
GBP ✖️ ✖️ ✖️
EUR ✖️ ✖️ ✔

Note: Coinbase Wallet does not support direct bank transactions. You’ll need to transfer your crypto to Coinbase.com or send it to an external address in order to cash out.

Crypto to crypto trading pairs 

GYEN   ✖️  ✖️ ✖️    ✔

See the full list of countries that Coinbase supports for crypto-to-crypto trading.

Note: Only assets hosted on the Ethereum blockchain can be converted through the Coinbase Wallet mobile app at this time. Learn more about trading on Coinbase Wallet.

How many confirmations are needed for GYEN?

GYEN requires 35 network confirmation. Learn about transaction confirmations.

Which blockchain network hosts GYEN?

GYEN is hosted on Ethereum. 

What are the minimum and maximum withdrawal amounts?

Coinbase has implemented safeguards to ensure a healthy and efficient network both on-chain and through our platform.  

These safeguards include both minimum and maximum amounts for each cryptocurrency we allow customers to send through the blockchain.

Minimum: 0.000000000000000001 GYEN

Maximum: 13,736,264 GYEN

By Stealthoptional and Coinbase

Categorized as Hot Crypto
















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By 陀螺财经


《三体》作者刘慈欣曾直言:“在人类的面前有两条路:一条向外,通往星辰大海;一条对内,通往虚拟现实。”特斯拉 CEO 马斯克正在积极探索星辰大海,而 Facebook(Meta)CEO 扎克伯格却走向了通往虚拟现实之路。

由 Facebook 改名所引发的元宇宙热潮也激发了加密市场对于加密元宇宙协议的兴趣,The Sandbox、Decentraland 等协议的原生 Token,在 Facebook 宣布改名后的几天内,都有着可观的涨幅。值得一提的是,The Sandbox、Decentraland 拥有一个共同特征——地产是协议所构建的虚拟世界的基础。只有通过购置地产,用户才能够在其中进行创造和建设,发挥其最大的价值。




我们所理解的元宇宙世界是一个虚拟世界,用 RobloxCEO Dave Baszucki 对于元宇宙的定义来谈,元宇宙至少包括以下要素:身份、朋友、沉浸感、低延迟、多元化、随地、经济系统和文明。

就像,在 11 月 16 日 Cointelegraph 中文的 Focus 中,Enjin 联合创始人兼 CTO Witek Radomski 所提到的「我们有责任尝试以一种去中心化的公平的方式建立元宇宙」。元宇宙应是有序的,而非一个「用户即造物主」或者受一个「中心化实体」掌控,元宇宙不是一个可以肆意妄为的虚拟世界。




就在前不久,日本跨链 NFT 市场PolkaFantasy 在 10 月 29 日结束了第二轮 Land Sale,短时间内,稀有级别 S 和 SS 的土地便销售一空。之后,在 11 月 2 日,Aave 生态 NFT 平台 Aavegotchi元宇宙游戏 Gotchiverse 完成第一轮土地拍卖,竞价数额约 4060 万枚 GHST(价值约 1 亿美元)。

Sandbox 中土地同样屡屡拍出高价。7 月 4 日,The Sandbox 官方Twitter 表示,NFT 投资者 @seedphrase 以 3644834.6103 SAND 代币(约87.4 万美元)的价格拍下了其上的一块 24*24 的虚拟土地。此前, The Sandbox 上虚拟土地最高成交价为 65 万美元,购买者为鱼池联合创始人王纯。据称,这块土地将用于建设狗狗币的爱好者总部。







元宇宙地产最大的价值源自元宇宙本身在未来的发展潜力。不论是 Facebook、Microsoft,还是 NVIDIA、字节头条等传统巨头都向外界展示了自己对于元宇宙的关切。同时,很多人也都在向往「头号玩家」式的虚拟世界,期待自己能够沉浸式体验美好的虚拟世界,控制分身并享受其中高效的社交网络。可以认为,人们对于元宇宙生活的美好愿景促成了元宇宙估值飞速上升的发生。资本的介入催化了元宇宙价值泡沫的出现,这些泡沫又将激发更多人对于元宇宙的热情。



众所周知,元宇宙只是一个非常有趣且新颖的概念。但是很多人在介绍元宇宙时只会提及其在小说《雪崩》中的起源和电影「头号玩家」,很难再衍生出一些全新的庞大且笼统的概念。MGA 联合创始人 Sean Yu 在CT 中文上海活动「遇见元宇宙·NFT 世界新浪潮」的分享中提到,元宇宙目前拥有巨大的争议且我们在短时间内无法给出答案。




By Cointelegraph中文

What is Gala (Gala)?

Gala Games, founded by Eric Schiermeyer on July 21, 2019, is a blockchain gaming platform that combines Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) to create a blockchain game ecosystem that allows players to trade and own game assets with anybody on a global scale and at any time.

In other words, Gala Games aims to take the gaming industry on a whole new path by reclaiming control of the game for the players. According to the platform’s website, Gala Games’ objective is to create “blockchain games you’ll actually want to play.”

Gala Games essentially wants to shift the community’s perception of the reality that gamers can invest hundreds of dollars on gaming assets and countless hours playing the game, all of which can be taken away with the click of a button. As a result, the project aims to give players authority over the games and in-game assets and reintroduce the concept of creative thinking into the games, all using blockchain technology.

The Utility Token & Games On The Platform

GALA token or coin is the platform’s native utility token, used for various purposes, including network governance, node operator incentives, and in-game awards for players participating in the platform’s games. It can be used as an in-game currency to purchase NFTs and assets in the Gala store.

Start trading GALA Token today on Zipmex. Click to view our exchange now.View Exchange

When it comes to NFTs, you may be wondering what part they play in the entire process. In essence, users will be able to hold non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and influence game governance inside the Gala Games ecosystem. The platform’s founder introduced the Nodes voting mechanism, allowing users to vote on which games should receive financing and which games the platform should focus on developing.

As we all probably know by now, Play-to-earn games and NFTs are two of the hottest trends in the cryptocurrency industry now. They both present new ways of onboarding new users and increasing mass adoption. The specific characters of each category allow gamers to generate revenue rather than just spending money to join the community.

If you want to learn more about Blockchain Gaming, check out our related article, Let the blockchain games begin.

Returning to the issue, Gala Games, as a blockchain-focused gaming platform, allows users to use their unique NFT characters while playing the game, which in turn made Binance notice the project’s potential and prospect for profits. They announced plans and eventually listed the GALA Token on their centralized exchange as well.

In addition to purchasing non-fungible tokens for individual games, Gala Games can also use its utility token, as we mentioned earlier. When it comes to the games available on the platform, it’s worth noting that Gala Games has only been able to release one playable game, Town Star, as well as a series of NFT collectibles, VOX, while planning to release many more games in the future. Here is the list of all games by Gala:

There are many interesting games on GALA universe.
GALA games. Source: https://app.gala.games/
  • Mirandus is an epic fantasy role-playing game in which players battle monsters in various places while also developing their property to make money.
  • Spider Tank is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game in which players battle it out with their spider tanks and various armaments on several maps.
  • Town Star is a town-building and development game in which players compete for NFTs from all around the world.
  • Fortified is a PvP tower defense game in which players use a range of player-owned assets to put their strategies to the test.
  • Echoes of Empire is a massive sci-fi strategy game where players compete for rare resources distributed across the universe.

