What is Binance USD (BUSD)?

Binance USD or BUSD is another proof of wrapped token, which is often described as a blockchain token pegged to the value of another asset – fiat currency, treasure stones, equity shares or real estate, for example. In this context, BUSD is pegged to the US dollar, which makes it a wrapped token. 

It’s also worth noting that most wrapped tokens act as collateralised tokens, requiring the staking/locking of another crypto asset (for example, a native token of a decentralised exchange or DEX protocol) in order to access the wrapped token.

General overview

Binance USD is a regulated, collateralised, fiat-backed stablecoin that is pegged to the US dollar at a 1:1 ratio. Founded by two major entities – Paxos, and Binance – the USD-denominated stablecoin was approved by the New York State Department of Financial Services (NYDFS). Notably, it was one of the very few stablecoins to get approved in the US.

Paxos is a regulated blockchain technology company that offers its stablecoin as a service product to external companies. In this case, they act as the third-party reserve for Binance stablecoin in an FDIC-insured US bank.

Just as with other wrapped stablecoins, BUSD was created to ensure ease of transaction within the decentralised finance (DeFi) ecosystem. And while it is built in compliance with the ERC-20 token standard with support for BEP-2 wallet, the fiat-backed stablecoin is interoperable with multiple blockchains.

For every single BUSD token owned by a person, an equivalent of that amount is held in an actual bank account. As mentioned earlier, an amount equal to the actual BUSD supply is held in the possession of Paxos who acts as a third-party reserve in an FDIC-insured US bank.

Also, given that BUSD is a wrapped token, it is subject to the same market activities as its fiat counterpart. In other words, when the value of the fiat currency goes up or down, the same impact resonates with the BUSD token. 

In general, BUSD exist in three different chains; Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Binance Chain, while it is able to achieve three main attributes including accessibility, flexibility, and speed. 

Technology – how does BUSD work?

The mechanism behind BUSD is a fairly simple one, especially when compared to how difficult some other stablecoins can be to grasp. Notably, BUSD uses a deflationary mechanism that ensures the supply and reserve for BUSD/USD are constantly kept at a 1:1 ratio. In other words, the mechanism ensures that each BUSD is exchangeable for $1 USD in the Paxos reserve.

When BUSD is bought, an equivalent of that amount in BUSD is created while a fiat equivalent is paid to Paxos for safekeeping. 

On the other hand, when a BUSD is sent to Paxos, the blockchain infrastructure platform subsequently burns the token and provides you with the fiat equivalent when a sell order is requested, as a way of maintaining a constant supply/reserve of the BUSD/USD at 1:1 ratio.

The BUSD token is built on the back of the ERC-20 token standard. Consequently, it is compatible with several ERC-20 smart contacts. Likewise, the token standard adopted by BUSD enables interoperability among Ethereum-based wallets of exchanges. 

Use cases

BUSD has numerous use cases for investors and traders, with the most prominent among them being to avoid price fluctuation in the crypto market. Because BUSD is a stable coin, it is used as a store of value during high volatility periods in the crypto market

Another popular application for BUSD is arbitrage trading, in which investors wait for periods when the value of USD to BUSD falls below the constant 1:1 ratio. 

For example, there are times when the value of USD to BUSD falls slightly below $1. During this time, traders can buy BUSD in bulk and wait for the BUSD/USD value to return to a parallel position, at which point they can sell back for fiat and earn as low as $0.02 per BUSD traded.

Other notable applications for BUSD include locking in gains from other trade activities instead of converting directly to fiat. This way, it is easy to reinvest within an exchange, either by swapping or liquidity pooling for instance.

Ultimately, BUSD is one of the most standard pegged tokens to grace the stablecoin market as it provides necessary transparency and security which, in turn, makes it a top choice for investors and general crypto enthusiasts.

By Binance

What is Maple (MPL)?

Maple — the world’s first crypto bond platform. It enables users of DeFi lending platforms to issue crypto bonds (aka Maple SmartBonds) secured by their crypto assets.

As DeFi lending expands, users will be able to create banks which issue bonds to raise money for lending to customers. With one tiny catch: they’re crypto banks, selling crypto bonds to global investors and using the proceeds to give crypto loans to any user with an internet connection. Ethereum will be home to the world’s first crypto capital market.

Maple’s MVP is nearly finalised and is going through private testing. The public Beta product is expected to be released in the next two weeks and will integrate with Compound. With Maple’s protocol, use your cDai as collateral to 1) create SmartBonds to borrow and speculate on interest rates or, 2) invest in SmartBonds to lock in a fixed interest return.

Maple collects revenue from the collateral to pay Investors.

What does Maple actually do?


Maple is a decentralised application which lets users create or invest in crypto bonds (SmartBonds). Maple is a two-sided marketplace with two types of users:

  • Supply: Issuers who create the bonds to borrow money; and
  • Demand: Investors who buy the bonds to earn interest.

The SmartBonds

The Maple SmartBonds are ERC20 tokens, paid for with Dai, which are 100% collateralised by interest-earning crypto assets. Each issuance of SmartBonds is collateralised by a unique basket of collateral staked by the Issuer (borrower). The Issuer retains Equity in the collateral so they have skin in the game (normally 10–20%) while Investors buy the SmartBonds.

Our MVP is integrated with Compound, so the collateral assets are cDai, which is a digital asset earning interest for the holder.

The Maple smart contract controls the cDai collateral to protect Investors so that it isn’t redeemed until the bonds are due to be repaid. Maple SmartBonds earn fixed rate interest for the Investor with the initial investment plus interest being paid in full when the bond matures. The way it works is that the collateral earns interest, which gets collected by the Maple smart contract, and that interest goes towards paying the Investors their fixed return with the Issuer keeping the remainder as profit.

Example of repayments to Investors and Issuers when a Maple SmartBond matures.

Big Deal, What’s Magic About It?

