被裁员后整理下心情要对自己充满信心。整个过程当中我根本没有时间去emo,而是抓紧面试我当时也花了些时间想要不要回国的事情。考虑回国的话面试都可以不面了,玩一个多月也挺好,的但是后来我还是想给自己多一条路子,根本没时间去多想。如果你发了linkedin的post是有帮助的但是需要快速的筛选有效信息建议弄了linkedin premium account open to work如果你有朋友在linkedin工作看他们是否能够给你一个6个月的免费premiun account。适当平复下心情我觉得okay给自己一个周末但请你不要陷进去因为此刻最重要的就是快速找工作你要相信会有更好的工作等着你我这次找工作结果其实很不错以前觉得自己面不上的公司这会都面上了觉得也是给自己打气,虽然我面临了被大公司offer rescinded的情况
快速开启面试模式,定位好适合自己的职位,优化所花时间的ROI。今年公司裁员宏观经济不景气之后也许会有更多的裁员,我期初抱着先拿一些小公司练练手,之后再面自己很想去的,也是被前老板一语点醒,这个对于裁员的情况这并不适用。裁员是需要快速的找到下一家维持住身份,而且裁员的人一多职位fill的很快,而且很多都是很优秀的大公司。人才去面等你真的去面你自己想面的职位的时候,可能到面到一半已经没有职位了。同样的你自己感兴趣而且已经在面的职位记得及时follow up recruiter。关于其他的candidate的面试情况,如果其他人在latestage了,那你就要抓紧了。我有个很喜欢的公司recuriter很忙没及时followup,还在很努力的准备到onsite schedule的时候recruiter突然和我说rolefill了,全都白忙了。虽然和HM说以后有机会找我我建议和recuriter沟通的时候问下有多少个headcount,目前candidate的stage如何尤其是你喜欢的公司这样你好安排面试进度和prioritize,虽然说都要面试同样做好定位明确,你想要找的是哪一个类型的工作。例如我是做数据的我MLheavy的做不来,所以我肯定不会去看也可以先面一些自己觉得拿offer比较稳的公司。我有朋友被裁之后就只面觉得比较容易过的1个月就拿了2个offer,我当时直接放弃了需要做take home presentation的公司,觉得投入产出不成正比,你需要计算一下ROI–我有一位同事去年拿了很多offers他也有reachout以前的hiringmanager后来就面了onsite就拿了offer但也是一波多折对方先是hiringfreeze不能给后来他不断地争取HM也帮他最近刚拿了offer,一定要为自己争取
我回去听了那一集——接下来的三个小时的讨论是本文的灵感来源。我希望列出他们两人讨论过的一些基本想法,以及比特币如何解决这个让 Eric 懊恼的问题。让我们设定一些条件。机构(建制)是讨论的关键部分,因此准确的定义将奠定坚实的基础。机构(Institution)是一群为共同目标自我组织的人。天主教会、纽约时报和你当地的运动队都是机构的例子。机构在健康文化中发挥着至关重要的作用,因为它们使个人按照商定的条件作为群体运作。如果你是当地家长教师协会的董事会成员,那么所有与教育孩子无关的问题都不是谈话的一部分。机构充当意义建构(sense-making)的器官,具有共同目标的个人可以通过对话推动比他们自己更伟大的事业向前发展。前提是,当机构健康的时候。内在增长义务(EGO)是一个机构必须以多快的速度增长才能保有其正当地位。方便起见,它也可以被认为是一个特定机构的自我(ego)。举一个容易识别的简单例子:大学。一位教授教一群研究生,其中许多人希望自己成为教授。当这些学生毕业时,许多人可能希望继续成为教授来教他们自己的研究生。任何熟悉庞氏骗局的人都可以看到,这在几个周期后很快就无法持续,因为每个新教授都需要许多新的研究生。
囚徒困境在 IBM 这样的机构中形成。大型上市公司执行董事会的主要薪酬是股票。如果增加股票价值是你获得薪酬的途径,那么你会看到两条途径:员工是否通过进行资本分配来引导他们的公司进行创新以获得超额的资本回报?或者他们是否会利用现有的现金流购买自己的股票,不改变基础业务单元经济情况而提高股价?很明显,IBM 管理层几十年来的选择是什么。同样引人注目的是这一切都是如何成为可能的。
想象一下,告诉你的老板——从 CEO 起越过7个层级——这是一个可怕的想法,资本应该投资于新企业而不是回购。这将积极攻击高管薪水的内在增长义务(EGO)。对于这些领导者而言,他们参与了这个共同的谎言——每个希望在这些机构爬格子的人都必须配合。之前提到的一个群体不受内在增长义务的影响:个人。不依赖机构为家人提供食物的个人有说真话的自由。这个属性使比特币人在解决这个问题的战争中成为盟友。在了解比特币如何解决这个问题之前,我们还有另一个“传送门”需要探索。
我们的机构正在让我们失望,因为它们正处于马尔萨斯式的困境之中。如果自然增长遇到瓶颈,所有剩余资产都是零和征服。你只有通过从别人那里攫取才能得到更多。这就是为什么如此多的机构变得短视,专注于当时的政治而不是他们的初心。然而比特币人以不同的方式看待世界,我们生活在一个伟大创新的时代。去看看挖矿的世界就知道了。在播客中,Weinstein 正确地指出,增长需要增加能源消耗,而增长会消除暴力。比特币通过其工作量证明挖矿,为将比特币无限稀缺的数字世界嫁接到物理世界提供了机会。这推动了能源网络的扩张,为世界带来了更多的繁荣。要更详细地理解这一点,需要对能量的工作原理有所了解。最近两次深入了解能源网络详细机制的采访是对 Harry Suddok 关于“比特币做了什么”的采访和 Nic Carter 在 B Word 会议上的演讲。简而言之,能源网络有几个属性是比特币可以利用的。首先,一旦产生能量,就必须立即消耗掉。其次,能量在较大的距离上传输时衰减很大。第三,有一些能量提取方法存在浪费,这些相关的能量在今天就被浪费了。
参考资料:1 Cox, Jeff, “Inflation Climbs Higher Than Expected in June as Price Index Rises 5.4%,” CNBC, July 13, 2021, https://www.cnbc.com/2021/07/13/consumer-price-index-increases-5point4percent-in-june-vs-5percent-estimate.html.