Gala Games has expanded to over 1.3 million monthly active users since the platform’s launch in 2019. Approximately 26000 NFTs have already been sold, with the most expensive piece costing three million dollars. Not to mention the fact that the Gala Games team now has more than sixty members.

The Gala Project has really taken off since it launched, and it has been progressively gaining speed for a few months now, while the NFT sector is also booming! Gala Games successfully completed the first sale of VOX, the platform’s primary NFT offering, on August 11, and it was sold in less than eight minutes, despite high gas prices and network congestion.

GALA could be seeking to follow the road left down by other popular play-to-earn gaming platforms like Axie Infinity with these recent efforts to deliver an update for the Town Star game and announce specifics about Spidertanks.

What Makes GALA Special?

Gala Games, unlike others, is not a single game but rather a collection of various blockchain games that prioritize a thrilling user/player experience on the blockchain. As we mentioned earlier, Town Star is now the Gala Game platform’s one of the playable games, and the best part is that it can be played in a DApp browser. Isn’t that amazing? So much value for simplicity.

The players actually control and own the town in the game, making it a far more genuine experience. VOX, on the other side, is a group of Gala NFT avatars.

It’s also worth noting that each VOX is distinct and different from the others, with some being extremely rare. Furthermore, when VOX was first released, it could distribute about 8,888 VOX for an average price of 0.888 ETH, which is roughly 3535 USD now.

In addition, when it comes to game creation, community feedback is quite important. Gala Games is noted for interacting with its community on social media channels like Discord and Telegram regularly, allowing players to impact the design and direction of the games. Users on the Discord can also run Gala Nodes, which are known to assist the Gala network in exchange for prizes such as limited edition NFTs, GALA, and a variety of other options.

One of the GALA games, Town Star allows players to build and create their own town and farm.
NFT on GALA’s Town Star
Source: https://app.gala.games/games/town-star

The Gala Node ecosystem comprises a triple-proof node system that includes Proof-of-Work(PoW), Proof-of-Storage, and Proof-of-Stake (PoS). Founder Nodes, which are tier-1 Nodes based on approximately fifty thousand fully-owned NFTs, are used in PoW. These include early support for the project, which will receive NFTs from all games, and GALA being assigned to their node license.

PoS, on the other hand, are paid nodes that are known to run for specific games using a smart contract rental design architecture. Finally, what makes Gala nodes even more unique are Proof-of-Storage nodes, which are free nodes that allow games to be totally stored on the node ecosystem, eliminating the need for centralized hosting solutions like Amazon S3.

GALA Tokenomics

The GALA token’s maximum supply is set at 50 billion tokens. Approximately 7 billion GALA are now in circulation. This accounts for roughly 14% of the total. Each day, a total of 17,123,286 GALA are issued, half of which goes to the founder’s node operators and the other half to the Gala Games conservatorship, according to official GALA paperwork.

Gala Games’ emission schedule contains a halving cycle, similar to Bitcoin and many other cryptocurrencies. Every year on July 21, the emission is cut in half. The next halving date is July 21, 2022, when the emission rate will be reduced to 8,561,643 GALA per day.

What’s Next For the Gala Token?

At $0.1449 per token, the GALA token attained its all-time high value. Similarly, trade activity for the digital asset increased dramatically due to the revelation, rising from $4 million per day to over $200 million as of this writing.

There are various reasons why someone might wish to buy the GALA token right now (beyond mere speculation). Buying in-game assets, running a node, and optimizing in-game earnings are just a few examples.

However, the vast majority of Gale Titles’ games are still unavailable, like we mentioned earlier. Four of the five games are still in production, with Town Star being the only one ready to play (in its beta version). With 1.3 million people eager to sign up for these games, it’s evident that the GALA token might see a significant increase in demand.

Which products support GALA? 

Coinbase         ✖️     ✖️
Pro         ✔     ✖️
Wallet         ✔     ✖️

What regions support GALA? 

Coinbase   ✖️✖️  ✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️
Pro   ✔✖️   ✔ ✔✖️✖️✖️✖️
Wallet ✔ ✔   ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔✖️

Crypto to fiat trading pairs

USD  ✔ ✖️ ✖️
GBP ✖️ ✖️ ✖️
EUR ✖️  ✖️ ✔

Note: Coinbase Wallet does not support direct bank transactions. You’ll need to transfer your crypto to Coinbase.com or send it to an external address in order to cash out.

Crypto to crypto trading pairs 

GALA   ✖️  ✖️ ✖️  ✔

See the full list of countries that Coinbase supports for crypto-to-crypto trading.

Note: Only assets hosted on the Ethereum blockchain can be converted through the Coinbase Wallet mobile app at this time. Learn more about trading on Coinbase Wallet.

How many confirmations are needed for GALA?

GALA requires 35 network confirmation. Learn about transaction confirmations.

Which blockchain network hosts GALA?

GALA is hosted on Ethereum. 

What are the minimum and maximum withdrawal amounts?

Coinbase has implemented safeguards to ensure a healthy and efficient network both on-chain and through our platform.  

These safeguards include both minimum and maximum amounts for each cryptocurrency we allow customers to send through the blockchain.

Minimum:  GALA

Maximum:  GALA

By Zipmex and Coinbase

Categorized as Hot Crypto

What is Power Ledger (POWR)

The team behind the Power Ledger platform sees blockchain technology as a key tool for reforming the existing systems of energy creation and distribution. Their arguably novel concept involves creating an ecosystem in which the local communities would be empowered (pun intended) to distribute and sell their excess electricity without the interference from the existing power players in this market. The developers of the platform have identified several issues with the current energy market they hope to see fixed with the help of Power Ledger:

  • Energy supply is in need of decentralization and blockchain can help with it. Power Ledger utilizes blockchain to create a system in which the customers would be able to choose their own preferred source of electricity. This should reduce their exposure to rising grid supply costs and strengthen their impact on energy network management.
  • Energy market continues to implement age-old distribution and management mechanisms unsuitable for the contemporary demands. Power Ledger wants to use blockchain to create an electricity marketplace marked by transparency, auditability and automation, while seeking to make trading easier for both the energy producers and their consumers.
  • Energy prices are rising and this can endanger the whole of economy. Elimination of intermediaries and promotion of individual energy production with Power Ledger should give both the consumers and entire communities easier access to electricity which is cheaper, greener, more reliable and more in line with the demands for the renewable energy sources.
  • Co-creation of energy and self-supply should be given more spotlight, as they are supposed to reduce the pressure on citizens coming from the centralized power authorities. Power Ledger recognizes that the rise of blockchain technology goes in parallel with the rise of distributed energy resources (DER), particularly in the field of solar energy. This platform aims to become a building block of the energy distribution system which favors easier monetization of investments in DER systems and more efficient utilization of excess energy.

