What is Bancor Network Token (BNT)?

Bancor is a blockchain protocol that allows users to convert different virtual currency tokens directly and instantly instead of exchanging them on cryptocurrency exchanges like Coinbase.

BNT is the Bancor Network Token, which is the primary token used within the Bancor network. As of September 2021, BNT is the 98th most valuable cryptocurrency by market cap, with an aggregate value of around $1.06 billion, with one BNT trading at $4.54.


  • Bancor is a decentralized financial network that seeks to provide liquidity to small- and micro-cap coins and returns for liquidity providers.
  • Bancor utilizes two token layers that facilitate its liquidity pools and functionality: BNT and ETHBNT.
  • Bancor and its competitor Uniswap are the leaders in a new wave of decentralized financial systems.

Understanding Bancor

According to the Bancor website, “Bancor is an on-chain liquidity protocol that enables automated, decentralized exchange on Ethereum and across blockchains.”The protocol was initially developed in Israel in 2017 by Eyal Hertzog, Galia Benartzi, and Guy Benartzi. Their whitepaper (dated March 18, 2018) states Bancor, “enables automatic price determination and an autonomous liquidity mechanism for tokens on smart contract blockchains.”

The name Bancor was chosen as an homage to John Maynard Keynes who coined “Bancor” as the name for a supra-national reserve currency he proposed at the Bretton Woods conference in 1944.

Bancor’s Crypto Liquidity Pools

Many small crypto coins are illiquid given their market cap and whether or not they are listed on an exchange. The transaction costs can also be higher than the costs of the most liquid cryptocurrencies, like BTC and ETH.

For traders who want to deal in small- or micro-cap coins, Bancor’s smart token and smart contract technology, which are self-executing contracts with deal terms between transacting parties written into lines of code, allows these kinds of coins to be bought and sold with minimal friction and fees.

A standard cryptocurrency transaction occurring on a cryptocurrency exchange, whether a centralized exchange or a decentralized exchange involves the transfer of tokens between two parties: a buyer and a seller with the exchange acting as a market maker.

Bancor Network Token (BNT)

Bancor’s purpose is to remove the middleman by creating a virtual reserve currency, which they call Bancor Network Token (BNT), and an automatic exchange mechanism where prices and trading volumes are controlled automatically through the protocol.5

Bancor’s native reserve currency token, BNT, is the default reserve currency for all smart tokens created on the Bancor network.5 One of the promises of BNT’s ICO was that investors in the coin would gain interest on the transaction fees as other crypto coins are converted into and out of BNT.

Bancor’s protocol converts between different ERC-20 compatible tokens. Each smart token is linked to smart contracts that hold reserves of other ERC-20 tokens. The tokens are converted internally based on these reserves and depending upon the volume of user requests.

Essentially, smart tokens can be thought of as coins that hold the monetary value of other compatible virtual coins. It is the same in principle to a central bank that holds foreign currency reserves and converts between them as required.

The Bancor protocol supports all virtual currency tokens that are compatible with the ERC-20 format. Any smart token created on the Bancor network is also ERC-20 compatible, and therefore compatible with other tokens on the network.

Bancor’s ETHBNT Airdrop

Beginning on Jan. 1, 2020, Bancor airdropped $60,000 worth of ETHBNT into wallets holding a minimum BNT. ETHBNT is a Bancor pool token representing shares in the ETH:BNT liquidity pool. ETHBNT collects fees from ETH-based conversions on Bancor.

The move was meant to increase liquidity by increasing providers, though it is unclear how extra liquidity was added to the Bancor liquidity pools outside of Bancor investing its fiat currency reserves into their platform.

Criticisms of Bancor

Internally, the Bancor network uses the concept of Constant Reserve Ratio (CRR) in all smart token contracts, which purports to eliminate the possibility of the reserve value of smart tokens being depleted. The rate of conversion between various crypto coins is fairly maintained by various formulas and algorithms internally implemented by the Bancor network.

The claim that Bancor guarantees liquidity is contested, however. A pseudonymous blogger “bitcoinchaser” points out that “The level of cryptocurrency liquidity that Bancor has, is relative. If there is a massive run on the token or any other token under it, its price will plummet, and that 20% reserve will be wiped out in minutes. The point is that in the cryptocurrency market, any other comparable token or any new token, would be wiped out faster under similar circumstances.”

Bancor’s foundational claim that its superior technology can prevent a run on any individual coin—even its own tokens—is questionable. As its airdrop of ETHBNT shows, the liquidity on its platform is funded, at least initially, by using fiat currency reserves. As “bitcoinchaser” argues, Bancor provides liquidity for less liquid coins, but in the event of a market panic, BNT itself may become illiquid.

Bancor isn’t the only player in the liquidity pool, decentralized exchange space either. Competitor Uniswap also provides liquidity pools to small coin projects that need liquidity to grow, and an analysis of Uniswap pools argues that any negative change in the price of the underlying asset in the pool can create negative returns for the liquidity provider, outweighing the profit from fees.

Representatives of Bancor gloss over these losses and how they could undermine the exchange by referring vaguely to “arbitrageurs” who will step in to perform the magic of markets function to restore balance.

Traders Magazine puts it like this:

“The biggest problem faced by liquidity suppliers to pools like Uniswap is the risk of major relative price movements between the paired assets. It is therefore ideal to supply liquidity in terms of a stable asset, instead of a volatile one like ETH. This problem is exacerbated by Bancor’s dependence on its native token, BNT, which is even less stable than ETH. Moreover, transactions on Bancor are structured in such a way that they can incur high gas fees, and they are not presently planning to utilize layer 2 scaling technologies to alleviate those pains.”

What products support BNT?

 Send/Receive Trading
  Coinbase          ✔      ✔
  Pro          ✔      ✔
  Wallet          ✔      ✖️

What regions support BNT? 

Coinbase      ✔ ✔ ✔✖️
Pro     ✔ ✔ ✔✖️
Wallet     ✔ ✔ ✔✖️

Crypto to fiat trading pairs

USD  ✔ ✖️✖️
GBP  ✖️ ✔✖️
EUR  ✖️

Note: Coinbase Wallet does not support direct bank transactions. You’ll need to transfer your crypto to Coinbase.com or send it to an external address in order to cash out.

