



韩国最大聊天软件公司Kakao,旗下Kakao Games近日在公司网站宣布,该公司将认真努力地进入元宇宙。根据公告,Kakao Games的商业运营提出了“超越韩国”和“超越游戏”的口号。


Kakao Games通过其子公司Friends Games,正在开发一个专门从事体育和游戏内容以及元宇宙的NFT交易平台。交易品类将包括Kakao Games中已经使用的数字化资产,比如游戏物品、粉丝制作的K-pop玩偶,甚至还有高尔夫球座的时间预订。

据悉,Kakao Games正在开发自己的元宇宙。届时Kakao 集团的资产都可以在Kakao Games开放式元宇宙平台上应用。


一是参与了Sandbox项目的B轮投资,这是基于以太坊区块链的元宇宙平台,由中国香港区块链游戏公司Animoca Brands构建。在Sandbox的元宇宙里,玩家可以创建和展示自己的NFT,并拥有该公司165多个合作伙伴的各种IP(知识产权),包括蓝精灵、史努比狗和行尸走肉等顶流IP;二是参与了Upland的A轮投资,这是一个元宇宙游戏项目,玩家可以在其中交易虚拟土地。



与此同时,在游戏行业之外,韩国在线直播和流媒体服务商AfreecaTV,在11月初已经推出了名为AFT Market的NFT交易平台。尽管AfreecaTV近期在韩国国内的受欢迎程度有所下降,但它每月依然拥有600多万的独立访客。








By 赫美兹数字坊

日本游戏巨头Square Enix进军NFT链游领域

视频游戏发行商 Square Enix 计划发布更多由 NFT 驱动的项目,包括加密视频游戏。

它最近在日本发布一系列基于以太坊的 NFT 交易卡,已经售罄。

传统的视频游戏发行商开始拥抱 NFT 和加密游戏,艺电(Electronic Arts)和育碧等第三方巨头最近几天表达了兴趣或宣布了他们的意图。如今,拥有《最终幻想》、《勇者斗恶龙》、《古墓丽影》等超级 IP 的日本发行商史克威尔艾尼克斯( Square Enix)也加入了这一行列。

在涵盖截至 9 月 30 日的六个月期间的财务简报中,Square Enix 描述了通过提供收藏品和基于区块链的视频游戏来进一步探索 NFT 领域的计划。

Square Enix 最近通过与开发商 Double Jump.Tokyo/MCH+ 合作试运行,涉足 NFT 市场。Square Enix 在日本发行基于视频游戏和动漫特许经营权“百万亚瑟王(Shi-San-Sei Million Arthur)”的 NFT 数字交易卡,这些交易卡是在以太坊 Layer2 解决方案 Immutable X 上铸造。

根据 Square Enix 的报告,这些 NFT 卡于 10 月 14 日发行并售罄。Square Enix 计划通过 LVC 增加二级市场交易支持,然后探索围绕 NFT 的其他举措。据悉,LVC 是雅虎日本(Yahoo Japan)创建的市场,也是热门消息应用程序 Line 的子公司。

报告指出,“我们已经认识到,NFT 与我们的资产有很高的亲和力。(概念验证)阶段已经结束,将过渡到完全商业化阶段。”

根据 DappRadar 的数据,NFT 市场在年初爆发,最近才加速,仅第三季度的交易量就达到 106.7 亿美元。

Square Enix 写道,它现在正“考虑大力进军区块链游戏”,并提到数字娱乐“不断变化的环境”,包括“针对游戏参与者越来越多样化的个人画像(profile)/激励”。


基于以太坊的游戏 Axie Infinity 在夏季爆火,迄今已产生价值超过 28 亿美元的交易量。在此之后,传统游戏发行商利用其最新财报表明了对加密领域的兴趣或计划。

育碧已经涉足 NFT 领域,并为加密开发者提供支持。该公司最近表示,在投资 Animoca Brands 后,将制作自己的 NFT 游戏。周三,艺电首席执行官 Andrew Wilson 在最新财报电话会议上表示,他认为 NFT 和边玩边赚(Play-to-Earn)模式是“我们行业未来的重要组成部分”,尽管他警告称“现在还为时过早”。

加密游戏行业最近也发布了一系列重大的融资公告,其中 NFT 游戏初创公司 Mythical Games 本周宣布融资 1.5 亿美元,Andreessen Horowitz(a16z)领投,投资方包括美国国家橄榄球联盟(NFL)投资部门 32 Equity、NBA 球星迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan)。

本周早些时候,Animoca Brands 旗下元宇宙游戏 The Sandbox 融资 9300 万美元。此外,加密交易所 FTX、Solana Ventures 和 Lightspeed Venture Partners 宣布为基于 Solana 的游戏设立一个 1 亿美元的共同投资基金。

By Odaily星球日报

What is Chiliz (Chiliz)?