How Is Grid Parity Used by the Power Ledger?

The Power Ledger has devised an ecosystem focused on enabling P2P transactions with renewable sources of energy. To make this possible, it uses blockchain to keep track of all the information related to the generation of electricity as well as its utilization. The data on these activities are stored on the Power Ledger platform. Transactions taking place on the platform will have their rates set in advance, both for energy generation and consumption.

This approach should become a reality not only through the Power Ledger alone, since the creation of energy microgrids became feasible thanks to the fact that an increasing number of countries across the globe now faces the phenomenon of “grid parity”. In short, this boils down to having the situation when the prices of electricity generated by the alternative energy sources (such as individually produced solar energy) and those imposed by the centralized power suppliers become more or less equalized.

In practice, this means that Power Ledger’s blockchain will provide the platform and the interface for energy trading taking place within microgrids. One of the examples is its partnership with Thai energy company BCPG which should enable building managers of several local facilities to trade their solar panel generated energy (up to 2MW was made available for trade) via a banking interface. As the transaction layer in the system, the Power Ledger platform enabled easier trading, invoicing and monitoring of the tradable excess energy created by the facilities involved in the project, with the hope to drive their energy costs down and utilize energy more efficiently.

How Does the Power Ledger Ecosystem Work?

The Power Ledger platform operates two blockchains which perform different functions:

  • The Ethereum blockchain. This blockchain functions as the public one and serves as an external layer of the network. Its main purpose is to provide the technological backing for the use of the Power Ledger (POWR) tokens which can be bought, sold and traded on this globally available Ethereum-powered layer.
  • The EcoChain. If the Ethereum blockchain is an external layer of the Power Ledger, the EcoChain is clearly its internal counterpart. Access to it is gained by acquiring and holding the network’s POWR tokens. This private consortium blockchain is designed, developed and run by the Power Ledger team and it features the second token of the platform: Sparkz token. These tokens are designed to provide a direct link with the Power Ledger interface which connects various facilities which produce electricity, be those individual homes or private businesses. Unlike the Ethereum blockchain on this network which largely performs the same function across the globe, the EcoChain can be easily customized to the energy production conditions in a specific local area. This includes modifying the chain to work in line with varied local regulations and the existing levels of supply in an area connected to a particular grid.

What Is POWR Token?

The Power Ledger’s ecosystem operates based on the interactions between its layers and two tokens. This is made possible with the use of Ethereum-based smart contracts. The transactive layer of the platform establishes communication with the power grid via devices called smart meters. These are electronic systems which keep track of the level of electricity consumption and send the information to energy producers so that they can issue bills based on these data. The power generators are in charge of maintaining both power supply and distribution infrastructure. These producers, alongside any entity (property managers, retailers) running the Power Ledger application are known as “application hosts”.

Access to the platform for both the hosts and users is secured by holding a predetermined amount of POWR tokens. These utility tokens act as the fuel of the Power Ledger platform and perform several roles on it:

  • Facilitating access in order to use the platform. Application hosts are required to escrow POWR tokens to get access to the platform. If the application host does not have a sufficient amount of tokens, it will be denied the right to make transactions on the network. Application hosts will need more POWR tokens over time to scale with an increased number of transactions that comes with the development of their consumer base. The more POWR tokens are escrowed, the stronger the demand for the POWR tokens will be. In turn, the more application hosts are in the network, the more valuable the POWR tokens will become.
  • They are used to provide loyalty rewards to the participants in the network. All producers of energy and consumers which purchase renewable energy receive POWR tokens for using the Power Ledger platform as part of the Green Energy Loyalty Rewards program. The program is funded by charging fees for P2P transactions taking place on the platform.
  • They foster relationships between renewable energy charities and provide access to Asset Germination Events. These events deal with crowd-funded assets which use renewable energy and implement the Power Ledger blockchain. They can be both solar and wind farms as well as batteries.
  • POWR tokens serve as the bond backing on the Power ledger platform. Consumers are protected by Smart Bond technology. Smart Bonds function as automated contract bonds which use smart contract technology. They feature a built-in code which enforces compliance among the contractual bond parties.
  • POWR tokens can be converted into Sparkz tokens, which are, in turn, made redeemable through fiat currencies used in the energy trading markets or on other similar platforms.

As of January 2019, the Power Ledger cryptocurrency had the market cap of over USD 42 million, down from its current historic high of USD 641 million in January 2018. Currently, 395,889,007 POWR tokens are in circulation. The tokens are available for trading on cryptocurrency exchanges such as Bittrex and Binance.

What Are Sparkz Tokens on the Power Ledger Network?

Sparkz tokens function as electricity credits pegged to local fiat which are used to pay for the services provided by the application hosts. The utility POWR tokens one holds are used as a surety for the Sparkz tokens.

Sparkz tokens are purchased and redeemed by using fiat currencies which are supported on the specific trading platform. Application hosts introduce their consumers to the trading platform with the help of Sparkz in the following manner:

  • Consumers buy Sparkz for their money.
  • After this, Sparkz tokens can be traded for the produced energy, i.e. they function as credits which the customers use to buy and sell energy.

Creation of Sparkz tokens is virtually unlimited, as they are created whenever they are needed, put to use and destroyed after they are redeemed. In addition to the local fiat, their prices are also linked with the energy costs in a particular area which is supposed to help them maintain a stable exchange rate. The ties between Sparkz and local currencies are supposed to bring additional stability to the energy trading ecosystems which use Power Ledger. In order to allow for more flexible use of the Sparkz token and easier pricing, Power Ledger needs to provide support for the use of various fiat currencies which is done by enabling access to individual chains dedicated to each of them.

Power Ledger Products

Power Ledger platform is implemented with three main products running this solution. These are xGrid, uGrid, and Power Port.

  • xGrid is the main product featured on the Power Ledger platform. It allows the energy producers which generate excess power to sell their energy to the potential customers. The trading is done on a regulated electricity grid, with the platform’s blockchain mechanism being in charge of managing transaction settlements in an instant, transparent and low-cost manner. With xGrid, the energy producers have an opportunity to extract more value from their investments in renewable energy, while the customers should be offered the benefit of paying lower power bills. By its very design, xGrid aims to win over several key user categories in the Power Ledger ecosystem, particularly households and business premises connected to the power grid, producers of renewable energy such as those using solar panels, and electricity sellers who want to offer their customers a cleaner and cheaper product.
  • uGrid is another Power Ledger product which, in this version, focuses on more affordable electricity metering in real time, the collection of big data, management of microgrids and processing of micro-transactions. The electricity trading is done with the help of regulated electricity master meter, which allows for greater transparency when it comes to transactions and utilization of energy. Based on this, uGrid is aimed at the customer communities connected via networked grids such as shopping malls, parks, apartment complexes and similar units which want to track their collective energy use in a highly precise manner and manage their networks better via the use of big data.
  • Power Port is specifically designed for electric vehicles and their charging stations. Similarly to other products in the Power Ledger line, Power Port is supposed to bring more affordable and secure metering, transparent settlement mechanisms, low-cost payment, implementation of user IDs and integration with existing systems such as Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP).
  • Finally, Power Ledger series of products also includes C6 and C6+ systems for the reporting and management of carbon credits and related certificates with the help of blockchain technology.