Two things:

  • Maple replaces lending collateralised by cash with lending collateralised by assets. DeFi needs this! It is not efficient for businesses to set aside cash when they want loans for growth. Maple lets businesses borrow against revenue-generating assets so they can reinvest the debt and grow. We are starting with digital loans as revenue-generating assets but the platform and technology can expand to subscriptions, profit sharing tokens and much more.
  • Maple gives Investors different risk grade options. Until now you had one collateralisation level (150%) and one interest rate for everyone supplying on DeFi. Maple changes that. Now, more conservative investors can choose lower risk bonds (more collateral, lower interest) that get repaid first. More adventurous investors can choose medium risk bonds (less collateral, higher interest) getting repaid later.

Current use cases

  • Speculate on interest rates: Maple SmartBonds pay fixed interest, while the collateral earns floating interest. Think the Compound rate will rise? Then issue bonds to increase your profit.
  • Hedge interest rate risk: Think Compound rates will drop? Buy Maple SmartBonds to lock in a fixed rate.
  • Borrow against your DeFi savings: Supplying Dai on Compound? Then borrow against this “savings account” by creating Maple SmartBonds.
  • Be a crypto bank: Create Maple SmartBonds to borrow against cDai then reinvest in more cDai (fractional reserve banking). Keep the net interest left after paying Investors.
  • Cover multiple platforms: Borrow against your Compound supply then reinvest in Nuo, Uniswap or other DeFi platforms to diversify.

Long term possibilities

Bond markets power the traditional financial system. Maple puts this at the fingertips of DeFi users. Here’s a few ideas of where we can go:

  • Create Bond ETFs by basketing multiple Maple SmartBonds with TokenSet.
  • Creating crypto banks in countries without a financial system. Wireless internet networks let African countries leap-frog fixed-line infrastructure. Maple powers wireless financial infrastructure, bypassing conventional banks.
  • “Assets as collateral” makes more sense for businesses. They have valuable assets but not piles of Ether lying around. Maple can do bonds backed by subscription tokens (e.g. video streaming) and profit-share tokens (e.g. DAOs).
  • Form a crypto yield curve with Interest rates on 30/90/180/360 day Maple SmartBonds.
  • Multicollateral bonds backed by Compound, Nuo, Nexo, Uniswap and others. Diversifying the risk of a single platform.

By Sydney Powell

Categorized as Hot Crypto

What is a Pluton (PLU)?

Pluton are a digital Ethereum asset (ERC20 token) that is issued automatically to users of the Plutus app as a reward for using the Plutus Tap & Pay app (making payments with converted Bitcoin or Ether). The payment process occurs via a proxy conversion to a virtual debit card linked to your account.

Pluton is also an optional way of loading your spending balance for goods and services, just like Bitcoin and Ethereum on the Plutus app. You can make a deposit request with PLU and your order will be matched with a buyer on PlutusDEX. The advantage of using Pluton instead of Bitcoin and Ethereum is that there are 0-fee and near instant transactions.


There is only a small (4.25%) amount of Plutons (850,000) available for initial distribution. The reason for this is simple, they are designed have a valuable and unique use case — to pay for everyday goods using the Plutus app. As a result, they are rare tokens with a real life use case.

Apart from the initial distribution there will be no further distribution of Pluton to users, as they are NOT owned by Plutus. Plutons will be locked by a smart contract and allocated for the reward system, which issues Plutons to users of the Plutus Tap & Pay app as reward for making payments by exchanging Bitcoin and Ether for a virtual debit balance.


The rebate emission of Plutons (95.75%) to users is governed by the PlutusDEX (a decentralised exchange powered by the blockchain technology), which records each conversion made on the Plutus app and awards a limited amount of 3%* in Pluton. Users can then convert these Plutons at zero fee (Bitcoin and Ether will have a fee) and make payments towards everyday goods at any debit card and NFC-enabled merchant.

Longevity Calculator

We have released this useful longevity calculator which will illustrate how the rebate emission rate works, and how many more Plutons past the initial distribution will become available each year. If you like numbers then you will enjoy this!

By Plutus

Categorized as Hot Crypto




数字藏品概念来源于国外大热的NFT。NFT (非同质化代币)是一种区块链上的技术标准,它将区块链技术的特性赋予数字艺术品中,让这些虚拟物品都拥有不可篡改的唯一凭证。令人惊讶的是它的商业潜力:今年3月11日,加密艺术家Beeple的NFT作品《Everydays:The First 5000 Days》(一幅JPG格式的拼贴照片)以6900万美元的价格拍出,成为《纽约时报》头条新闻。


图 | 网友提供截图








01 年轻人的艺术收藏初体验



图 | 受访者提供截图









图 | 小乔的虎猫佣藏品






02 有泡沫的风险





图 | 币安智能链上的“Captain of Mars Ecosystem #001”(001号火星船长)





图 | 受访者提供截图




03 炒作价值也是市场化的

管理专家吉姆·柯林斯(Jim Colins)在《从优秀到卓越》一书中,曾提到过飞轮效应:“无论最终的结果有多么伟大,从优秀到卓越的转变从来都不是一蹴而就的——绝不是做对了某个奇迹事件最终就产生了指标。它一定是不断推动一个沉重的巨轮,一圈圈旋转,最终终于产生突破,自己开始转动起来。”


根据分析师威利·胡(Willy Woo)搭建的预测模型:到2025年,数字资产的用户数量可能会达到10亿人(相当于2005年的互联网用户数量),互联网渗透率将超过20%,这将使得数字资产有望正式跨越鸿沟,进入早期大众阶段(见下图)。

图 | 网络公开资料



赛博朋克之父”威廉·吉布森(William Gibson)说过:“未来已来,只是尚未流行。”。



图 | 雪崩里描述的Metaverse


商业金融新闻网站Real Vision的创始人Raoul Pal也曾谈到这一点,他认为,年轻人们正在想的,是“如果你不能赢得比赛,那就改变比赛规则”。他这样形容美国已经迈入30岁的千禧一代年轻人,“现实中的他们负债累累,他们比过去70年里任何一个时代的30岁年轻人都要穷。这些年轻人都被我们(年长的、社会规则的制定者)辜负了,当他们可以制定自己的规则时,他们为什么要遵守我们的规则?”






By 镁客网

What is API3 (API3)?