Crypto to crypto trading pairs

BNT    ✖️  ✔ ✖️  ✖️

See the full list of countries that Coinbase supports for crypto-to-crypto trading.

Note: Only assets hosted on the Ethereum blockchain can be converted through the Coinbase Wallet mobile app at this time. Learn more about trading on Coinbase Wallet.

How many confirmations are needed for BNT?

BNT requires 35 network confirmations. Learn about transaction confirmations.

Which blockchain network hosts BNT?

BNT is hosted on the Ethereum blockchain.

What are the minimum and maximum withdrawal amounts?

Coinbase has implemented safeguards to ensure a healthy and efficient network both on-chain and through our platform.  

These safeguards include both minimum and maximum amounts for each cryptocurrency we allow customers to send through the blockchain.

There is a withdrawal minimum of 5.87 Bancor (BNT) and a maximum of 250,000 to send from Coinbase to an external address.

By Adam Hayes and Coinbase

Categorized as Hot Crypto











01 概述









  • 超市-数万SKU:Walmart、Kroger、家乐福
  • 电商-数亿SKU:亚马逊、京东
  • 会员店-3千SKU:Costco、Lidl(Schwarz)、Aldi、山姆会员店(Walmart)



02 第一次零售革命:超市







03 电商:从阿里到抖音






为了获得更多数据,阿里在2013年忽然all in移动社交。在所有人都看不懂的情况下,推出挑战微信的社交软件——来往;另一方面,还入股收购微博和友盟。来往不出意外的挂了,但入股微博、友盟还是带给阿里丰厚的数据。微博代表的是社交数据,友盟代表长尾APP用户的行为数据,其意义在于:











短视频的购买流程非常简单。点击商品进入一个购买页面,消费者直接点击购买,不用比价、不用付款、不用购物车,货到付款,也称为COD(Cash on Delivery)。





05 新零售,内卷下的创新







新零售的雄心是同时改进商品和服务,但这个过程的背后包含了太多的试错成本,最终高企的商品价格让吃的好一点变成了一种奢侈。为此新零售的玩家不得不通过补贴来吸引消费者,这带来大规模的亏损。2021年Q3每日优鲜 GMV同比增长47%,亏损增长88%。











06 被巨头扭曲的社区团购














  • 以小店为核心客户,向其批发商品(即大件货),链接品牌商和小店,借此搭建不亏钱履约体系。
  • 砍掉多个省份,砍掉一二三线城市,砍SKU,只专注下沉市场2C的团购,集中精力和资源为该消费群体选购商品。



07 会员店会是零售业的救赎吗?





在2019年开出中国上海开出第一家店的Costco是全球仓储式会员店的老大,2020年收入1632亿美元。Costco前身是美国会员店的鼻祖Price Club,而Price Club则是在抄袭德国的Cash&Carry(超市批发购物模式,类似麦德龙),改进的更偏零售。

























08 第三次零售乱战何时能尘埃落地?








  • 第一个跑出来:针对下沉市场的社区团购。根据《阿里巴巴2020“十一”假期消费出行趋势报告》,“十一”期间,53%的电器卖向县域市场,48%的购买者来自小镇用户。没有三座大山的县域经济,已成为中国消费持续增长的新动力。
  • 第二个跑出来:针对城市中产的会员店,如山姆会员店。这块市场的增长十分明确。根据汇丰预测中国中产阶层的数量将增长逾45%,从2021的约3.4亿人增至未来的5亿人以上。当然玩家也众多,山姆会员店计划未来2年新开26家电,国内也有物美麦德龙、永辉、Fudi等。
  • 需要5年以上跑出来的:针对城市年轻单身的连锁便利店,如全家。全家自2004年进入中国,花了16年时间做到2967家。2020年实现收入92.9亿,预计仍是亏损。同样711等日系便利店、国内的便利蜂也都是实现盈利的长路漫漫。
  • 还看不清的:针对城市白领的咖啡和新茶饮。类似瑞幸的案例在国外是有成功案例的,如台湾定位平价而精致的路易莎。但这类零售需要较强的文化来卖出附加值,这个是国内玩家都还缺少的。
  • 暂无人做的:针对城市普通消费者的低价连锁超市,如Lidl。Lidl只有1300个SKU,90%以上自有品牌。国内暂时还未有对标,大概率是现有连锁超市的企业会有转型做的。

By 彭程柚子
















另外,据报道,已经有美国Rosen、Labaton Sucharown、Schall等多家律师事务所宣称将代表股东对滴滴发起集体诉讼。不过,对于滴滴具体的赔偿金额,市场仍未有定论。参照此前深陷财务造假丑闻的瑞幸咖啡,和解费用约为1.8亿美元。






















By 尹莉娜

What is Klaytn (KLAY)?

The origination of Klaytn started through South Korea’s largest publicly traded tech firm, Kakao. This highly reputable firm in South Korea is renowned for its diverse services and the many users in the country.

Kakao decided to venture into the crypto sector after the 2017 bull run caught its eye being a multi-service firm. In that context, the firm was inspired to create a cryptocurrency, which resulted in the innovation of Klaytn.

The efforts to actualize the Klaytn initiative were nearly altered as the firm encountered many backlashes from the nation’s financial regulators, which is similar to the system used in Facebook’s Libra.

Nonetheless, the crypto vision of the company’s CEO, Yeo Minsoo, was in the end actualized in mid-2019. The firm dived its way through multiple restrictions and hindrances with the assistance of its blockchain-based subsidiary known as Ground X. Later on, it successfully unveiled the Klaytn blockchain.

Core Technology Of Klaytn

The blockchain utilizes an enhanced version of an Instanbul BFT that substitutes for other blockchain’s Proof-of-Stake (PoS) and Proof-of-Work (PoW). With that in mind, the network implements Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT) with the modifications to operate with the integrated blockchain performances it has.

Nonetheless, it allows beginners to use a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism. Hence, it powers a limited number of validators. This blockchain network is a business-oriented network that functions nearly like the Ethereum (ETH) network.

It takes up an unaltered clone of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) for its smart contracts that quicken transactions with a high speed. In its uniqueness, the blockchain can process 4000 transactions per second.