Power Ledger Team and Project History

The technical and planning team behind the Power Ledger is led by Dr. Jemma Green, David Martin and John Bulich as its co-founders and Dr. Bill Tai, a renowned venture capitalist n the role of the main advisor. The team is dominated by professionals with backgrounds in the field of blockchain technology, finances and engineering.

Launched in May 2016, Power Ledger project featured one of the more successful initial coin offerings (taking place in 2017) among startups in the history of Australia. The first trial of the proposed network-based solution took place in 2016 in Australia, only to include New Zealand, Thailand and other countries soon afterward. In 2019, the project plans to bring its technology to Europe as well.

Potential Competitors of Power Ledger

Power Ledger project has to contend with several energy-focused projects which plan to use blockchain and other decentralized technologies as their technical backbone. These projects include Restart Energy Democracy, a renowned European manufacturer of solar cells which plans to allow energy producers to sell electricity directly to their customers via its platform. SunContract (SNC) is yet another platform dedicated to decentralized trading with electricity with the help of cutting edge technologies. Finally, Electrify Asia (ELEC) is the energy marketplace focused on the Asian market which aims to enable direct purchases of energy from private producers.

By Power Ledger

Categorized as Hot Crypto

Web3扫盲贴 – DeFi经济、L2、NFT究竟是什么关系





Web 1

  • 70年代和80年代的开源互联网协议,包括TCP、IP、SMTP和HTTP。
  • 以开放性和包容性的主旨设计。
  • 任何人都可以在它们的基础上建立,而不需要任何人的许可。


  • 开放源码是很难盈利的。
  • Web2的商业模式依赖于在互联网的开放协议之上建立专有的、封闭的协议。
  • 其中几家公司现在是历史上最有价值的公司,虽然我们免费使用它们,但我们不得不对出售用户数据和不透明代码的模式给予信任。


  • 类似于Web1,开放源码协议,但通过加密经济学集体拥有。
  • 独立于传统组织,代码按规定执行。
  • 重视开放源码软件,用户对数据的所有权,以及去许可的访问。
  • 创造一个共同的身份和协作意识。


































DeFi协议市值vs营收(Uniswap, dYdx, PancakeSwap, SushiSwap)


Uniswap每日完全稀释的市值 VS 发行以来的累计总收入


dydx每日完全稀释的市值 VS 发行以来的累计总收入


PancakeSwap每日完全稀释的市值 VS 发行以来的累计总收入


SushiSwap每日完全稀释的市值 VS 发行以来的累计总收入


目前,治理推动了大多数主要DeFi协议的变化。代币持有者对提案进行投票,其范围从关于协议应如何分配其财政资金的提议,到更具体的细节,如改变Compound Finance的资产抵押因素。



在所有协议中,Synthetix是迄今为止最活跃一个。每周,总是有多个更新,改变与根据发布的抵押品铸造合成资产相关的各种参数。此外,Synthetix经常改变在协议上发行合成资产的相关费用。本季度,Synthetix引入了动态费用,旨在中和前期运行,将L2的目标抵押率从900%降低到750%,启用了新的交换功能,允许用户通过Chainlink等预言机、Uniswap V3等DEX 预言机的组合定价合成资产,在没有费用回收的情况下进行原子交换,将L2的通货膨胀奖励增加到50K,并引入两个新的去中心化治理机构。


  • 链上提案SIP-155:废除synthetixDAO(批准财政委员会)
  • 链上提案SCCP-136:增加二级通货膨胀奖励至50K
  • 链上提案SIP-120:原子交换功能
  • 链上提案SCCP-137:降低L2目标抵押率至750%。
  • 链上提案 SIP-184:动态交换费用
  • 链上提案SIP-133:将批量合作伙伴的奖励提高到10K SNX每月
  • 链上提案SIP-170:通货膨胀转移到二级激励上
  • 链上提案SIP-168:治理参与计划


虽然Synthetix提供了所有DeFi中最活跃的治理系统之一,但Aave的治理通常处理更大的提案。这包括改变他们支持的资产的清算奖金,增加对算法稳定币FEI的支持,使Gauntlet能够分析支持的资产的风险价值(VAR),增加对DeFi Pulse指数(DPI)的支持,以及延长Aave v2的流动性激励。


  • AIP #38:11个Aave V2资产的清算奖励更新
  • 链上提案AIP 33:为Aave V2增加FEI
  • 链上提案AIP 35:调整利率以说明APY过高的情况
  • 链上提案AIP 37:更新流动性挖矿分布
  • 链上提案AIP 36:将LTV和清算门槛更新到适度水平
  • 链上提案AIP 31:在Aave V2上增加DPI
  • 链上提案AIP 32:扩展Aave V2的流动性激励措施




  • Snapshot提案AIP 46:协议费分配
  • Snapshot提案:贡献者圈资金




  • 将治理合约升级为Compound治理者Bravo合约


Compound和Synthetix一样,也有一个非常活跃的治理过程。主要的更新包括暂时禁用COMP奖励,创建一个白名单,供那些总是可以提出建议而不需要保持65K COMP门槛的地址使用,以及在2020年11月向受DAI事件影响的用户分发DAI。


  • 链上提案59:向受DAI影响的用户分发DAI
  • 链上提案60:提交提案地址白名单
  • 链上提案62:拆分COMP奖励分配和BUG
  • 链上提案63:暂时禁止COMP奖励修复。




Layer 2 DeFi




请记住,这里提出的大多数解决方案都处于测试阶段,并不像未来计划的那样去中心化、经济、快速和安全。另外,只有Optimistic Rollups、Arbitrum和Optimism,有区块浏览器,这意味着一对一的数据比较可能是困难的。对于交易的成本,我们只能通过各种数据来源来快照当前的成本。


第2层的使用量越大,意味着DeFi用户的价格越高,滑点越少,通常流动性越强。在第三季度末,Arbitrum作为一个普遍的Optimistic Rollup,有着所有类别中最高的使用率。





通用Layer 2日交易量


2021年第三季度各Layer 2独立地址


所有的第2层都能大大减少成本。零知识(zk)rollup显示出了降低交易成本的更大潜力。然而,在这些情况下,dYdX、Loopring和zkSwap v2有一个固定比例的交易量作为交易费,这只是由解决方案的gas费间接引起的。





2021年无疑是NFT的一年。从将歌曲变成金融资产的新机制的出现,如Royal,到Snoop Dogg声称是著名的NFT收藏家Cozomo de’ Medici,你很难逃过这种炒作。