Providing accurate external data to on-chain environments is essential for creating powerful decentralized apps, platforms, and marketplaces. API3’s dAPIs — decentralized APIs — make real-world data from existing oracle API providers natively compatible with smart contracts, dApps, and blockchain-based applications. Decentralized APIs can be bridged to support practically any blockchain, and exist as a multi-layer, cross-platform oracle solution for supplying data to any decentralized ecosystem that needs it.

Introduction to API3 and Web 3.0

Launched in December 2020, API3 is a platform that enables blockchain-based decentralized applications (dApps) to access blockchain-external, real-world data and services via application programming interfaces (APIs). APIs represent a highly established standard in software and app development. API3 provides a way for the world’s data to be fed into blockchain applications with the ease and standardization provided by API connectivity. 

When building programs or applications, developers often rely on existing APIs to port particular datasets or services into a new project without having to reinvent the wheel and code everything from scratch. For example, a weather app on your phone might gather recent data about real-time weather conditions via an API. APIs are the building blocks of many modern applications and software that we use everyday.

A problem that has arisen — one that API3 seeks to solve —  is that most APIs are built for the legacy ecosystem of centralized applications, data, and financial services, and are not natively compatible with the world of blockchain and dApps. API3’s mission is to make existing APIs compatible with the decentralization standards of Web 3.0 — and to do so without overly burdening API providers or dApp developers.  

Decentralized APIs: Connecting Decentralized Networks

In an effort to decentralize the process of porting off-chain data to the on-chain environment, API3 has designed its own decentralized APIs (dAPIs). These are fully decentralized APIs that are inherently compatible with blockchain technology and do not require the use of proprietary technology or access from a rent-seeking gatekeeper organization. 

Decentralized APIs can be bridged to support any blockchain and exist as a multi-layer, cross-platform oracle solution for supplying data to any decentralized ecosystem that needs it. Many platforms stand to benefit from reliable data oracles, so API3’s decision to remain blockchain-agnostic allows it to accommodate practically any decentralized network with smart contract capabilities.

API3 dAPIs aggregate data directly from first-party data providers, a specification that bolsters transparency, decreases the risk of third-party data tampering, and eliminates the need for rent-seeking middlemen — ultimately putting more revenue directly in the hands of API providers. With this unique structure, API3 differentiates itself from other blockchain data oracle projects — such as Chainlink — which commonly use their own nodes as intermediaries to deliver data from external APIs to the requesting smart contracts. 

Airnode and First-Party Oracles

Whereas most other oracle projects feature third-party oracle nodes hosted by an intermediary, API3 uses first-party oracle nodes, which are operated directly by data providers. To achieve this, API3 utilizes a technology called Airnode that allows API providers to turn their APIs into dAPIs. Airnode decentralizes data feeds at their respective sources, which eliminates the need for intermediary nodes and allows dApps to access data directly. Airnode is a serverless oracle node that an API provider can deploy with relative ease and without regular maintenance. Airnode thus makes it easy for oracle API providers to augment their data feeds for monetization in the decentralized landscape. 

API3’s design philosophy behind Airnode is to make the process of becoming a first-party oracle node simple and frictionless for API providers. Airnode is designed to be a set-and-forget deployment that doesn’t require any overly technical knowledge to deploy. Airnode also does not require API providers to accept cryptocurrency as a form of payment and uses on-demand pricing so oracle API providers don’t have to pay for hosting when their API is not in use.

Decentralized Governance and the API3 Token

The API3 decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) is responsible for managing API3 dAPIs, and provides the project with decentralized governance down to its core structure. With decentralized governance, dAPIs can be operated with more transparency and fewer risks of centralized points of failure.

Individual dAPIs on the platform and the overarching API3 project itself are both governed by the API3 DAO. In addition to being responsible for the creation, setup, management, and monetization of dAPIs, the API3 DAO also covers the operational costs of dAPIs including gas fees and compensation of oracle API providers. In order for the API3 DAO to function effectively, nuanced incentive mechanisms involving governance, staking, and insurance have been put in place. 

The API3 token is the native utility token of API3 and is the central mechanism for payments and community governance in the API3 DAO. The dApps that use the dAPI network will pay a subscription fee denominated in API3 to do so, although API providers using Airnode can opt to receive payment in fiat via an API3 DAO grant should they not wish to handle cryptocurrency.

The API3 token also enables all community stakeholders to participate directly in community governance by staking API3 tokens in the API3 insurance staking contract. By doing so, stakeholders receive staking rewards and inflationary rewards — and are thus financially incentivized to participate in the decentralized network and to increase its overall value.

The Future of API3’s Oracle API Gateway

The need for providing accurate external data to on-chain environments is an essential element for creating powerful decentralized apps, platforms, and marketplaces. API3’s oracle API gateway is meant to provide a frictionless framework to help API providers to do that. By reducing the role of middlemen and making it easy for data providers to operate their own nodes, API3 stands to put more revenue in the hands of data providers — a prospect that may incentivize even more providers to adopt and participate in the decentralized landscape. With decentralized governance and a sophisticated DAO, API3’s approach to becoming a competitive data oracle solution is democratizing access to information in the blockchain ecosystem.

Which products support API3? 

Coinbase          ✔      ✔
Pro          ✔      ✔
Wallet          ✔      ✖️

What regions support API3? 

Coinbase    ✔✖️   ✔ ✔ ✔ ✖️✖️✖️
Pro   ✔✖️   ✔ ✔ ✔ ✖️✖️✖️
Wallet ✔ ✔   ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔✖️

Crypto to fiat trading pairs

USD  ✔  ✖️ ✖️
GBP ✖️  ✖️ ✖️
EUR ✖️  ✖️ ✖️

Crypto to crypto trading pairs 

API3    ✖️  ✖️ ✖️   ✔

See the full list of countries that Coinbase supports for crypto-to-crypto trading.

How many confirmations are needed for API3?

API3 requires 35 network confirmations. Learn about transaction confirmations.

Which blockchain network hosts API3?

API3 is hosted on Ethereum. 

What are the minimum and maximum withdrawal amounts?

Coinbase has implemented safeguards to ensure a healthy and efficient network both on-chain and through our platform.  