Blockchain Apps

The blockchain platform offers excellent services for all types of users mainly enterprises. It owns and hosts over 50 blockchain applications. The applications have many functionalities since they have diverse duties to perform on the blockchain network.

Klaytn also extends its hostage to diverse crypto gaming networks and a variety of staking services. To name several of these blockchain applications that are hosted on the platform, there are Quotabook, Tessa, Orbit Bridge, Makestar, and many others.

It also hosts several gaming apps including Games Knight Story, Crypto Sword, Crypto dragon, and many others.

The Governance Council

Being an enterprise-oriented blockchain platform, Klaytn has delegated most of the operations about the improvement and activities within the ecosystem to several multinational organizations and businesses.

The governing council members comprise multinational enterprises and organizations. Therefore, the council members have the right to vote and propose any adjustments about the performances of the platform and its node network.

More particularly, the council members are now responsible for guaranteeing the growth and development of the platform’s thriving ecosystem.

Klaytn Improvement Reserve (KIR)

By description, Klaytn Improvement Reserve (KIR) is a mechanism the project adopts to provide reward services to the users that contribute to the growth and enhancement of its entire ecosystem.

Whenever the qualified users submit proposals on activities for example community incentives, making adjustments on the platform, and enhancing its user, they can get subsidies or rewards for their contribution to the ecosystem via the KIR program.

Klaytn Improvement Reserve enables partner developers to innovate, deploy and execute smart contract-based applications with excellent speeds alongside the extremely cheap fees. That is because the platform had incurred some fee policy which implies that Klaytn will be fully responsible for all the transaction fees that the developers are subjected to.

KLAY Token

KLAY is the native token that powers the Klaytn blockchain. This token is used for all transactions that take place on the blockchain network and all other blockchain applications on the network.

It mainly works as a means of payment and exchange for app applications that run within the Klaytn ecosystem. Based on data acquired from the first quarter of 2021, more than 2 billion KLAY tokens were in circulation in the cryptocurrency market, gaining a growing rate of enthusiasm and increased recognition in the crypto sector.

Use Cases

This platform is designed to offer a gross development avenue that empowers various levels of blockchain development for a plethora of use cases. Klaytn blockchain is mainly bringing blockchain to businesses.

In simple terms, it serves enterprises, including small-scale and large-scale businesses. The main purpose was to provide them with a chance to integrate their technological infrastructure with a blockchain network.

Furthermore, the supported businesses enjoy the service of a public and private blockchain through Klaytn’s ecosystem. Many users prefer this platform since the private blockchain functionality of the network guarantees discreteness. Furthermore, it guarantees the maximum security of sensitive data which increases the scalability nature of the network.

In the meantime, the public blockchain within Klaytn’s network supports the decentralization of data and ensures the distribution of governance. It accommodates all the important mechanisms that can make the platform as scalable and user-friendly as possible.

Advantages Of Using Klaytn

This blockchain comes with several benefits for the institutional and retail clients that it serves. Some of them include:

  • Low Cost – all of the services offered by the nascent platform have a fixed unit price. It means that each transaction is handled equally and always assured execution when its time comes. Furthermore, the users do not need to struggle to determine the right unit price and the blockchain helps users save the cost of gas fees by paying some of it.
  • High Transactions Speed – the design of the blockchain ensures that transactions on the platform are completed quickly. Users say that they experience nearly instant transactions within a fraction of blockchain time. Klaytn’s main net handles up to 4 transactions per second.
  • The platform is developer-friendly – the API services of the network have a variety of functions that developers can use to create some useful apps. Additionally, the platform is designed to support the solidity programming language and in that context, Ethereum developers can readily migrate to Klaytn without requiring to learn any new language.
  • User-friendly – users report that they enjoyed engaging with this platform since it is designed in a manner that using it feels easy like sending and receiving text messages. The users can access their assets and wallets from smartphones through their Klaytn account. Every wallet is printed with an integrated QR code address that can be scanned with a phone camera. With that code, users can receive assets into their crypto/blockchain wallet. Thus, users do not have to memorize any private keys.
  • Business development – another significant benefit of Klaytn is that it supports businesses’ technical operations that are a push forth for businesses. With the blockchain’s flexible scalable nature, it provides businesses and developers the ability to follow the fast-moving world of blockchain. Therefore, businesses can easily and readily venture into the blockchain sector and enjoy the benefits that come with it.

Disadvantages Of Klaytn

Although the blockchain platform has many advantages, some shortcomings plague its operations.

  • Kakao is developing a series of apps that are designed mainly for use on the Klaytn blockchain. Among these apps is Peatix, which is a ticketing service that has a built-in customer base. It could give Kakao’s other services an advantage over startups aiming to compete with Kakao for users.
  • Kakao is the only firm that has announced the intention to launch a project on the Klaytn blockchain. It might be problematic since it might limit the growth potential of the blockchain and its in-house cryptocurrency.
  • Once the blockchain launches, Kakao is expected to take a huge fee off of each transaction. That adds to the gas fee that users will also have to pay. That might be a challenge for the startups launching on the blockchain since it will reduce the profits from token sales.
  • The communication is quite bad. At first, developers seemed quite confused about what they needed to be talking about. Although the platform is thriving, there are a few operational challenges that still exist but developers are striving relentlessly to resolve them.


Categorized as Hot Crypto

What is Request (REQ)?

Request crypto has been around since 1997. But for most of its existence, it had mostly traded for just a few cents per token. However, a major boost in interest came from it being added to the Coinbase exchange. This was welcomed news for traders and long-term holders. And it was further proof of the big shift in Coinbase’s philosophy.

Illustration showing Request crypto buying process

Not long ago, a listing on Coinbase equaled a major stamp of approval. To get listed on Coinbase, crypto engineers had to jump though a lot of hoops. In the process, they really had to prove to Coinbase thier token was worthy of a listing. In this way, the exchange acted as a sort of crypto gatekeeper.