促进这场革命的平台是OpenSea,这是一个NFT市场,用户可以从几乎所有的NFT藏品中购买和出售作品。通过OpenSea进行的交易很有说服力:在打破纪录的8月份,该平台在32.5亿美元的NFT销售总额中占了31.6亿美元。有趣的是,今年4月之前,Nifty Gateway一直是NFT市场的主导者,而OpenSea在2021年第二和第三季度巩固了其作为首选平台的地位。

SuperRare、Foundation和Hic et Nunc是NFT市场领域的其他领导者,但他们所占的比例相对较小,OpenSea在过去一个季度占市场交易量的97%。另一个需要注意的竞争者,是来自传统世界的佳士得,他们在2021年9月的NFT销售额超过了1亿美元,最近9月28日在亚洲举行的NFT拍卖会的销售额达到了1560万美元。




加密货币社区已经成为了一个富有表现力的地方,用户通过他们的个人资料图片将自己描绘成各种化身。有可能,你已经看到这些像素化的punks、无聊的猿猴和可爱的猫科动物在Twitter宇宙中漂浮,而这很快将得到验证。这不再是加密原住民的一种时尚了。PFP正在成为主流,像Jay-Z和Snoop Dogg这样的名人购买并选择Cryptopunks作为他们在Twitter上的个人照片,支付公司Visa在他们的收藏中也加入了Punk,社会在继续拥抱这个文化牛市。





PFP NFTs的激增也表明了一种更广泛的文化运动。JPEG的交易似乎是由这些创造性的互动中所固有的文化和象征价值所引导的,而不是由纯粹的实用性所支配的交易。PFP NFTs允许人们发出地位信号,建立社区,并鼓励艺术表达。Larva实验室和Yuga实验室的好莱坞交易表明,CryptoPunks、BAYC和Meebits等项目将通过电影和电视获得更多的媒体曝光。拥有这些NFT之一可以作为你进入互联网原生社会俱乐部的门票,而这些俱乐部的规模每天都在增长。









虽然这在理论上很简单,但在实践中,有一些风险需要注意。首先,智能合约的风险在行业中普遍存在,黑客通过识别代码中的缺陷,能够窃取锁定在合约中的资金或NFTs。最近的一个例子是Poly Network,它因智能合约的缺陷被盗取了价值6亿美元的资产。另一个风险是贷款价值比,即NFT的价值可能会有很大的波动,有可能使用作抵押的NFT的价值远远低于贷款。这种风险对于长期贷款来说特别高,尤其是考虑到该行业的新生状态。最后,许多国家信托基金项目的流动性很低,这可能会给它们一个人为的高底价,因为卖家不想贱卖,但买家却不积极。这可能导致贷款人对用作抵押品的NFT定价错误;如果贷款违约,他们收到的NFT价值可能低于他们的议价。总之,像NFTfi这样的项目还没有出现过智能合约的漏洞,但这并不是说它们在未来不会出现,如果你想借款,一定要对用作抵押的NFT保持警惕。



















MetaMask机构最近与三个领先的托管机构进行了合作:BitGo、Qredo和Cactus Custody,以确保投资者能够完全访问DeFi和Web3,同时满足最严格的机构要求。这些合作关系回应了机构的不同需求,从小型加密货币初创企业和DAO到数十亿美元的加密货币基金。

  • BitGo资管规模: 400亿美元

BitGo是最古老的加密货币公司之一,也是今年早些时候加密货币领域第一笔10亿美元交易的一部分。该托管机构被Galaxy Digital收购,交易价值12亿美元。据传,PayPal也曾想收购BitGo,但该交易失败了。BitGo成立于2013年,目前拥有超过400亿美元的托管资产。该托管公司是多签名钱包的先驱,也是第一家专门服务于机构客户的数字资产公司。

  • Cactus Custody资管规模:100亿美元

Cactus Custody™是一家总部设在香港的信托公司,托管的资产超过100亿美元。它是由亚洲增长最快的数字资产金融服务平台Matrixport提供的第三方机构托管服务。Cactus Custody™为矿工、企业、基金和项目提供冷库和热库,企业加密货币管理功能,以及DeFi连接。

  • Qredo


Aave Arc: 一个案例


第三季度,加密货币托管机构Fireblocks提出了一项提案,要求Aave治理社区批准Fireblocks LLC的任命、采用和授权,作为Aave Arc一个或多个部署的 “白名单”。

白名单是白名单者对Aave Arc用户的把关职能,指的是对用户进行KYC/KYB检查,用适当的披露、条款和条件让用户入职,并向用户提供的以太坊钱包地址授予特定权限(例如,借用、供应、清算)的过程。


如果该提案获得通过,Aave将为有严格监管要求的机构投资者提供访问DeFi协议的机会。该许可解决方案将提供私人资金池,只有通过KYC/KYB的参与者才能进入资金池,无论是借贷双方。机构投资者在投资DeFi时,必须考虑基于风险的合规过程。为了让托管人成为Aave Arc的白名单,它需要满足某些条件:(a) 在其运营的司法管辖区是一个有执照/注册的实体;(b) 根据FATF准则,遵守KYC/KYB原则;以及(c) 被要求采用并已采用强有力的AML/CFT合规计划。



在尼尔-斯蒂芬森1992年的科幻小说《雪崩》中,“metaverse”作为一个术语正式进入大众词典,他用这个词来描述基于虚拟现实的互联网的后续版本。这个词被用来描述互联网未来迭代的概念,由持久的、共享的、三维虚拟空间组成,链接成一个可感知的虚拟宇宙。如果你想亲自体验一下 “元宇宙”,你可以去看看ConsenSys在以太坊世界的总部,Decentraland。

在区块链背景下,元宇宙最明显的例子之一是P2E的概念。早在 “帝国时代”,传统的游戏模式很简单:消费者必须支付费用以换取 “游戏 “体验。虽然玩元老级游戏通常需要钱,但收入模式不断变化,不再像以前那样简单。



Metaverse 21年第一季度累计销售额超过3000万美元


在第三季度,P2E行业有了很大的发展。突出的游戏和经济是Axie Infinity, ZED Run, Sandbox和Yield Guild Games。

Axie Infinity的创建者Sky Mavis以近30亿美元的估值筹集了1.52亿美元。Axie Infinity是一个玩家收集Axies的游戏,这些Axies可以战斗、执行任务和繁殖,以创造更多不同价值和稀有性的Axies。

然而,游戏的最终目标是获得可以出售的SLP代币。Axie生物本身也可以作为ERC-721 NFTs进行交易。仅在2021年第三季度,Axie Infinity通过NFT交易获得了超过7.2亿美元的收入。

Axie Infinity目前拥有超过30万的日活跃用户(DAUs),自今年年初以来增长了30多倍。此外,他们的Discord的增长也成抛物线趋势,使他们成为全球最大的Discord服务器之一。


Axie Infinity在7月份的月收入超过了2300万美元,是6月份收入的两倍,要知道其在1月份的收入只有10万美元。这个非正式的市场已经发展成为一个正式的赚取金融服务的游戏。菲律宾的用户正在辞去工作,通过玩Axie来赚取此前10倍的收入。