These safeguards include both minimum and maximum amounts for each cryptocurrency we allow customers to send through the blockchain.

Minimum: 0.000000000000000001 API3

Maximum: 38,820 API3

By Gemini and Coinbase

Categorized as Hot Crypto






用一句话来形容这个圈子的话:那就是镰刀比韭菜还多,真 TM 的乱!








随便在网上搜索一下关键词 “ 交易所跑路 ”,大伙们就知道良心值多少钱了。

就拿差评君采访的这位老哥为例,他就曾在全球某 TOP 20( 最高进过 TOP 10 )的数字货币交易所工作过。




虽然他们多次自欺欺人地发布公告,说网上流言蜚语都是 “ 谣传 ”,但或许承诺只是因为没把握,最后他们的前老板还是选择了卷款跑路。



某交易所的手续费率 ▼


就拿在美国上市的虚拟币交易所 Coinbase 为例,他们在去年的净收入就有 3 亿多美元,总收入中有 96% 都来自交易手续费。

但是呢,并不是所有的交易所都像 Coinbase 这样,有着数千万的用户排着队送钱的。


俗话说得好:为了 100% 的利润,不受监管的资本们就敢践踏一切人间法律。在币圈这个 “ 法外之地 ”,谁又会嫌弃钱多呢?



在这些黑灰产中呢,就有一个名叫 “ 上币费 ” 的玩意儿。

还记得今年上半年,差评君为了讽刺币圈割韭菜的容易,花 5 分钟 “ 发行 ” 的虚拟币吗?

其实 “ 割韭菜 ” 的步骤,我只做到了一半。

因为 “ 发 ” 的这些个币,全都躺自己的钱包里,发币方要割的,应该是用户们买币的钱。

这个时候呢,你只要愿意掏钱,这些交易所就会提供所谓的 “ 上币服务 ”,让你的空气币上架他们的交易所,这样就能面向广大的韭菜们了。

根据爆料老哥的透露,因为他们交易所的体量较小,在 19 年前后,上架一个币的价格大概是 20 万左右( 当年他们上架了数百个新币 )。而某头部交易所 H ,当时最高能收到 200 万。


只要钱给的到位,数百家的 “ 区块链媒体 ” 就可以帮你的币发通稿。

像是什么 XX 日报啊、X 色财经啊,立马就会把你上架的空气币给吹得天花乱坠,吸引韭菜们入局。




为了让韭菜们相信某某币的交易很火热,交易所们就为发币方推出了 “ 付费 DLC ”,一个叫做 “ 庄家交易系统 ” 的玩意儿,能够自动刷空气币的交易量和深度。


爆料老哥给出了一个惊人的数字,除那些主流币之外,不少山寨币 90% 的订单都是机器刷的。


更逆天的是,他们能用这套系统,应项目方的要求,不断地挂多单和收币( 交易所能让自家的买单,只收自家的卖单 ),慢慢地把空气币的价格抬高。



如果出现了一些项目方和交易所不想看到的 “ 异常交易 ”,交易所立马能使出一招时光倒流,直接撤销交易和抹除交易。




也因为各种中心化交易所的丑闻频出,不少散户便开始转战 uniswap、pancake 这一类的去中心平台。




项目方们同样把量化交易软件一开,把一万笔交易批量分散到 100 个账户上,在把每个账户的买卖行为配置的合理,就算数据公开,大部分人也都看不出异常。




其中就有一个不愿买付费 DLC 的,他们只付了上币费,默默地上架了自家的空气币。

或许是为了省钱,没买 “ 量化交易服务 ” 的项目方,相当原始地雇了十几人在他们的交易所手动刷单。。。

结果也可想而知,在默默上架之后,因为没 “ 热度 ”,所谓的社区、流量也都没有,币价也就默默归零了。







稍微咨询了一下,你要是想开个交易所,最低只需要 5 万块一个月。。。而且除了钱之外,需要提供的只是一个域名罢了。




化名为小 A 的大兄弟,就曾找爆料老哥所在的公司代开交易所,但是呢,却只开一个月。。。


后才得知,这完全就是个局。因为小 A 混迹各种山寨币空气币社群,认识了个想发币上交易所的冤大头项目方,但这项目方其实啥都不懂。

而小 A 开交易所的目的,就是为了坑这一个项目方。上币成功,拿到上币费跑路,这可不是就开一个月就够了吗?


另外呢,市面上还早就有专门提供 “ 合约服务 ” 的商家了,简单地说就是提供期货系统,一些没能力自建合约系统的交易所们,往往就会花钱买他们的服务。

甚至某些交易量 TOP 5 级别的虚拟币交易所,也都是买的 SaaS 商家的服务。


你要是想自己做个 demo, 网上直接就有现成的代码。






那些在国内打着 “ 技术服务公司 ” 的幌子,实则在给交易所提供技术外包服务的公司,也有一些被警方找了包,后面就进去了。






By 差评君

What is Klaytn (KLAY)

Klaytn’s Service Partners

Klaytn is an enterprise blockchain platform developed by South Korean internet provider Kakao. Its modular network architecture is designed to enable businesses to conveniently customize and operate their own service-oriented blockchains built atop Klaytn architecture. These autonomously operated subnetworks are called Service Chains, and provide the core of Klaytn’s enterprise-friendly ecosystem. The flexibility and customizability of these Service Chains means that any kind of web service can feasibly build on Klaytn, although the platform excludes projects centered on gambling or financial speculation.

The Klaytn mainnet launched in June 2019 and quickly attracted more than 40 Initial Service Partners (ISPs) covering a broad spectrum of industries and use cases ranging from entertainment and e-commerce to healthcare and finance. These ISPs span over a dozen countries of origin, and were selected based on the quality of their blockchain-based services and size of their existing user bases. Examples of ISPs thus far include Humanscape, a data marketplace that handles patient-generated health data; Atlas, a blockchain-based travel content and transaction platform developed by Chinese luxury travel company Zanadu; and REDi, a blockchain-based marketplace for new and renewable energy.