More recently, though, Coinbase has changed its tune… as you can see in this tweet from its CEO:https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?creatorScreenName=investmentu&dnt=false&embedId=twitter-widget-0&features=eyJ0ZndfZXhwZXJpbWVudHNfY29va2llX2V4cGlyYXRpb24iOnsiYnVja2V0IjoxMjA5NjAwLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X2hvcml6b25fdHdlZXRfZW1iZWRfOTU1NSI6eyJidWNrZXQiOiJodGUiLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X3NwYWNlX2NhcmQiOnsiYnVja2V0Ijoib2ZmIiwidmVyc2lvbiI6bnVsbH19&frame=false&hideCard=false&hideThread=false&id=1409555338836078592&lang=en&origin=https%3A%2F%2Finvestmentu.com%2Frequest-crypto%2F&sessionId=58dbe1e9b652d6fb671109bb87528294fe521d03&siteScreenName=investmentu&theme=light&widgetsVersion=f001879%3A1634581029404&width=550px

He went on to mention that beyond the exchange’s listing standards (regarding safety and legality), this was a move toward freer markets. And, as he concluded, it was the way to make Coinbase more innovative. It also happens to be a way that can make Coinbase more money. After all, the more tokens it lists, the more opportunities there are for trades. And charging trading fees is a big part of how Coinbase makes its coin.

So no complaints from the peanut gallery here. Coinbase is a publicly traded company now. It’s beholden to its shareholders. And increasing profits is one of the easiest ways to keep shareholders happy.

But now back to the important information on Request crypto (REQ).

All About Request Crypto

In a nutshell, Request crypto is a utility token. It was created to ensure the stability and performance standards of the Request Network. This network is an Ethereum-based decentralized payment system. It allows folks to request a payment and receive money in a secure way. It also removed third-party oversight requirements. This is an important detail… because it’s one of the quickest ways to reduce transaction costs.

The other key benefit of the Request Network is that it works with currencies all around the world. It’s not limited to just crypto. It’s not limited to fiat currencies. It transfers dollars to the Korean won and just about everything in between. It’s a robust network with an impressive amount of capabilities.

This process works by having one user create a payment request – or invoice. The invoice needs to include the address the payment should be sent and the amount it should be in. The terms of payment can also be included here for business transactions. Then, the request is delivered to the payer of the invoice. All the while, each and every step of the process is stored on the Request Network. This makes it easy to keep track of transactions, both for the payer and the payee.

The last thing worth mentioning about the Request Network – which is powered by Request crypto – is that it has incorporated laws from all around the world. This, it hopes, will keep it compliant with the various trade laws of every country around the world… an impressive feat in of itself.

There really is some exciting engineering behind both the Request Network and the Request crypto that powers it. But as far as payment systems go, it does have a lot of competition. And not just from the likes of Visa (NYSE: V), Square (NYSE: SQ) or PayPal (Nasdaq: PYPL).

The Competition Is Stiff

Beyond the legacy payment processing companies mentioned above, there are lots of other companies operating in the crypto space now. Circle, which issues the stablecoin USD Coin (USDC), has been in the payment processing game for close to a decade. Incidentally, it was the first company to receive a BitLicense from the New York State Department of Financial Services.

Request crypto also faces competition from Solana crypto and, to a lesser extent, Telcoin. Then of course there is Coinbase Commerce, Electroneum, BitPay or CoinGate, among others. But specifically for business-to-business applications, Request crypto and the network it supports still manage to stand out. What it boils down to though is adoption.

This could be an exceptional tool for freelancers who pick up jobs around the world. Business consultants, writers, web designers and recruiters could all make good use of this type of payment system. And it has the possibility of cutting down on the paperwork needed for quarterly tax filings… since payments are vetted though international trade laws.

The Bottom Line on Request Crypto

As an experiment, there’s a lot to like about the Request Network. As an investment, there’s reason for both excitement and pause. It’s a penny crypto, after all…

Since its inception in 2017, it has yet to break the $1 mark. In fact, not long ago, you could pick it up for less than $0.05 a token. But trading volume has changed all of that. With the Coinbase listing came a lot of interest. Around 200% more interest than usual. If trading volume stays anywhere near that level, anything’s possible. And with the more recent spike, Request crypto looks as if it could finally launch past the $1 any day now… But that’s far from certain.

As a buy-and-hold play, Request crypto could be worth a gamble. If the Request Network does begin to catch on, you could see a slow but steady rise in value. But that’s a very big “if.” That being said, it’s a token we’ll be keeping a close eye on. A little momentum and an uplisting to Coinbase could be enough for companies to take notice of Request’s underlying capabilities.

Which products support REQ? 

Coinbase         ✔      ✔
Pro         ✔      ✔
Wallet         ✔     ✖️

What regions support REQ? 

Coinbase    ✔  ✔  ✔ ✔ ✔✖️✖️
Pro   ✔  ✔  ✔ ✔ ✔✖️✖️
Wallet ✔  ✔  ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Crypto to fiat trading pairs

USD  ✔ ✖️ ✖️
GBP ✖️  ✔ ✖️
EUR ✖️  ✔ ✔

Note: Coinbase Wallet does not support direct bank transactions. You’ll need to transfer your crypto to Coinbase.com or send it to an external address in order to cash out.

Crypto to crypto trading pairs 

REQ    ✖️  ✔ ✖️   ✔

See the full list of countries that Coinbase supports for crypto-to-crypto trading.

Note: Only assets hosted on the Ethereum blockchain can be converted through the Coinbase Wallet mobile app at this time. Learn more about trading on Coinbase Wallet.

How many confirmations are needed for REQ?

REQ requires 35 network confirmations. Learn about transaction confirmations.

Which blockchain network hosts REQ?

REQ is hosted on Ethereum. 

What are the minimum and maximum withdrawal amounts?

Coinbase has implemented safeguards to ensure a healthy and efficient network both on-chain and through our platform.  

These safeguards include both minimum and maximum amounts for each cryptocurrency we allow customers to send through the blockchain.

Minimum: 0.000000000000000001 REQ

Maximum: 250,000 REQ

By Matt Makowski , Coinbase

Categorized as Hot Crypto

What is PlayDapp (PLA)?

PlayDapp (PLA) is an Ethereum token that powers PlayDapp, a blockchain gaming platform and non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace. PLA acts as the primary token for processing transactions on PlayDapp. Game developers can also receive PLA when users make in-game purchases.

What products support PLA? 

Coinbase           ✔     ✔
Pro           ✔     ✔
Wallet           ✔    ✖️

What regions support PLA?