What is Chiliz?

Chiliz ($CHZ) is a leading digital currency for sports tokenization, powering the world’s first scalable fan engagement & rewards app where fans can buy & trade branded Fan Tokens as well as vote in club-focused surveys & polls.

Chiliz.net is the world’s first cryptocurrency exchange for sports, allowing crypto-enthusiasts and traders to speculate and trade Fan Tokens.

What is the Token Ticker?


Will Chiliz have a public sale?

Chiliz raised all funds through private placement in 2018, meaning that there was not, & never will, be a public sale.

How much did Chiliz raise?

Chiliz raised just over $66 million through private placement in 2018.

Is Chiliz listed on exchanges? And if so, which one/s?

Yes, you can find the full list right here.

You can also buy $CHZ on Chiliz.net, the world’s cryptocurrency exchange for sports that allows sports fans and crypto enthusiasts to buy and sell official digital assets from some of the most recognizable brands in the sporting world.

What is the total supply of $CHZ?

8,888,888,888 $CHZ (8.8 Billion)

What is the circulating supply of $CHZ?

You can view the circulating supply of $CHZ here.

Do you have Official Telegram Channels?

Yes, our official Telegram channels are as follows:

English — https://t.me/chiliz_io

Japanese — https://t.me/chilizjapan

Turkish — https://t.me/ChilizTurkey

Korean — https://t.me/ChilizKR

Chinese — https://t.me/chilizchina

What is the relationship between Chiliz & Binance?

$CHZ is listed on Binance, and Binance is also a strategic investor in Chiliz.

Can I work at Chiliz?

Are you passionate about sports? Or blockchain technology? Or both? If you think you’ve got what it takes to join the team, please check out our careers page here

What is Socios.com?

Socios.com is the world’s first fan influence and rewards platform that helps sport entities achieve digital transformation through blockchain technology. Socios.com is powered by the Chiliz token ($CHZ), both an ERC20 utility token on the Ethereum blockchain and BEP-2 token on Binance Chain. Fan Tokens are specific to a team or a club, and are a finite, digital asset that provides access to an encrypted, immutable ledger of voting and membership rights ownership. The tokenized fan-voting platform uses Fan Tokens, which operate on a separate permissioned side chain. The Fan Tokens are limited in number, and are fungible, meaning their ownership can be traded, and their price is driven by the market. The venture was inspired by the fan-led management frameworks or ‘socios’ of some major football clubs. Dubbed ‘Socios 2.0’, the platform simply represents the digitisation of this model of management.

Why would football clubs, esports teams and other gaming organisations partner with Socios.com?

Socios.com is building a global community of sports fans, united by their passion for the game and their passion for their team. Using innovative technology, we’re creating a closer connection between the fans and the clubs by supercharging the way they interact with their team. Through Socios.com, supporters are able to directly influence club decisions. From choosing merchandise designs, in-game banners, naming a training ground or even choosing a goal celebration song, fans vote through Socios.com and whatever the outcome, the club will honour the decision of the fans, all while earning rewards and once-in-a-lifetime experiences.

Which organisations has Socios.com partnered with?

Socios.com has partnered with Paris Saint-GermainJuventusOGAS RomaClub Atlético de MadridGalatasarayClub Atlético Independiente , FC BarcelonaTeam HereticsUFCApollon LimassolTrabzonsporYoung BoysSint-Truidense V.V.PFLNovara CalcioNAVIİstanbul BaşakşehirTeam AllianceUniversidad de Chile and AC Milan who have hundreds of millions of fans worldwide, with more clubs and teams to be announced in due course.

How does a team, league, club etc join the Socios.com platform?

If you’re a team/club or league and are interested in joining Socios.com, please contact us on partnerships@socios.com

Does Chiliz have any competitors?

Despite more and more companies entering this space, Chiliz is already more than two years-old, has a product, thousands of users and unrivalled partnerships with some of the biggest names in the sporting world.

How up-to-date is your whitepaper?

Our whitepaper is modified and updated according to business needs. The history of modification is always included on the last page.

How do you plan to use your advisors & shareholders?

We have focused on securing advisors who will help us to develop the business, design our products and services and to build our network.

Technological FAQ

Why did you choose to use blockchain technology?