Klaytn’s BApp Ecosystem

Several of Klaytn’s ISPs also host BApps, or blockchain applications, on their respective Service Chains. Klaytn utilizes the term “BApp,” instead of the more widely used  “dApp” or “decentralized application,” because the platform does not obligate its app providers to run decentralized web services on their Service Chains. Even centralized BApps can interact with Klaytn’s public mainnet and benefit from its blockchain-enabled transparency and security.

The first batch of BApps was launched on the Klaytn mainnet in June 2019, which coincided with the introduction of several initiatives to encourage development on Klaytn’s BApp ecosystem. These initiatives included the Klaytn Hackathon, a virtual hackathon allowing developers to build useful projects on Klaytn’s public testnet, and Klaytn Horizon, which invited developers from around the world to build applications on Klaytn. In both cases, applicants were judged on their ability to deliver practical services and a user-friendly blockchain experience. The winners of the Klaytn Horizon tournament in 2019 received financial awards from a $1 million USD prize pool.

As of 2020, there were nearly two dozen BApps operating on Klaytn’s mainnet. Most of these BApps are entertainment-focused, with additional blockchain-enabled features such as collectible non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Every BApp uses Klaytn’s native KLAY coins as a medium of exchange to operate and charge for their services. KLAY coins are also rewarded to top-performing BApp developers at the discretion of the Klaytn Governance Council, which is made up of high-profile strategic partners such as LG Electronics and Celltrion. This provides developers with an additional income stream in addition to their profits from operating a successful BApp on Klaytn.

Klaytn’s Far-Reaching External Partnerships

In addition to its ecosystem participants, Klaytn has also attracted a number of established enterprise partners that have made a strategic choice to work with Klaytn to expand user base and reach. While most of these Ecosystem Partners are blockchain-focused organizations, others, such as Woori Financial Group (a Korean financial services holdings company) and BCW Group (a strategy consulting firm focused on traditional and digital payments), are more traditional businesses that seek to benefit from exposure to Klaytn’s ecosystem.

In addition to partnering with multiple cryptocurrency exchanges in an Ecosystem Partnership or Governance Council capacity, in May 2020, Klaytn announced a partnership with Chainlink, a decentralized oracle network. This partnership will help Klaytn build blockchain-powered applications capable of interfacing with traditional off-chain enterprise infrastructures and further its mission of widespread adoption and connection points with existing economies.

The Klaytn Improvement Reserve

In order to further reward Klaytn enterprise users and encourage ecosystem growth, Klaytn launched the Klaytn Improvement Reserve (KIR) in June of 2020. This program rewards strategic partners and ecosystem contributors who have made strides in enhancing Klaytn’s development environment or user experience. It will also fund a wide range of community initiatives and technological research and development. The KIR automatically receives a portion of the KLAY coins generated each time a new block is created on Klaytn’s mainnet. The specific use of these funds is determined via the Klaytn Governance Process.

The first partner to receive funds from the KIR was Ozys, a Korean blockchain service provider that has built a decentralized token swap tool on Klaytn called Klaytn Swap. It has also developed new features for Klaytnscope, a multifunctional block explorer that monitors block activity on the Klaytn platform. In addition to rewarding enterprise ecosystem contributors with KLAY through its Proof-of-Contribution (PoC) evaluation mechanism, Klaytn is currently exploring ways to apply PoC to incentivize and reward the end users on its platform.

As a blockchain network launched by an established telecommunications company geared towards enterprise products without a strict adherence to decentralization, Klaytn presents a unique proposition in the blockchain ecosystem. Klaytn’s model of molding its blockchain products to fit usability today, its large-scale partnerships with legacy companies, and its advocacy for enterprise blockchain tech have already proven fruitful. Now, the promising blockchain is working towards creating lasting value for all participants within its ecosystem and fulfilling its goal of seamless global blockchain adoption.

By cryptopedia

Categorized as Hot Crypto

What is PolySwarm (NCT)

Polyswarm is a decentralized threat intelligence market that uses Ethereum smart contracts and blockchain technologies to operate. Polyswarm rewards fast and accurate threat intelligence about the malintent of files, network traffic, and URLs with exact economic incentives in the $8.5 billion anti-viruses and automated cyber threat intelligence arena. PolySwarm is a real-time threat detection ecosystem made up of businesses, consumers, providers, and security experts from all around the world. Experts create and fine-tune competing “micro-engines” that independently analyze the latest risks in order to surpass their rivals. Threat detection accuracy is PolySwarm’s “Proof of Work”: the market pays specialists who can best defend corporations and end-users.

PolySwarm will lower the barrier to entry, provide larger coverage options, discourage duplication of effort, and ensure interoperability among products and threat intelligence streams, compared to today’s ad hoc market.
PolySwarm is a skill-required variation on a prediction market2, with thousands of micro-engines (“workers”) exploring the latest in malware evolution at machine speed – no humans involved.
PolySwarm will be created by PolySwarm Pte. Ltd. utilizing funds raised via ERC20-compliant token sales.

PolySwarm (NCT) is a cybersecurity firm that assists individuals, businesses, and security teams in detecting and gathering information on new and evolving malware. PolySwarm crowdsources rival security software from antivirus vendors and specialist security professionals to broaden large corporations’ cyber threat coverage and prevention. PolySwarm’s token, Nectar (NCT), is facilitated on the Ethereum blockchain, and suppliers are economically compensated depending on accuracy.

PolySwarm, a crowdsourced threat detection firm, announced the launch of its mainnet in a tweet on Wednesday. The term “mainnet” refers to a blockchain that is currently in use, with active products, services, and coins.

PolySwarm Roadmap

V0.1 Alpha.

A “Bounty Manager” smart contract that keeps Bounty Amounts and Fees, receives Assertions, publishes Verdicts, and compensates accurate Experts is included.
Posting and retrieval of artefacts to and from non-PolySwarm storage (e.g. S3 and/or IPFS)
At Bounty expiration, a prototype method for picking Arbiters has been developed.
Bounty publishing, Assertion response, and Arbiter ground truth determination reference implementations.