Coinbase ✔  ✔  ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Pro ✔  ✔   ✔  ✔ ✔ ✔
Wallet ✔  ✔   ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Crypto to fiat trading pairs

USD   ✔ ✖️ ✖️
GBP ✖️✖️✖️
EUR ✖️✖️✖️

Note: Coinbase Wallet does not support direct bank transactions. You’ll need to transfer your crypto to Coinbase.com or send it to an external address in order to cash out.

Crypto to crypto trading pairs

PLA   ✖️  ✖️ ✖️ ✖️

See the full list of countries that Coinbase supports for crypto-to-crypto trading.

Note: Only assets hosted on the Ethereum blockchain can be converted through the Coinbase Wallet mobile app at this time. Learn more about trading on Coinbase Wallet.

How many confirmations are needed for PLA?

PLA requires 35 network confirmations. Learn about transaction confirmations.

Which blockchain network hosts PLA?

PLA is hosted on Ethereum.

What are the minimum and maximum withdrawal amounts?

Coinbase has implemented safeguards to ensure a healthy and efficient network both on-chain and through our platform.  

These safeguards include both minimum and maximum amounts for each cryptocurrency we allow customers to send through the blockchain.

Minimum: 0.000000000000000001

Maximum: 700,000

In Oct 2021, fast-rising Blockchain gaming platform PlayDapp has revealed the addition of a Play-to-Earn feature on its flagship game ‘’Along with the Gods: Knights of the Dawn’’. This development is expected to build on the existing features offered by PlayDapp.

Play-to-Earn gaming is a rising phenomenon that has gathered steam in recent months. This is due to the positive benefits, as gamers have more freedom to build the gaming economy and receive rewards for transacting in-game assets. 

PlayDapp’s flagship game, Along with the Gods’’ Knights of the Dawn already has massive traction with thousands of gamers competing for rewards in NFTs. Players can earn on the flagship game by collecting Hero and Rune NFTs and selling them to other players for PLA tokens and other cryptocurrencies. 

Adding the Play-to-Earn feature will expand the potential for earning, and gamers can now stake PlayDapp Town NFTs for daily and weekly rewards in PLA tokens. To be eligible for daily rewards (5 PLA), players will need to stake three SR grade PlayDAPP TOWN NFTs, while weekly rewards require staking one SSR grade PlayDAPP TOWN NFT and competing in PvP to earn up to 5,000 PLA.   

The P2E staking feature on PlayDapp is lossless as gamers receive rewards in PLA tokens while still having control of their staked NFTs. In addition, to ensure the proper transition for gamers, PlayDapp has announced the launch of a P2E pre-staking period starting from October 20th, 2021. This will help players get ready to start earning when the game update releases on October 27, 2021. 

Interested players can load their NFTs into PlayDapp’s Item Manager in-game to ensure they can earn from the moment the P2E launches. 

A Fast-growing ecosystem 

PlayDapp is regarded as one of the fastest-growing blockchain gaming platforms and has achieved several milestones since its launch. In recent months, it has established strategic partnerships with top tech and blockchain platforms, including Samsung, Polygon, Chainlink, Portis, Klatyn, and LINE. 

PLA token has also witnessed major adoption and is available as a trading token in blockchain games like League of Kingdoms and COMETH. The token can also be traded on global crypto exchanges such as Upbit, Crypto.com, Coinbase, and more. 

PlayDapp’s core team consists of persons with vast experience in the gaming and tech industry. Some team members have worked in top platforms like Netmarble, Naver, Microsoft, ItemBay, and NCSOFT, bringing a wealth of knowledge to the gaming platform. 

PlayDapp team has revealed that it intends to launch a couple of features and products in the future. Some of these include, Along with the Gods Play2Earn specialized server launch, an SDK plugin launch on Naver Gamepot operation service, migrating to the popular Binance Smart Chain ecosystem, and a PvP tournament system. 

By Coinbase and Anjali Sriniwasan

Categorized as Hot Crypto

What is Alchemix (ALCX)?

DeFi Lending and Alchemix Crypto Loans

Alchemix is a decentralized finance (DeFi) lending platform that differentiates itself in a highly competitive field with flexible loans that automatically repay themselves over time. Built into its design, Alchemix automates the process of paying back crypto-backed loans so that, with ample time, all loans on the Alchemix crypto platform should be sufficiently paid back and liquidations should never occur. While many stablecoin-backed DeFi lending platforms exist, most leave it up to the user to manage keeping the loan collateralized and paying it off. Alchemix seeks to automate this process for users interested in receiving stablecoin-backed loans. 

The Alchemix loan repayment process functions as follows: Users deposit DAI — a stablecoin built on Ethereum — to Alchemix as collateral in order to mint alUSD, which is a synthetic protocol token that tokenizes a user’s future yield. The deposited DAI is then used to generate yield in Yearn.Finance vaults, and the yield is used to pay off the loan. Depending on the depositor’s intentions, synthetic assets like alUSD can be converted back into DAI and subsequently exchanged for fiat, or they can be put to work generating even more yield in Alchemix staking pools or liquidity pools

This process of repayment — which a user must typically complete manually elsewhere — is automated on the Alchemix crypto platform. Since alUSD continuously flows in as yield that is generated from Yearn.Finance, the supply of alUSD is automatically converted back to DAI at a 1:1 ratio in order to pay off the loan as yield is accrued. Alchemix’s interconnectivity with DeFi products like Yearn.Finance and DAI is a characteristic known as composability, or the ability for a crypto product to interact with other products in the space to increase functionality. 

The Alchemix Crypto Protocol’s Transmuter

When obtaining an Alchemix loan, users deposit DAI to Alchemix vaults. Upon doing so, they can borrow funds up to a 200% collateralization ratio — or one alUSD for every two DAI deposited. This is standard practice for many DeFi lending platforms, but Alchemix’s model leverages yield farming through Yearn.Finance vaults to pay down a user’s debts automatically. Users are able to choose from an increasingly wide selection of yield farming strategies in order to repay their debt.