For us, blockchain was the most practical and eloquent way to unite the needs of maintaining voting integrity and transparency with turning voting rights into an ‘ownable’ commodity. The Chiliz token ($CHZ), is both an ERC-20 utility token on the Ethereum blockchain and BEP-2 token on Binance Chain. The tokenized fan-voting platform uses Fan Tokens, which operate on a separate permissioned side chain. The Fan Tokens have a finite supply and are fungible, meaning their ownership can be traded, and their price is driven by supply & demand in the market. Fan Tokens are specific to a team or a club, and are a finite, digital asset that provides access to an encrypted, immutable ledger of voting and membership rights ownership.

Will the Chiliz token be ERC-20 and be available on the main Ethereum network (Main Net)?

Yes, Chiliz is an ERC-20 token, available on the main Ethereum network. ERC-20 is a token standard which describes the functions and events that an Ethereum token contract has to implement. Most of the major tokens on the Ethereum blockchain are of the ERC-20 token standard.

Ethereum blockchain is permissionless. Can it work for permissioned set-ups?

Ethereum supports the Proof-of-Authority consensus mechanism. Proof-of-Authority (POA) is an alternative to Proof-of-Work, which can be used for permissioned chain set ups. POA does not depend on nodes solving arbitrarily difficult mathematical problems, but instead uses a set of ‘authorities’ — nodes that are explicitly allowed to create new blocks and secure the blockchain. The chain had to be signed off by the majority of authorities, in which case it becomes a part of the permanent record.

How do you plan to develop the ‘Votes Token’ on the permissioned chain?

There are a lot of similarities between Fan Tokens and any cryptocurrency token — both are tokens created in an Ethereum blockchain for example, in the main Ethereum network for the Chiliz token and in the Chiliz permissioned sidechain for Fan Tokens. You can view the block explorer for the Chiliz sidechain here. But the similarities don’t end there — there will be a limited supply of Chiliz; they can be owned; they can be transferred from one owner to another; they are fungible; and they have a price driven by the market. For all those reasons, Fan Tokens are minted on the Chiliz permissioned chain.

Permissioned chains are known to be chains used by R3, IBM, and others. Is there a reason to make it a private chain rather than a public chain?

There are two main reasons. Firstly, a private chain is governed by a Proof-of-Authority consensus mechanism, which is less intensive from a computational perspective than Proof-of-Work mining, which provides security but requires intensive computation. POA consensus also provides lower transaction acceptance latency. Secondly, it solves the problem with the associated cost of GAS, if we had to record all the information we intend to store in the Main Ethereum network. In our sidechain, we can control Ether supply and use it to pay the GAS for each transaction at a negligible cost for the company.

Please let us know about the advantages and disadvantages of a permissioned chain.

A POA chain is more secure (an attacker with an unwanted connection or hacked authority cannot overwhelm a network potentially reverting all transactions), less computationally intensive (Proof-of-Work mining which provides security requires lots of computation), more performant (Proof-of-Authority consensus provides lower transaction acceptance latency) and more predictable (blocks are issued at steady time intervals).

How experienced is your development team?

Our team has more than 20 years of web and platform development including major gaming and payments solutions. We embrace blockchain technology, like any other technology we have used in the past.

Will you only focus on mobile, or web too?

The Socios.com platform is currently available for mobile users on both Android and iOS and a desktop version is currently being worked on. You can download the Socios.com app from here. The Chiliz.net exchange is ALSO available on both Android and iOS and can be downloaded from here.

Is it possible to disclose regular business and blockchain development progress?

We have always been very transparent in reaching our milestones, and sharing our journey with the community, whilst still retaining commercial confidentiality, and we will continue to do this. However, we of course have to be careful that the information we share cannot be used by potential competitors in the future. We also have regular updates on our Medium channel as well as regular live AMA’s by our CEO Alexandre Dreyfus streamed on our Youtube channel.

Is there precedent for having fan controlled teams and events. Has the idea been shown to work?

In conventional sports, as mentioned above, the notion of having a large number of fans either direct top level management decisions, or — going a step further — owning small pieces of the teams they love — has existed in many different forms. In fact Socios.com is inspired by the ‘socios’ or democratic management frameworks of clubs like Real Madrid, FC Barcelona, FC Bayern Munich and even the Green Bay Packers that are the only publicly owned franchise in the NFL.

What products support CHZ?

Coinbase           ✔      ✔
Pro           ✔      ✔
Wallet           ✔     ✖️

What regions support CHZ?