V0.2 Beta

Offer Channels: Setup of distributed channels, multiple offers over a single channel, and NCT settlement at channel close
Offer production and response implementation as a model
Arbiter ground truth notification and response implementation as a reference
Smart contracts for fee collection and distribution
Investigate and quantify the level of confidence (in NCT) required for a given Artifact volume.
Bounties and Offers development toolkit: a test and implementation framework for Experts and Ambassadors to automate Bounties and Offers services.

V0.3 Gamma

Worker Description Language (WDL) describes artefact analysis capabilities and expert authorship attribution (for reputation) in a distributed, searchable registry.
Pre-deadline confidentiality Bounty Assertions
Finalize Selection of arbitrators, their responses, and the end-to-end process Feedback loop with a bounty.

V1.0 Stable

Prior to moving from the PolySwarm testnet (test tokens) to the real PolySwarm market, PolySwarm Stable will focus on fixing problems in PolySwarm Gamma.

The threat detection marketplace will use PolySwarm’s nectar (NCT) token, which operates on the Ethereum blockchain.
Here’s how it works: PolySwarm allows users to submit URLs or files to be scanned for malicious code that may be included in them. An automated engine then compares the user-submitted file to a list of other “safe” codes, determining whether it is malicious or not. Nectar tokens are used to conduct transactions for this service, and they are also rewarded to software partners and customers who use PolySwarm.

Security specialists will compete in the marketplace to spot dangers and defend users from them. Nectar tokens will be awarded to those who accurately identify risks. To access the marketplace, both sellers and buyers will require nectar tokens.

PolySwarm’s marketplace is home to over 55 engines, including Crowdstrike, Sentinel One, and Kaspersky. PolySwarm CEO Steve Bassi told CoinDesk that Microsoft and Verizon are among the company’s biggest customers.

The term “token” is tossed about a lot in the blockchain and ICO industry, and it can be difficult to tell them apart. While the distinctions are hazy and not yet defined, one thing is certain: the idea of employing the PolySwarm ecosystem’s utility coin, Nectar. You could be asking yourself, “What does that even mean?” Here’s all you need to know about Nectar, our token, and how it fits within the PolySwarm ecosystem.

Isolation of the Market Using Tokens (Nectar)
We elected to build our own utility token, Nectar, which will be utilized to power transactions within the PolySwarm ecosystem.

What we mean is that if PolySwarm participants transacted directly in Ether (ETH), Ambassadors would be incentivized to buffer a number of Enterprises’ artifacts until the value of ETH falls below a certain threshold, lowering the Ambassador’s Bounty placement cost and, as a result, increasing profit.
This self-centered approach may benefit the Ambassador in the short term, but it will result in a tragedy of the commons, in the long run, potentially producing gridlock due to delayed Bounties (or even delayed Assertions placed on Bounties).https://df36153b5d1145d2f26dcb7ee7002ad0.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-38/html/container.html

We expect PolySwarm bounties to operate on day or week timescales, orders of magnitude longer than minute fluctuations in ETH value, when considering the ground truth feedback mechanism.

In a Nectar-based PolySwarm, on the other hand, we may set the price of Bounty placement (in terms of NCT required) irrespective of ETH price variations, allowing us to implement stability methods and reduce the return on micro timing decisions that would otherwise be perverse incentives.

The Challenges
The current environment is a market for silver bullets. Both buyers and sellers are in the dark: vendors have no idea what hazards they’re missing, and buyers have no way of distinguishing between sellers. As a result, the market settles for “best practices,” as defenders refer to them, and “cargo cult,” as adversaries refer to it.
In today’s market, overlapping coverage among competing items is rewarded. For all parties, this means duplication of expense and work.

Today’s market leaves no room for specialist knowledge, resulting in a loss in overall coverage. In today’s market, being able to detect esoteric threats is meaningless unless you can also detect WannaCry, which everyone can detect. There’s no need to apply if you’re in a niche.

Interoperability is not rewarded in today’s market, making combinatorial coverage impossible.

Consider the following Venn diagram depicting the panorama of dangers to businesses:

Antivirus A will cover a segment of this landscape (the left circle), whereas Antivirus B will cover a portion of the landscape that partially overlaps with A’s (the right circle). The black color depicts all of the dangers that both products overlook.

Because businesses can’t utilize both products, they must pick one that “best fits” their predicted danger profile and accept the risk of threats that are only guarded by one of the products:

PolySwarm is an attempt to decentralise the threat intelligence market in order to address these market flaws.
Developers can programme new markets using blockchain-based smart contracts (Ethereum today, Tezos tomorrow?). PolySwarm is a pre-programmed market with carefully crafted incentives that address the flaws and hazards of today’s ad hoc market.

CISOs will be able to get more sleep, and businesses will be able to acquire better protection for less money, thanks to a decentralised market. Here’s how to do it:

Participation obstacles are removed as a result of decentralisation. Security specialists from all over the world who are skilled at reverse engineering or can provide unique insight will be able to put their skills to use from the comfort of their own homes or wherever (and whenever) they wish to work. There was no HR department, marketing, or sales; it was just pure research.

Decentralization necessitates the use of open source software that is interoperable. Rules specified in smart contracts and enforced by the community must be followed when participating in the PolySwarm marketplace. Enterprises will no longer be obliged to select the “least worst” or “best fit” solution; instead, they will be able to mix and match intelligence that addresses their threat profile.

PolySwarm encourages threat detection accuracy. If you are a security specialist who detects badness better than your peers, your reputation precedes you. PolySwarm rewards only constantly evolving, precise threat detection, so as an enterprise, you can rest easy.

PolySwarm is a marketplace for specialist services. PolySwarm’s incentive structure promotes specialist threat detection disproportionately.

PolySwarm’s security specialists will be rewarded for standing out, dispersing talent throughout the threat landscape, tackling more dangers than is currently possible, and avoiding the overlap concerns that plague the industry today.