Once users have deposited DAI with Alchemix to mint alUSD they have an array of options. The Alchemix crypto protocol employs a pegging mechanism for the platform’s synthetic tokens called the Transmuter. It ensures that users can exchange alUSD for DAI at a 1:1 ratio. Yield generated from Yearn.Finance vaults is sent to the Transmuter and converted into DAI continually as it flows in. Users can deposit their alUSD to the Transmuter smart contract, which rewards them with DAI in proportion to the amount they have staked. When they withdraw these DAI rewards, an equal amount of alUSD is burned. Users can also use the Transmuter to swap their alUSD back to DAI, which is easier to convert to fiat currency if the crypto-backed loan was taken in order to make a purchase in fiat. 

At all times, a user’s loan collateralization ratio must be at least 200%. If the collateralization ratio drops below this level, then a user may choose to liquidate part of their collateral to retain the appropriate level of collateralization. If the collateralization ratio exceeds 200% due to yield generation, then a user can withdraw DAI or mint more alUSD until it reaches a 200% collateralization ratio again. For the sake of flexibility, users are also able to settle their crypto loans early — should they need access to their underlying collateral — by repaying their debt with either alUSD or DAI, which are treated the same in the Alchemix system. Once a user has zero alUSD debt remaining, they can withdraw all of their deposited collateral. 

Alchemix Staking and ALCX Liquidity Pools

Alchemix relies on platform participants to contribute to its liquidity pools and staking pools in order to facilitate its lending mechanism. These pools also present an opportunity for users to generate further yield on their synthetic assets like alUSD. As a reward for staking in Alchemix staking pools or providing liquidity to Alchemix liquidity pools, users can earn a proportional amount of ALCX tokens — the platform’s native governance token.

Upon the platform’s launch, there are two staking pools:

  • alUSD: Users can stake alUSD to earn ALCX. This pool exists to help establish a peg for alUSD as close as possible to $1 USD.
  • ALCX: Users can stake ALCX to earn ALCX. This pool exists to provide a less risky opportunity for risk-averse ALCX holders to earn rewards.

There are also two Alchemix liquidity pools that utilize Sushi Liquidity Provider (SLP) tokens

  • ALCX/ETH SLP tokens: Users can stake SLP tokens to earn ALCX. This pool exists to provide liquidity for the ALCX token.
  • alUSD/DAI SLP tokens: Users can stake SLP tokens to incentivize holding alUSD until the alUSD/DAI pair finds sufficient liquidity. 

Alchemix Governance and the ALCX Token

Alchemix uses its native token — ALCX — for platform governance through a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). ALCX token holders have the ability to vote on protocol parameters, the development of new features, funding, and the structure of the DAO itself. The Alchemix DAO receives 10% of the entire platform’s Yearn.Finance profits, and uses the funds to pay its developers, cover infrastructure costs, award development grants, and fund other projects as determined at the community’s discretion. 

The ALCX token was initially released via a fair launch, without any early investors or the development team setting aside their own supply. The protocol is designed to function optimally when the majority of ALCX token holders are platform participants themselves. 

ALCX does not have a hard cap on its token supply, though it does adhere to a set release schedule that reduces issuance weekly over time — rewarding early platform participants most heavily for their early contributions. ALCX rewards will finally reach a flat weekly release of 2,200 ALCX per week three years after launch. It is projected according to this schedule that the total token supply will be somewhere near 2.4 million ALCX at the close of this timeframe. 

The Alchemix DAO initially received 15% of the projected token supply three years after launch, with another 5% reserved for bug bounties to reward security auditors for reporting potential bugs in the protocol’s code. The remaining 80% of ALCX tokens can be earned by staking certain tokens in the platform’s staking and liquidity pools. Through this mechanism, those who actually contribute to the platform will receive ALCX tokens and have the ability to participate in community governance. 

Alchemix Crypto-Backed Loans and the Future

Launched in March 2021, Alchemix is still a very young DeFi protocol. While the Alchemix crypto platform is relatively new, it is quickly adding compatibility with more cryptocurrencies and types of collateral, as well as offering users more ways to customize the structure of their crypto loans. Alchemix also intends to implement additional decentralized applications (dApps) to expand its ecosystem. 

Alchemix is already a platform for users interested in capital-efficient loans that allow their collateral deposits to generate yield in the background. It offers several unique features and benefits to users, such as the ability to customize their loan structure and yield strategy, borrow against stablecoins without risk of traditional liquidations, and enjoy low-maintenance lending with crypto-backed loans that amorize themselves automatically. Alchemix also presents a lucrative opportunity for participants to deposit collateral in order to mint synthetic assets that they can then stake and provide liquidity for — even if they never intend on withdrawing funds from their crypto loan.

Which products support ALCX? 

Coinbase          ✔     ✔
Pro          ✔     ✔
Wallet          ✔     ✖️

What regions support ALCX? 

Coinbase    ✔✖️   ✔ ✔ ✔✖️✖️✖️
Pro   ✔✖️   ✔ ✔ ✔✖️✖️✖️
Wallet ✔ ✔   ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔✖️

Crypto to fiat trading pairs

USD  ✔ ✖️ ✖️
GBP ✖️ ✖️ ✖️
EUR ✖️ ✔ ✔

Note: Coinbase Wallet does not support direct bank transactions. You’ll need to transfer your crypto to Coinbase.com or send it to an external address in order to cash out.

Crypto to crypto trading pairs 

ALCX   ✖️  ✖️
 ✖️  ✔

See the full list of countries that Coinbase supports for crypto-to-crypto trading.

Note: Only assets hosted on the Ethereum blockchain can be converted through the Coinbase Wallet mobile app at this time. Learn more about trading on Coinbase Wallet.

How many confirmations are needed for ALCX?

ALCX requires 35 network confirmations. Learn about transaction confirmations.

Which blockchain network hosts ALCX?

ALCX is hosted on Ethereum. 

What are the minimum and maximum withdrawal amounts?

Coinbase has implemented safeguards to ensure a healthy and efficient network both on-chain and through our platform.  

These safeguards include both minimum and maximum amounts for each cryptocurrency we allow customers to send through the blockchain.

Minimum:  0.000000000000000001 ALCX

Maximum:  307 ALCX

By Gemini and Coinbase

Categorized as Hot Crypto

What is Kyber Network (KNC)?