另一个创建这个金融服务生态系统的最大和最突出的公司是一个名为Yield Guild Games的项目,他们最近宣布融资460万美元,由a16z领投。自2020年以来,他们一直在积累产生收益的NFT和伟大的游戏协议和项目的股权。




这个世界本身是由NFT推动的,它构成了世界上的大部分物品,从土地到化身穿的衣服。实际上,这个世界充当了未来虚拟世界的基石,允许用户建立他们所创造的服务并从中获利。目前,Decentraland NFT的中位价格约为5000美元,第三季度的平均每周销售总额为772K美元,平均销售300次。


Loot是上一季度另一个突出的NFT项目。在其核心部分,Loot由一个独特的物品清单组成,你会期望在游戏中找到。问题是,NFT只是:除了你的想象力所能拼凑出来的东西之外,没有任何物品规格、外观或特征。这个概念背后的天才在于社区对Loot Bag的反应,因为其价格开始飙升。社区成员蜂拥而至,为这些物品和衍生项目创作艺术品,如 “Loot Realms”,冒险者们带着他们的Loot装备,可以探索。








8月10日,Poly Network发生了有史以来最大的加密货币黑客攻击,超过6.11亿美元被盗。一个有趣的转折是,黑客归还了绝大部分资金(5.78亿美元),并被聘为其首席安全顾问。










金融行动特别工作组(FATF)发布了其对虚拟资产服务提供商相关标准的第二次12个月审查,其中分析了与加密货币中间商(即中心化交易所)和P2P转账有关的趋势。利用区块链分析公司提供的数据,FATF得出结论,相对于中间人促成的交易,P2P交易的比例没有任何意义的上升。这意味着在过去五年中,并没有出现“强烈的P2P交易”,但这一观察更侧重于比特币和Tether的转移方式,而不是以太坊。事实上,报告指出,这三种代币在VASP和P2P交易方面的使用方式 “存在重大差异”,并预测 “未来的虚拟资产在P2P使用方面可能有不同的情况”。FATF的最终报告预计在10月发布(已于10月28日发布),其中它可能将指导重点放在VASP中间商上,而不是P2P转账。这一指导意见预计将在未来一两年内被世界各地的金融犯罪执法机构采用。

监管领域的战争(CFTC vs SEC)

美国监管机构继续关注加密货币。SEC主席Gary Gensler表示,加密货币领域只能存在于公共政策框架内,而不是在框架之外。Gensler的立场是,虽然不是所有的代币都有资格成为证券,但托管许多代币的交易意味着很可能至少有一种甚至更多的代币是证券。交易平台上的任何证券都需要该平台在美国证券交易委员会注册。同时,在辞职之前,CFTC专员Brian Quintenz对SEC要求扩大权力的要求表示反对,他在Twitter上说:“只是为了让我们在这里都清楚,SEC对纯商品或其交易场所没有权力,无论这些商品是小麦、黄金、石油….or加密资产。” CFTC的委员会领导层也进行了更替,包括被提名为主席的Rostin Behnam,以及另外两名委员,其中一人曾在法学院讲授加密货币课程。除了美国证券交易委员会和美国商品期货交易委员会之间关于管辖权的争夺越来越激烈之外,拜登政府还将矛头指向了勒索软件,将”特定目标 “加入到被制裁实体的名单中,与美国有关的个人或实体不能合法地进行任何交易。外国资产控制办公室首次制裁了一家加密货币交易所,因为它为勒索软件攻击中的加密货币交易提供了便利。


7月下旬,参议院审议并最终通过了一项美国税法修正案,要求数字代币的 “经纪人 “向国税局报告他们促成的加密货币交易情况。该修正案被纳入一项大规模的基础设施支出法案,得到两党的广泛支持。鉴于 “经纪人”一词的广泛性,加密货币行业动员起来并展示了其政治力量,但最终未能阻止该措施在参议院通过。该法案仍在众议院,尚未进行表决。除了有问题的经纪人报告要求外,修正案还包括一个一般的报告要求,要求任何收到数字资产的人有义务核实发件人的个人信息,并在交易后15天内向政府报告该信息,否则将被处以伪证罪。国会中的加密货币倡导者和盟友一直在努力游说,希望从最终的基础设施法案中删除这两项修正案。此外,众议院仍有可能完全投票否决基础设施法案。(注:11月6日,美国众议院以至少218票赞成的表决结果投票通过了基础设施法案,其中包含加密货币纳税申报要求的条款,目前该法案已送交美国总统拜登签字。接下来美国财政部仍需解释其计划如何解读该法案,并发布指导意见,阐明企业或其他实体必须如何遵守该法案。)






  • 所有类型的比特币交易输出合并为一个单一的Taproot输出,这将通过使不同类型的交易无法区分来改善隐私。
  • 改进了比特币的可编程性(即所谓的“智能合约”)。
  • 通过使用更高效的签名算法和交易来提高数据效率构造方法。
  • 由于添加了新的签名方案,提高了安全性,使其成为双重签名区块链。


  • 低采用率表明比特币用户对将比特币用于任何新事物不感兴趣。
  • 低采用率否定了潜在的隐私优势。
  • 新签名方案的“抗量子性”可能低于当前方案。
  • 由于对Taproot的分歧,比特币社区可能出现分裂
  • 升级——类似于导致比特币现金的隔离见证的争议。






  • MAST通过减少所需投入来改变支出条件的结构方式,从而减少每笔交易的数据占用空间。
  • Pay-to-Taproot在比特币网络上产生单一的“Taproot”输出,无论交易类型如何,提高交易的隐私和效率。
  • Schnorr签名替代了当前的加密签名方案,称为ECDSA(椭圆曲线数字签名算法)。




  • 丰富的应用程序开发







  • 人寿保险支付可以在收到满意的死亡信息后进行编程证书或类似的东西——2019年在美国的支出超过7600亿美元。
  • 当卖方的银行确认收到抵押贷款余额时,住宅房地产交易可以触发最终结算——2021年5月,美国售出580万住宅房地产单元,经季节调整后的年度价格中值约为35万美元。
  • 金融养老金可以在指定的时间段内以编程方式支付-美国2020年养老金资产超过3万亿美元。


  • 数据效率



数字黄金 图1


数字黄金 图2


  • 改进的钱包功能、可用性和隐私




  1. 资金转移时不会透露资金的潜在支出情况。
  2. 由于Pay-to-Taproot使所有交易输出看起来都一样,所以没有人知道公司是否使用多重签名。



数字黄金 图3


  • Layer2扩展解决方案的进步




数字黄金 闪电网络的有利因素包括萨尔瓦多接受比特币(将闪电网络作为一种比特币商业服务),以及支持闪电网络的支付服务(如Strike、Fold和Moon)的融资和合作公告。





  • 备受期待的升级的低采用率可能表明,大多数用户对将比特币用于任何新事物都不感兴趣。对于新的用途,比特币用户可能更喜欢不同的加密货币或服务。
  • 用户回避升级比特币,使其更灵活,降低了比特币的增长前景,因为它关闭了未来潜在升级的大门。
  • Taproot的一些隐私功能只适用于人群:如果很少用户采用Taproot交易,很容易确定这些地址属于需要多重签名安全的实体。
  • 如果开发者和有发言权的用户支持的更新失败,拒绝Taproot将凸显比特币社区的弱点。


  • 抗量子性


  • 比特币社区分裂


  • 激活升级








  • 比特币是流动的


  • 比特币是透明的


  • 比特币的潜在市场规模(TAM)



By 链向财经

What is ARPA Chain (ARPA)?