2 St. Louis Federal Reserve, “M2 Money Supply,” FRED, August 17, 2021, https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/M2.
3 US Bureau of Labor Statistics, “CPI Inflation Calculator,” https://www.bls.gov/data/inflation_calculator.htm.
5 MBI Concepts Corporation, “IBM’s Stock Buybacks Have Not Produced Societal Wealth,” April 10, 2021,. http://www.mbiconcepts.com/ibms-stock-buybacks.html.
6 Kendall, Graham, “The First Moon Landing Was Achieved With Less Computing Power Than a Cell Phone or a Calculator,” July 11, 2019, https://psmag.com/social-justice/ground-control-to-major-tim-cook.
7 “Moore’s Law Graph,” Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moore%27s_law#/media/File:Moore’s_Law_Transistor_Count_1970-2020.png.8 Bloomberg, “Fed Seen Speeding Taper of Mortgage-Backed Securities in Early 2022,” Pensions and Investments Online, https://www.pionline.com/economy/fed-seen-speeding-taper-mortgage-backed-securities-early-2022.9 “History of U.S. Treasury Bonds,” TreasuryDirect, https://www.treasurydirect.gov/indiv/research/history/histmkt/histmkt_bonds.htm.
Adventure Gold is one of the fastest-growing cryptocurrencies right now. The token bridges several hot themes, including blockchain gaming, community governance and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). This special blend of attributes is helping the AGLD crypto to appreciate significantly in only a short period of time. Not to mention, the project also carries a fair bit of mystique with it.
As investors continue to flow into the booming NFT space, Adventure Gold is an interesting token that is benefitting.
The project, with its minimalist NFTs, ambiguous token and barebones roadmap, may not initially appear convincing to investors. However, the presentation of the AGLD crypto and its accompanying Loot NFTs have made it strangely successful. This week has brought another major rally for AGLD for the first time since fall 2021.
Adventure Gold is the token underlying Vine co-founder Dom Hoffmann’s ambitious NFT project, called Loot. Will Papper, a Loot community member, then developed Adventure Gold. Launched in September, neither AGLD nor Loot are very old at all. The NFT collection was released by Papper for free in an edition of 10,000 tokens. These tokens are all nearly identical in appearance — they include a solid black background, populated with only a few strings of words and phrases.
These words and phrases made up computer-generated items for a video game which doesn’t exist. Everything is entirely up to the holders’ interpretations. Outside of the NFT launch and the launch of AGLD, Papper has largely been hands-off with the project. Almost immediately after launching, the AGLD crypto was picked up by a series of exchanges, like Coinbase (NASDAQ:COIN). These listings helped the token to boom in September. In fact, it set an all-time high above $7.
As for the gains today, there are no real news catalysts to speak of. AGLD prices have actually been on the decline for the last three months. One can surely assume recent gains have something to do with new interest in NFTs and blockchain gaming. Indeed, OpenSea reveals that even with declining AGLD prices, Loot NFTs are selling for tens of thousands of dollars. With AGLD crypto prices up 20% over the last 24 hours, trading volume is up 200% to nearly $300 million.
9 Things you need to know:
Before touching on what the Adventure Gold (AGLD) crypto is, we must first look at Loot NFTs. Loot saw its launch in August through a developer named Dom Hofmann.
These NFTs are pictures of text rows. Each row contains the name of an item in an adventuring game which doesn’t exist yet.
The NFTs represent items for the game, which the NFT owners will own upon its release. Hofmann released the NFTs without any imagery or stats for these items in order to leave their meaning open to interpretation.
The Loot NFTs are available for free in a run of 8,000 tokens. Investors are snatching them up very quickly with little marketing outside of Hofmann’s announcement of their existence.
Since its first release, the Loot community is growing rapidly and creating hype around the yet-to-be-created game. A multitude of sites measuring the rarity of certain items is already popping up.
Adventure Gold is the token meant to fuel the incoming Loot game. As of yet, it has no dedicated developers, and its inherent utility is not fully known.
What we do know is that Loot NFT owners were granted 10,000 ALGD for each NFT they possess. At its current going-rate of $3.81, this turned a free NFT purchase into a $38,100 profit.
The Adventure Gold (AGLD) crypto is now also getting to boost of a Coinbase Pro listing to add to its bullish momentum. The exchange is announcing its intent to list AGLD this morning through a blog post.
Investors can load their existing AGLD holdings onto their Coinbase Pro accounts starting today. If the crypto meets liquidity conditions, it will launch for trading tomorrow afternoon.