Kyber Network is a decentralized, blockchain-based protocol that facilitates the exchange of tokens without an intermediary and provides liquidity for decentralized finance (DeFi) applications. At the time of this writing, Kyber Network is integrated with more than 100 applications, and powers KyberSwap, Kyber Network’s decentralized exchange (DEX). Kyber Network is governed by the holders of its native KNC token through KyberDAO, a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO).

Kyber Network Provides Critical Liquidity to DeFi

Before examining Kyber Network’s design, let’s first unpack why liquidity is important to the DeFi ecosystem. In the cryptocurrency community, liquidity refers to several things: the ability to exchange an asset without substantially shifting its price in the process, the amount of trading activity in a market, and the ease with which an asset can be converted to cash. Liquidity is essential to healthy, functional, user-friendly markets, but can be difficult for new DeFi protocols to both attain and retain.

In traditional financial markets, liquidity providers are centralized entities like banks and financial institutions. However, utilizing centralized entities to provide liquidity in DeFi markets would run contrary to the ecosystem’s ethos of decentralization. As a result, permissionless protocols like Kyber Network have emerged to take their place. Kyber Network’s mission is to create a world in which any token of value can be used anywhere for swaps in any wallet, as well as for payment services, and other newly developed financial products.

How Does Kyber Network Work?

Kyber Network consists of a set of smart contracts that can be implemented on any smart contract-capable blockchain, though it is only implemented on Ethereum as of December 2020. The protocol aggregates liquidity from a variety of reserves, including token holders, market makers, and decentralized exchanges, into a single liquidity pool on its network. Anyone can provide liquidity to the network. Kyber Network enables its three primary users — decentralized applications (dApps), vendors, and crypto wallets — to execute instant token swaps without the use of a trusted third party.

Let’s run through two types of trades.

In every trade, there is the token that represents the core asset. Ether (ETH) currently acts as this token in the Ethereum implementation of the protocol, so any trade must involve an exchange of ETH for another token. Imagine that you want to trade ETH for BAT, Brave’s Basic Attention Token:

  • You send your ETH to the Kyber Network smart contract.
  • The contract then queries all of its reserves for the best ETH to BAT exchange rate.
  • The contract then sends the ETH to the reserve with the best ETH to BAT exchange rate.
  • Finally, that reserve then sends you your BAT.

Now let’s imagine that you want to trade BAT for DAI. In this example, since you are not trading directly in ETH, some additional steps are required because ETH is the core asset:

  • You send your BAT to the Kyber Network smart contract. 
  • The contract then queries all of its reserves for the best BAT to ETH exchange rate.
  • The contract then sends the BAT to the reserve with the best BAT to ETH exchange rate. 
  • That reserve then sends ETH to the contract. 
  • The contract then queries all of its reserves for the best ETH to DAI exchange rate. 
  • The contract then sends the ETH to the reserve with the best ETH to DAI exchange rate.
  • Finally, that reserve then sends you your DAI.

Despite the second trade involving more steps, both trades are completed in a single blockchain transaction. Likewise, with Kyber Network, all trades are instantly settled on the blockchain and are either executed in full or reverted. In other words, your trades should never be partially executed (though they may be partially executed on other types of exchanges). Additionally, all exchange rates offered by reserves are publicly verifiable if you query the smart contracts.

When integrated into dApps, DeFi platforms, and crypto wallets, the Kyber Network has a wide range of use cases. For example, a dApp that would like to accept users who do not hold its native token can integrate the Kyber protocol to allow for in-app token swap and token conversion functionalities. These features enable the dApp’s users to utilize any Kyber Network-supported token and simultaneously enable the dApp to receive payment in the token of its choice.

KyberDAO and KNC

Holders of KNC can participate in the governance of Kyber Network through KyberDAO. By staking their tokens, KNC holders can vote on the network’s fee model, rebates for reserves, and other proposals, and also earn staking rewards denominated in ether. KNC is a deflationary staking token, which means its supply will decrease over time. KNC is only an ERC-20 token as of December 2020, but Kyber Network anticipates that it will also be implemented on other blockchains in the future. Nonetheless, its supply will be managed as if it were a single token, and Kyber Network is developing technologies that will enable the transfer of KNC across blockchains.

Kyber Network’s broadly integrated protocol offers an on-chain, decentralized solution to DeFi’s liquidity challenges and provides ERC-20 tokens with ecosystem-wide utility.

What products support KNC?

Coinbase            ✔      ✔
Pro           ✔      ✔

What regions support KNC?

Coinbase    ✔  ✔  ✔  ✔     ✔
Pro    ✔  ✔  ✔     ✔

Crypto to fiat trading pairs

  US  UK  EU 
USD   ✔ ✖️✖️
GBP  ✖️  ✔✖️
EUR  ✖️  ✔ ✔

Crypto to crypto trading pairs

KNC    ✖️  ✔ ✖️

See the full list of countries that Coinbase supports for crypto-to-crypto trading.

How many confirmations are needed for KNC?

KNC requires 35 network confirmations. Learn about transaction confirmations.

Which blockchain network hosts KNC?

KNC is hosted on the Ethereum blockchain.

What are the minimum and maximum withdrawal amounts?

Coinbase has implemented safeguards to ensure a healthy and efficient network both on-chain and through our platform.  

These safeguards include both minimum and maximum amounts for each cryptocurrency we allow customers to send through the blockchain.

Minimum: 0.01 KNC

Maximum: 121,000 KNC

On April 20, 2021, KNC (Kyber) deployed their new token and swap contracts. You can reference KNC’s tweet for more on the token swap. While we won’t support the new smart contract at the time of the initial token swap, we will support it a later date in 2021. 

What do I need to know about the KNC token swap?

The new KNC smart contract will be available on Coinbase and Coinbase Pro.

New smart contract

Coinbase will not support the new smart contract at the time of the token swap. You won’t be able to trade (buy/sell) the new token. You can still trade the older version of KNC before the conversion tha occurs later in 2021. 

Once Coinbase supports the new smart contract later in 2021, Coinbase will automatically convert all the KNC tokens in your account and trading will be enabled. If you have KNC in your Coinbase accunt, we’ll notify you a few weeks before the conversion once a conversion date is determined. 

Moving KNC Tokens

You have the option to move your KNC tokens out of Coinbase any time before the conversion date. 