ARPA is a blockchain-based layer 2 solution for privacy-preserving computation, enabled by cryptographic Multi-Party Computation (“MPC”).

The goal of ARPA is to separate data utility from ownership, and enable data renting. ARPA’s MPC protocol creates ways for multiple entities to collaboratively analyze data and extract data synergies, while keeping each party’s data input private and secure. ARPA allows secret sharing of private data, and the correctness of computation is verifiable using information-theoretic Message Authentication Code.

The use cases of the ARPA token include computation cost, data and model usage fee, security deposit, community governance, etc. The ARPA token currently runs on the Ethereum network.

Developers can build privacy-preserving dApps on blockchains compatible with ARPA. Some immediate use cases include credit anti-fraud, secure data wallet, precision marketing, joint AI model training, or key management systems. For example, banks using the ARPA network can share their credit blacklist with each other for risk management purposes without exposing their customer data or privacy.

2. Economics and supply

The supply distribution is as follows:

  • Private Sale 1: it was conducted in June 2018 for 100,000,000 ARPA at an average rate of $0.02 per token, and raised a total of 1,370 ETH and 1,383,500 USDT($2.00MM), for 5% of the total token supply.
  • Private Sale 2: it was conducted in December 2018 for 100,000,000 ARPA at an average rate of $0.02 per token, and raised a total of 2,000,000 USDT, for 5% of the total token supply.
  • Public Sale: it was conducted through an IEO with BISS on 25 April 2019 for 140,000,000 ARPA at an average rate of $0.018, and raised a total of 2,520,000 USDT, selling 7% of the total token supply.
ARPA token distribution (%)

The following chart represents the number and breakdown of all ARPA that are to be released into circulation on a monthly basis. For every month from August 2019 to February 2021, the ARPA team will repurchase from the open market and burn 0.5% (10,000,000 ARPA) of the initial total ARPA token supply.

ARPA token release schedule

3. ARPA’s activity and community overview

3.1 Development activity

ARPA migrated its repository from Github to Gitlab.

3.2 On-chain activity

Number of Transactions

Number of TransactionsJun 2021Jul 2021Aug 2021Sep 2021Oct 2021Nov 20210 txs500 txs1k txs1.5k txs2k txs

7-Day Average

126.29 txs

7-Day High

202 txsNov 12 2021

7-Day Low

75 txsNov 9 2021Number of Large Transactions

Number of Large TransactionsJun ’21Jul ’21Aug ’21Sep ’21Oct ’21Nov ‘210 txs50 txs100 txs150 txs200 txs250 txs300 txs

Last 24h

44 txs

7-Day High

44 txsNov 12 2021

7-Day Low

11 txsNov 9 2021

3.3 Social and community data

Social Metrics Summary

Powered by Search Trends 30-daysNov 3 2021Max InterestTelegram Members Change 0.21%7 DAYSTelegram Sentiment 7-Days0%Positive0%Neutral0%NegativeTwitter Sentiment 7-Days41%Positive56%Neutral3%Negative

Strategy overview

ARPA will initially focus on business development and community building in Asia and Europe. The focus of community growth will gradually expand to other markets as the project gains popularity.

Current community growth strategies of ARPA include:
  • International community bounty programs to spur user growth on social media & community.
  • Global supernode program, local community builder and media partner program to promote ARPA globally.
  • Host & participate in blockchain and cryptography related conferences, workshops, and meetups to engage with potential users and supporters.
  • Monthly meetups in China, Korea and South East Asia.
  • Multi-language, bi-weekly technical & community updates.
Future community growth strategies of ARPA after Mainnet launch include:
  • Host global meetups, hackathons, and conferences on topics such as blockchain, cryptography, privacy and privacy-preserving computation.
  • Partnerships with top local enterprises and tech-focused communities on implementation of privacy-preserving computation.
  • Top media coverage and partnership with research institutions, policy makers and think tanks.

Community and social channels

Telegram (English)
Telegram (Vietnam)
Telegram (Russia)
Telegram (Indonesia)
Telegram (Thailand)
Telegram (Philippines)
Kakao (Korean)
Twitter (English)
Medium (English)

4. Appendix

By Binance Research

Categorized as Hot Crypto

What is Storj (STORJ)

Storj DCS (Decentralized Cloud Storage) is private by design and secure by default — delivering unparalleled data protection and privacy when compared to traditional centralized cloud object storage alternatives, like Amazon Web Services (AWS). This innovative, decentralized solution encrypts, divides, and distributes files to thousands of statistically uncorrelated nodes and ISPs around the world. Decentralization delivers the highest possible levels of security and privacy for users who demand to own their data and control its use, integrity, and access. For example: decentralized data can’t be censored or monitored and its associated probability of network downtime is significantly reduced because it lacks a central point of failure. It is also resistant to tampering and ransomware attacks. By bringing decentralization to cloud-based storage, Storj DCS is able to deliver privacy and security benefits as well as providing inherently better economics than centralized alternatives.

Here’s how it works: Storj incentivizes two parties to use the network — those with extra bandwidth and storage capacity on their computers (host Storage Nodes), and those in need of this excess capacity (utilize Storj DCS). While anyone can use the cloud object storage service, the platform offers the most utility for developers, start-ups, and large-scale projects with high capacity storage requirements. The Storj Network uses STORJ token, an ERC-20 utility token, as an exchange of value across the network. The token enables Storj to send and receive payments around the world for minimal costs and no currency conversion fees. Payments with STORJ token also provide a fast, transparent, scalable and easy payment solution for customers.

Though early versions of the Storj protocol were blockchain-based, the current iteration of Storj does not utilize blockchain architecture. Instead, Storj comprises a global network of independent nodes and a peer-to-peer communications protocol which allows the Nodes to communicate. This means that, although the Storj network prioritizes decentralization and is somewhat similar to a blockchain infrastructure, it is not beholden to the transactional limitations of blockchain consensus mechanisms.

Storj’s Decentralized Advantages

Storj DCS has some notable advantages over centralized cloud storage incumbents. If you use Storj DCS for cloud object storage, each file is split into 80 or more pieces and distributed globally. As there is no central point of failure, catastrophic file loss is prevented thanks to a redundancy that’s built into the system. And, if certain pieces are lost due to a storage failure or a Storage Node leaving the network, only 30 pieces are actually needed to reconstitute the file. In fact, the network has never lost a file.