By NIsha Jain

Categorized as Hot Crypto




与换头像这一动作相呼应的是,1月1日,一个名为Ezek的元宇宙平台,联合周杰伦名下潮牌PHANTACi,限量发售了NFT(Non-Fungible Token,非同质化代币)项目Phanta Bear(幻象熊),数量为10000个,每个卖0.26个以太币。




BT财经在以前的文章《 阿里京东腾讯加快布局,中国NFT已进入深水区? 》中曾经提到,NFT的本质是证明某一数字资产的存在和所有权,因此被运用在艺术品等领域之上。简而言之,它为IP(知识产权)在虚拟世界“流通”提供了底层技术支持。


早在2006年,周杰伦就和他的好友推出了时尚品牌“PHANTACi”,音为“范特西”,和他的第二张专辑几乎同名,代表着天马行空的想象力。这个时尚品牌以流行服饰、鞋帽、箱包等为主要产品,该品牌核心IP就是一只有着星星眼睛的小熊“Phanta Bear”幻象熊,这个形象在该品牌的T恤衫、帽衫等多个单品上都曾经出现,并拥有一定知名度——你可以把它理解为,这个小熊就像迪士尼的米老鼠唐老鸭一样,本身具备了商业价值。



仔细甄别其实可以发现,此次发行NFT的并非周杰伦本人。据多家媒体报道,此次的幻象熊NFT项目是元宇宙平台Ezek联合周杰伦潮牌PHANTACi发售,换句话说发行主体是Ezek。这个Ezek自我介绍道是“潮流艺术娱乐体验平台”,由一个名为Starvision Entertainment Ltd.(S.E.L)的公司建立。据《新晚报》,S.E.L创始人为周杰伦好友刘畊宏;但也有文章显示,S.E.L创始人为Will L(刘畊宏)和另一名为Mark G的个人。


据介绍,除了在虚拟世界拥有所购买的卡通形象外,买到幻象熊的消费者还可以将它兼作Ezek Club的会员卡,未来可能用于优先优惠购买明星周边、作为参与明星虚拟演唱会的门票等。










By BT财经

What is Gods Unchained (GODS)?

Led by the former game director of Magic The Gathering: Arena, Gods Unchained is a free-to-play trading card game built on Ethereum. Designed for both casual and competitive play, players must strategically outsmart their opponents, earn cards and build decks to combat a wide variety of tactics. Unlike other games, players completely own their digital assets, giving them the freedom to trade, sell and use their cards any way they like – just like owning a real, tangible card.

This week, we sat down with the Gods Unchained team to learn more about what they are building, the GODS token, and recent traction. Let’s dive in.

1. To begin, what is Gods Unchained and how does it utilize the blockchain?

Gods Unchained is a free-to-play trading card game where players compete in epic duels using fantasy cards. The game is built to fundamentally change how games work; using Ethereum technology to bring true digital ownership to players, as well as provide the means to earn items that actually matter. Gods Unchained provides real ownership over in-game items by turning them into ERC-721 tokens/NFTs. Players gain the right to sell their items for real money, use them in Gods Unchained, and even embed them in third-party games and tools. This separates Gods Unchained from what’s offered in mainstream games.

2. Can you describe your target player(s)? What type of players and use cases are best suited to leverage Gods Unchained’s economy and ecosystem?

Gods Unchained reaches a global gaming audience. By combining triple-A gameplay with leading edge blockchain technology, our vision is to carve a new path for trading card games and gaming as a whole. This means we will be appealing to all types of users, including but not limited to:

  • Traditional trading card gamers
  • Play to earn gamers
  • Digital TCG gamers
  • Collectors
  • General online gamers
  • Influencers
  • Creators

The trading card game (TCG) genre is a billion dollar industry ripe for disruption. The annual revenue of the digital trading card games market was $1.3 billion in 2017, and has only grown since then. Gods Unchained is set up and positioned to be this disrupting force.

3. Competition in the blockchain gaming space is heating up, with projects fighting for players. Who are Gods Unchained’s competitors and what differentiates Gods Unchained from these games?

At Gods Unchained, we don’t like to view other blockchain gaming projects as ‘competitors’ per se. There’s a larger movement going on here, with the entire industry working towards shifting the current paradigm experienced by gamers, whereby they don’t gain any inherent value from time spent playing.  What we believe will help us achieve this overarching mission is as follows:

  1. Exciting gameplay: Helmed by Chris Clay, former game director of Magic: The Gathering Arena, Gods Unchained provides a dynamic and competitive experience with a strong focus on strategy. We have tens of thousands of players simply playing the game because it’s a fun game with great gameplay and mechanism that rivals similar mainstream titles.
  2. True digital ownership: Gods Unchained provides real ownership over in-game items by turning them into ERC-721 tokens/NFTs. Players gain the right to sell their items for real money, use them in Gods Unchained, and even embed them in third-party games and tools. This separates Gods Unchained from what’s offered in mainstream games.
  3. Play to Earn: To catalyze competitive play and stimulate engagement, players can earn meaningful currencies and items, including the ERC-20 $GODS token, by simply playing the game. The ability to earn tangible rewards serves as the key ingredient to supercharge our future growth.
  4. An epic game economy: $GODS tokens are designed to exist at the heart of the economy, being used by players to purchase new card packs and chests, craft their own NFT cards, and earn staking rewards. By including $GODS in the key facets of the Gods Unchained experience, it creates a sustainable ecosystem where players have the economic freedom to earn from, and contribute to the economy.
  5. Built to scale on Ethereum: Our integration with Immutable X allows for gas-free NFT minting and trading at scale with instant trade confirmation. This creates a massively improved user experience and enables the high volume trading of low cost assets, a key feature of Gods Unchained.

5. What is the inherent value and use case for Gods Unchained’s native token, GODS?

$GODS tokens are ERC-20 tokens designed to become the core in-game currency for Gods Unchained. Similar to existing in-game currencies, $GODS tokens will be rewarded to users through play, however unlike existing currencies $GODS will be scarce and tradeable.

The four main use cases of the $GODS token:

  • Crafting new NFTs that are playable and tradable: Players are able to use $GODS tokens to craft new trading card NFTs that can be used in-game or traded on the marketplace.
  • Staking: Staking rewards will be distributed to all users who qualify as active stakers. These rewards will be distributed from the Staking Rewards Pool, which consists of GODS tokens captured in the Gods Unchained store, the marketplace, and the Forge (The system where players craft new NFTs) .
  • Purchasing Gods Unchained items: The GODS token can be used as partial payment for all purchases made in the Gods Unchained Store as well as for the marketplace fee. If the user opts not to use GODS for a payment or doesn’t have enough tokens to cover the fee, the 20% fee will automatically be swapped on the open market.
  • Governance: Holding GODS enables users to participate in governance voting that relate to general Gods Unchained ecosystem development.