Sending and receiving KNC Tokens

When sending/receiving KNC tokens, please check what version of KNC tokens you currently hold. Exchanges and wallets might have or have not updated to the new token contract, and your funds might be lost if you send an unsupported version of KNC. The Ethereum contract address for the old KNC token is: 0xdd974d5c2e2928dea5f71b9825b8b646686bd200.

Will I be able to deposit the new KNC token to Coinbase before the conversion? 

No. Coinbase KNC wallets supporting the new smart contract won’t be available until afterthe conversion later this year.  We’ll announce this date on Twitter once we know.

What happens if I deposit the new KNC token into my Coinbase account before the conversion?

If you transfer the new KNC token from another exchange to Coinbase before the upgrade then the token will not be accessible or available for withdrawal from Coinbase until the KNC smart contract is supported.

What happens if I deposit the old KNC smart contract after it’s deprecated on Coinbase?

These deposits would not be supported and would be treated as an unsupported digital currency. Depositing unsupported assets in your Coinbase account will cause you to lose them.

Sending and receiving

Old KNC: You will be able to send & receive the old KNC before update/conversion.

New KNC smart contract: You will not be able to send & receive the new KNC smart contract before the upgrade/conversion.

After the upgrade, sending and receiving the new KNC tokens will be enabled on Coinbase Pro but sending and receiving old KNC tokens will no longer be available.

What happens to my KNC after the mandatory conversion to the new KNC smart contract?

As previously mentioned, all of your KNC tokens will automatically convert to the new smart contract and your new KNC tokens will be available in Coinbase products. You’ll then be able to buy, sell and convert KNC on Coinbase products.

Will we support the new KNC token on Pro trading books?

Yes, but only after Coinbase supports the conversion later this year.

What does this mean for KNC in my standalone Coinbase Wallet?

If you have KNC in your Coinbase Wallet, KNC funds will not convert to the KNC. You will need to follow the instructions outlined by KNC in their Migration Guide

By Gemini and Coinbase

Categorized as Hot Crypto

What is MASK Network (MASK)?

Mask Network is a portal that allows users to seamlessly send encrypted messages, cryptocurrencies, and even DApps (Defi, NFTs, DAO) over the top of social networks without migrating, and thereby creating a decentralized Applet(DApplet) ecosystem. In short, we want to bridge the New, Open Internet right on top of the current one.

An Overview 🔍

Instead of creating a new platform, Mask Network aims to bridge Web2 (the current web) and so-called Web3, to empower the general public to use the better web within the current mainstream platforms, without using any API or centralized server.

Our Vision 🚩

People live on the Internet. The current version of the internet consists of big techs after big techs where people essentially have to give up control of their own autonomy and cannot even get a breathing room in between the platforms. Many want to overthrow them by starting new ones.

We don’t — We want to create something above them. Cryptography and Web 3 technology (including blockchain, decentralized storage, and peer to peer networks, etc) is enabling us to pull off the job.

The historical reference is the Operating system vs Web browser. Microsoft Windows used to be the ‘evil’ dominant player, taking over 90% of the OS market share. But the Internet (more specifically, Web) changes everything. Everyone still uses operating systems, but the pie has been significantly diluted by the Internet. The web browser is built inside the operating system and sucks in most of the operating system usage gradually and effectively — became the operating system. Microsoft had to preinstall IE to fight back against Netscape — finally leading to DOJ’s action against Microsoft.

Historical Parallel: Microsoft Windows — Netscape Navigator

Now onto the social networks. Some 90% of the global Internet users are social network users. Social networks have become the infrastructure that few can bypass. Directly competing against those giants seems infeasible. What if we can create something over-the-top of them that people want? Lots of problems have arisen in social networks. They can barely do cross border payments, no space to permanently store files, no real secure encryption. They monetize based on our data and labor and we have little bargain power to stop that.

Is there something that can fix all those problems? The rise of peer to peer networks, blockchain, decentralized storage, collectively denominated as Web 3, are giving us a silver lining. We want to piece them together and give ordinary users a whole new Internet inside the existing one.

Mask Network — the bridge connect Web2 and Web3

What Have We Done and How Has it Been Received

Mask Network has been up and running for almost a year. In the earliest version back in July 2019. The basic function it provides is sending and receiving encrypted posts (tweets/fb posts) with access control. This is achieved without having a centralized server. We also kept UI consistency with platforms to reduce on-boarding costs.

What products support MASK? 

  Coinbase           ✖️     ✖️
  Pro           ✔      ✔
Wallet          ✖️     ✖️

What regions support MASK?

Coinbase   ✔✖️  ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔✖️✖️
Pro   ✔✖️  ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔✖️✖️
Wallet✖️✖️  ✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️

Crypto to fiat trading pairs

USD   ✔ ✖️ ✖️
GBP ✖️ ✔✖️
EUR ✖️ ✔ ✔

Crypto to crypto trading pairs

MASK   ✖️   ✔ ✖️ ✖️

See the full list of countries that Coinbase supports for crypto-to-crypto trading.

How many confirmations are needed for MASK?

MASK requires 35 network confirmations. Learn about transaction confirmations.

Which blockchain network hosts MASK?

MASK is hosted on Ethereum.

What are the minimum and maximum withdrawal amounts?

Coinbase has implemented safeguards to ensure a healthy and efficient network both on-chain and through our platform.  

These safeguards include both minimum and maximum amounts for each cryptocurrency we allow customers to send through the blockchain.

Minimum: 0.000000010000000000

Maximum: 33,069

By Mask Network and Coinbase

Categorized as Hot Crypto


1865年,有英国人在北京做蒸汽机车实验,这在当时是新鲜事物,李岳瑞 《春冰室野乘记》载:“京师人诧所未闻,骇为妖物,举国若狂,几至大变。旋经步军统领衙门饬令拆卸,群疑始息。”意思是,北京人觉得它是妖怪,群情沸腾,后来步军统领衙门就把它拆了,这样,事情才止息。











10月28日,马克·扎克伯格在facebook connect大会上宣布,脸书更名为“meta”。脸书于当天回应:改名是为了重塑品牌,以配合公司从“社交媒体公司”向“元宇宙公司”这一转向。



























































By 抱朴财经