Coinbase ✔✖️   ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔✖️ ✔
Pro ✔✖️   ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔✖️ ✔
Wallet ✔ ✔   ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔✖️

Crypto to fiat trading pairs

USD   ✔ ✖️ ✖️
GBP ✖️ ✔ ✖️
EUR ✖️ ✔ ✔

Note: Coinbase Wallet does not support direct bank transactions. You’ll need to transfer your crypto to Coinbase.com or send it to an external address in order to cash out.

Crypto to crypto trading pairs

CHZ   ✖️   ✔ ✖️ ✖️

See the full list of countries that Coinbase supports for crypto-to-crypto trading.

Note: Only assets hosted on the Ethereum blockchain can be converted through the Coinbase Wallet mobile app at this time. Learn more about trading on Coinbase Wallet.

How many confirmations are needed for CHZ?

CHZ requires 35 network confirmations. Learn about transaction confirmations.

Which blockchain network hosts CHZ?

CHZ is hosted on the Ethereum.

What are the minimum and maximum withdrawal amounts?

Coinbase has implemented safeguards to ensure a healthy and efficient network both on-chain and through our platform.  

These safeguards include both minimum and maximum amounts for each cryptocurrency we allow customers to send through the blockchain.

Minimum: 0.000000000000000001

Maximum: 900,000

By Chiliz and Coinbase

Categorized as Hot Crypto

What is SUKU (SUKU)?

SUKU is an Ethereum token that powers the SUKU Platform, a blockchain-based ecosystem that aims to make supply chains more transparent. SUKU tokens can be used for platform governance and to reward users and SUKU node operators. SUKU Platform is also developing applications for DeFi lending and NFT marketplaces.

Supply chains run the world, but they are becoming increasingly complex, functionally limited, solied, and in need of innovation. Logistics costs are deterring businesses, companies are faced with fragmented supply chains, and millions of fraudulent products continually find their way into global markets. These challenges also lead to more serious consequences affecting the globe, such as food sourcing problems and inhumane working conditions.

SUKU is a blockchain-based ecosystem that aims to make supply chains more transparent, efficient, and accessible by offering a supply-chain-as-a-service platform to enterprises and consumers. With its intention to enhance supply chains across industries, the SUKU Platform utilizes an on-demand, open software distribution model, consisting of applications and services that are used by SUKU Trading Partners and built with SUKU Technology Partners.

Imagine a digital supply chain ecosystem that enables transparency across partners, efficiency individually, and access to technology – SUKU plans on delivering this new model.

Which products support SUKU? 

Coinbase          ✔      ✔
Pro          ✔      ✔
Wallet          ✔     ✖️

What regions support SUKU? 

Coinbase    ✔✖️   ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔✖️✖️
Pro   ✔✖️   ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔✖️✖️
Wallet ✔ ✔   ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔✖️

Crypto to fiat trading pairs

USD  ✔ ✖️ ✖️
GBP ✖️ ✖️ ✖️
EUR ✖️  ✔  ✔

Note: Coinbase Wallet does not support direct bank transactions. You’ll need to transfer your crypto to Coinbase.com or send it to an external address in order to cash out.

Crypto to crypto trading pairs 

SUKU   ✖️  ✖️ ✖️    ✔

See the full list of countries that Coinbase supports for crypto-to-crypto trading.

Note: Only assets hosted on the Ethereum blockchain can be converted through the Coinbase Wallet mobile app at this time. Learn more about trading on Coinbase Wallet.

How many confirmations are needed for SUKU?

SUKU requires 35 network confirmation. Learn about transaction confirmations.

Which blockchain network hosts SUKU?

SUKU is hosted on Ethereum. 

What are the minimum and maximum withdrawal amounts?

Coinbase has implemented safeguards to ensure a healthy and efficient network both on-chain and through our platform.  

These safeguards include both minimum and maximum amounts for each cryptocurrency we allow customers to send through the blockchain.

Minimum: 0.000000000000000001 SUKU

Maximum: 500,000 SUKU

By Coinbase

Categorized as Hot Crypto


稳定币监管的紧张局势在美国已经酝酿了一段时间。美国证券交易委员会(SEC)主席 Gary Gensler 一直主张对稳定币(SEC认为是证券)进行监管,并对整个加密市场进行更多监管。 


稳定币今年的市值已达到1200 亿美元,总统金融市场工作组于周一发布的「稳定币报告」或将改变稳定币的现状。



拜登政府的「稳定币报告」建议国会立法,以确保稳定币受制于“一致和全面”的联邦框架。“稳定币或稳定币安排的某些部分可能是证券、商品和/或衍生品”,这表明 SEC 和 CFTC 可能会对稳定币拥有管辖权。 