6. How will Immutable X enhance the player experience in Gods Unchained? How will it benefit the token-powered economy of the game?

As touched on before, Immutable X empowers Gods Unchained users to participate in gas-free minting and trading at scale, with instant trade confirmation. Since migrating the Gods Unchained to Immutable X in late June 2021, over 744,000 secondary NFT trades have been made between the community members, completely gas fee.

This creates a massively improved user experience, where any and all users can benefit from high volume trading of low cost assets, an option not possible before Immutable X’s solution was readily available. To go mainstream, we need to remove as many possible hurdles into the blockchain environment as possible, and Immutable X’s gas-free transactions help us achieve this goal.

7. Many crypto games have taken off thanks to their play to earn mechanics. How did your team go about creating your play to earn design and what user behavior are you trying to encourage?

With the introduction of the $GODS token, our teams are super excited about the future of play-to-earn for Gods Unchained.

As we are designing our upcoming play-to-earn system where players are able to earn $GODS from gameplay, there are a couple of key challenges that we are designing our system around:

  1. Remain free to play: This is important to us as we believe that everyone regardless of who they are should be able to play our game and we know that many players are now playing Gods Unchained simply because they find the game super fun! Beyond this, we also are looking for ways to allow our free to play players to participate in our play to earn system.
  2. Sustainability: Creating a sustainable play to earn game economy is challenging and there are important considerations to get it right. For us it is imperative that Gods Unchained provides a fun and engaging experience to players. It must never turn into a mindless click-frenzy game where players are performing a routine just to earn money. Our aim is to make a game that lasts for decades. Therefore we’re designing with a diverse audience in mind: Play to earn grinders, players who play for pure fun and players who value competitive gameplay. Our goal is for the ecosystem to capture enough value and equitably distribute it among all types of players so that the economy remains balanced.
  3. Competitive gameplay: As we scale our play to earn system, we will continue to introduce additional ways for players to earn $GODS. This includes seasoning rank reward and potentially having regular global tournaments where players are competing against each other for a large prize pool.

8. How do traditional TCGs in game economies differ from blockchain/NFT based in game economies? How do you make sure that the in game market runs freely while keeping the game affordable to play?

In traditional card-in-hand TCG in-game economies, players are constrained by things like geographical location and accessibility. In digital TCG in-game economies, players have no way to earn value from their time spent playing, as they’re essentially just being granted permission to use the cards in-game by the game’s company. At any point, digital TCGs could revoke a user’s access to their cards, which is where the importance of the blockchain enabling true ownership comes in. Add on top of that that this lack of ownership means no digital TCG player can truly own their cards, and therefore can’t go on to sell these to earn value.

In regards to Gods Unchained, we’ve focused on creating an in-game economy that is accessible to everyone. Through simply playing the game for free, a user will be able to earn $GODS, fuse NFTs and extract monetary value. This puts the power in their hands, choosing to go on to use that value to purchase additional cards, or trade with their peers. In terms of keeping things affordable, the price points of the marketplace are determined by the users. The accessibility of this is regulated by them, as it’s in their collective best interest to make the game and its assets accessible to as many people as possible. The larger the community, the greater everyone’s success.

9. What blockchain gaming trends are you most excited about for the rest of 2021?

We’re particularly excited about what we’re seeing in regards to scholarship programs that are run by different play-to-earn communities and looking forward to exploring different ways that we can introduce a similar system to Gods Unchained in the future.

A “Scholarship” program is when an individual that owns multiple in-game NFTs (manager) allows a free-to-play player (scholar) to access their in-game NFTs. This allows Scholar to have access to a wide variety of in-game NFT which they can use in-game to earn tokens. The incentive for the manager is that they will be able to take a cut of the token earned by the scholar.

We are very excited about this, as it creates a whole new way for players to be involved in the ecosystem for Gods Unchained. There are folks in Gods Unchained with thousands of Gods Unchained NFTs, with a scholarship program, an additional utility is introduced to the NFTs and it gives our community a stronger reason to continue to build out their collection of NFTs, whilst giving our free-to-play folks a new way to access our future play-to-earn system with a variety of NFT decks to choose from.

10. What is the best way for the community to get involved with Gods Unchained?

You can join our Discord community www.discord.com/godsunchained or alternatively, follow us on twitter: www.twitter.com/godsunchained

Which products support GODS? 

Coinbase          ✔     ✔
Pro          ✔     ✔
Wallet          ✔     ✖️

What regions support GODS? 

Coinbase   ✖️✖️  ✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️
Pro   ✔TBD   ✔ ✔ ✔✖️✖️✖️
Wallet ✔ ✔   ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔✖️

Crypto to fiat trading pairs

USD ✔ ✖️ ✖️
GBP ✖️ ✖️ ✖️
EUR ✖️ ✖️ ✖️

Note: Coinbase Wallet does not support direct bank transactions. You’ll need to transfer your crypto to Coinbase.com or send it to an external address in order to cash out.

Crypto to crypto trading pairs 

GODS   ✖️  ✖️
 ✖️   ✖️

See the full list of countries that Coinbase supports for crypto-to-crypto trading.

Note: Only assets hosted on the Ethereum blockchain can be converted through the Coinbase Wallet mobile app at this time. Learn more about trading on Coinbase Wallet.

How many confirmations are needed for GODS?

GODS requires 35 network confirmations. Learn about transaction confirmations.

Which blockchain network hosts GODS?

GODS is hosted on Ethereum. 

What are the minimum and maximum withdrawal amounts?

Coinbase has implemented safeguards to ensure a healthy and efficient network both on-chain and through our platform.  

These safeguards include both minimum and maximum amounts for each cryptocurrency we allow customers to send through the blockchain. These amounts vary by asset and are subject to change.

By Deep Dive , Coinbase

Categorized as Hot Crypto