Additionally, Storj DCS delivers inherently more favorable economics than those offered by key centralized storage providers. As a decentralized service, Storj can crowd-source storage capacity for cloud object storage users while incentivizing Storj Nodes to join the network and scale as needed. And with no centralized data center overhead, savings get passed on to users. No exorbitant egress fees, complex cost structures or extra costs for multi-region that tend to lock users in all help Storj DCS effectively compete with the huge centralized data providers that need large capital investments in order to stay solvent on the sometimes slim profit margins of data storage.

Storj for Users and Nodes: An Overview

Storage Nodes can be thought of collectively as a decentralized data center. Nodes simply download the Storj software, advertise how much bandwidth and data capacity they’d like to offer, and designate a Storj wallet address if they wish to receive payment in STORJ tokens. The STORJ token is built on top of Ethereum using the ERC-20 token standard. The primary functions of a Node are to store and return data, both of which they are compensated for. Storj carries out random audits to ensure that Nodes are honestly storing data. If they are found to be acting maliciously, they are removed from the network and will not receive payment.

Storj’s Satellites

In addition to the storage providers and users, the Storj ecosystem also features data and security validators called Satellites. These Satellites play an important and multi-faceted role in managing, securing, and maintaining the network. Likewise, they ensure that Storage Nodes are acting honestly and that service payments are properly sent and received.

Storj Satellites are also responsible for storing the encrypted metadata of objects uploaded to the Storj network. This metadata shows where the pieces of a file are so that it can be reconstituted. While Satellites know the locations of the file pieces, Satellites can’t decrypt the objects themselves. They simply combine the segments for the rightful owner upon request. Satellites also repair and replace data pieces. If they detect that data segment redundancy is too low, they regenerate the pieces on other nodes. This maintains robust file redundancy even as Nodes sporadically join and leave the network. Additionally, when data is moved or deleted, Satellites notify the storage nodes that the data can be deleted to make room for other files.

Satellites also audit Storage Nodes to ensure they are in fact storing the data they claim to be. If a Node can’t prove that it has the data through this probabilistic spot check, the Satellite will take the Node offline and regenerate its missing data on new Nodes. Satellites also incentivize long-term and stable Node activity. A portion of a Node’s monthly earnings are held to ensure the Node acts rationally. If Nodes frequently go offline, that withheld amount is abandoned and used to repair the missing data.

While Satellites can choose to disqualify Storage Nodes for bad behavior, Storage Nodes can also stop using a Satellite if they feel that the Satellite’s payment and performance history is lacking. In this way, both the Storage Nodes and Satellites are incentivized to be honest actors.

Storj Hacking Defense

In addition to financially incentivizing all parties to act optimally, Storj is thoroughly protected from common network vulnerabilities like Honest Geppetto, Spartacus, Sybil, and Eclipse attacks. Another vulnerability Storj is protected from is a Hostage Bytes scenario, in which a rogue Node holds the last bytes of data hostage for a financial ransom. Storj has solved this by enabling Node and file segment dispersion. Even with a large number of colluding Nodes, this attack would be difficult to achieve as duplicate copies of the ransomed data would still likely be available elsewhere on the network.

If you’re a developer with data to store, try Storj DCS out today. Storj is offering a free plan that allows customers to store up to 150 GB of data across 3 projects. If you need more than that, Storj is more than 80% more affordable than centralized cloud storage providers.

Which products support STORJ? 

Coinbase           ✔      ✔
Pro           ✔      ✔ 
Wallet           ✔     ✖️

What regions support STORJ? 

Coinbase    ✔  ✔ ✔  ✔ ✔ ✔✖️
Pro   ✔
  ✔ ✔  ✔ ✔ ✔✖️
Wallet  ✔ ✔  ✔ ✔ ✔✖️

 Crypto to fiat trading pairs

USD ✔ ✖️ ✖️
GBP ✖️ ✖️
EUR ✖️ ✖️ ✖️

Note: Coinbase Wallet does not support direct bank transactions. You’ll need to transfer your crypto to Coinbase.com or send it to an external address in order to cash out.

Crypto to crypto trading pairs

STORJ     ✖️  ✔  ✖️

See the full list of countries that Coinbase supports for crypto-to-crypto trading.

Note: Only assets hosted on the Ethereum blockchain can be converted through the Coinbase Wallet mobile app at this time. Learn more about trading on Coinbase Wallet.

How many confirmations are needed for STORJ?

STORJ requires 35 network confirmations. Learn about transaction confirmations.

Which blockchain network hosts STORJ?

STORJ is hosted on Ethereum.

What are the minimum and maximum withdrawal amounts?

Coinbase has implemented safeguards to ensure a healthy and efficient network both on-chain and through our platform.  

These safeguards include both minimum and maximum amounts for each cryptocurrency we allow customers to send through the blockchain.

Minimum: 20 STORJ

Maximum: 275,000 STORJ

By Paul Ford, Coinbase

Categorized as Hot Crypto


周三,美国劳工部公布了十月份通胀数据,10 月份美国消费者物价(CPI)指数较上年同期上涨 6.2%,为 1990 年以来的最快涨幅,剔除波动较大的食品和能源部分的核心通胀上涨 4.6%,为 1991 年 8 月以来的最高水平,新数据超出市场预期,继续引发了投资者对通胀加剧的担忧。


加密货币交易者密切关注通货膨胀,比推终端数据显示,报告发布后一个多小时内,比特币价格(BTC)拉涨近 3,000 美元,创下了 68,950 美元的历史新高。


然而,在达到新的里程碑后不久,投资者开始获利了结,导致 BTC 价格下跌近 7,000 美元,一度跌破 63,000 美元。


区块链跟踪器Btcparser.com发现,就在比特币创下历史新高的同一天,“沉睡”了八年零四个月的钱包地址首次“苏醒”。该地址最初于2013年7月10日创建,包含约 2,207.60 BTC (当时价值约 294,287 美元),周三,这些比特币被转移,此时的价值已升至 1.29 亿美元,这意味着这些代币在这个时间段内升值了 510 多倍。


伴随着比特币跌破63,000 美元,Bybt 的数据显示,过去24小时,171,204 名交易者被清算,清算额超7.5亿美元。81% 的清算来自多头头寸,其中大部分发生在 Binance。与此同时,最大的单笔清算订单发生在 Bitmex,面值为 6566 万美元。



尽管当前的下行走势令人震惊,但在创下历史新高后进行小幅回调是比特币一贯的走势。大多数专家预计,BTC 或将回到 64,000 美元及以下的较低支撑位,然后重新获得看涨势头并走高。

根据 Glassnode 的说法,“投资者的信心似乎处于历史最高水平”,并指出最近几周交易所的比特币余额一直在下降:“由于交易所持续流出,BTC 交易所总余额已降至流通供应量的 12.9% 的多年低点”,该指标表明大多数投资者暂无抛售计划。


另外,业内人士看好即将到来的重大技术升级 Taproot 可能继续助力比特币上涨。早在 8 月份,DCG 的首席执行官 Barry Silbert 就表示“10 万美元是比特币的必经之路”。彭博高级策略师Mike McGlone 也认为,比特币在升至 10 万美元的道路上几乎不会遇到阻力。

Categorized as 比特币