假设稳定币运行可能会发生,因为它们不是 100% 由现金支持——大多数稳定币的资金储备仅一部分由现金支持,而其余部分由商业票据支持。



​虽然国会正在考虑立法,但包括 SEC 和 CFTC 在内的监管机构将以其自身的能力和现有管辖权确保稳定币遵守现有法律和法律义务。在国会出台新法律之前,金融稳定监督委员会应考虑报告中强调的风险。 

此外,为了防止稳定币被用于资助非法金融和恐怖主义活动,美国财政部将继续在金融行动特别工作组(FATF)中鼓励各国实施国际反洗钱标准。就在上周,FATF 发布了关于虚拟资产和虚拟资产服务提供商的更新指南,以指导各国如何实施其加密法规。FATF 报告称,稳定币是虚拟资产,因此应针对反洗钱和恐怖主义融资风险进行监管。 


支持稳定币和其他加密资产的区块链域名提供商 Unstoppable Domains 的联合创始人兼 CEO Matthew Gould 对此认为:“这正是我们作为加密行业中的一部分所期待的监管类型。任何声称是美元支持的代币的人都需要在银行存有美元,而不仅仅是任何一家银行,必须是一家受美国监管的银行。” 


By Forkast News













旨在解决首先出现在比特币中的规模化和基础设施问题,引入数字硬币概念的第一代加密货币以及以太坊(第二种加密货币,扩展了使用案例) 硬币到智能合约。 





卡尔达诺还采用了RINA(递归网络架构)来扩展其网络。这种网络拓扑最初是由约翰·戴(John Day)开发的,它允许对异构网络进行自定义的增量。













“Ada”是卡尔达诺的数字货币,以19世纪的伯爵夫人和英国数学家艾达·洛夫莱斯(Ada Lovelace) 的名字命名,她是公认的第一位计算机程序员。

以太坊的联合创始人查尔斯·霍斯金森 (Charles Hoskinson) 于2015年开始开发卡尔达诺,并于2017年推出该平台。





Cardano 的主要应用是身份管理和可追溯性。前一个应用程序可用于简化需要从多个来源收集数据的流程。



Cardano背后的组织已经发布了三种产品:Atala PRISM,Atala SCAN和Atala Trace





在不久的将来,卡尔达诺团队计划使用一个名为Project Catalyst的民主链上治理系统来管理项目的开发和执行。

他们还将使用 Project Catalyst 改进他们的财务管理系统,为未来的成本提供资金。











  1. 验证交易。
  2. 创建交易区块。
  3. 向卡尔达诺区块链添加新创建的区块。




















Hoskinson 曾表示,其数据扩展工作要到2019年才能取得成果。

该系统的多项创新,例如其标准化协议的目标,仍处于研究阶段,只有随着 Cardano用例的增长才会实施。























按照他们的说法,这样的期望是“对于全球区块链来说不切实际 ”。



有这样一种危险,即负责批准slot leader事务的输入背书人最终可能会批准来自两个不同slot leader的同一组事务。






By 链金投研

What is Badger Dao (BADGER)?

Badger DAO is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that enables bitcoin to be used as collateral across decentralized finance (DeFi) applications. 
Over the course of 2020 and the first half of 2021, the estimated 1,000 bitcoin — in the form of synthetic BTC derivatives — being used on the Ethereum network ballooned to more than 250,000 bitcoin as a direct result of DeFi’s meteoric rise in popularity. While DeFi first emerged on the Ethereum network, other blockchains such as Polkadot and Solana have gained in popularity and also serve as underlying platforms for many DeFi projects. 

In response to this increasing adoption of DeFi, Badger was built to serve a growing need for the use of bitcoin in DeFi applications on these various blockchain networks. 

Badger’s first product, Sett Vaults, allows users to earn yield on their synthetic BTC assets. Digg, Badger’s second product, is software that manages the DIGG token, an elastic-supply cryptocurrency pegged to the dollar price of bitcoin. 
BADGER is an Ethereum-based token used for protocol governance and distribution of rewards within the Badger DAO. Although BADGER originally allowed holders to only vote on project proposals, it has since grown in utility and is now used to distribute rewards to those who manage the Sett Vaults. 
See Badger DAO’s news section to keep up to date on new developments.

Who created Badger DAO?

Badger was founded in September 2020 by Chris Spadafora, Ameer Rosic, Albert Castellana, and Alberto Cevallos. When building its DAO infrastructure, the Badger team collaborated with dOrg, a company that specializes in building DAO-related software. 
Among other accomplishments, Spadafora is the creator of the Crypto COVID19 Charity Poker Tournament, Rosic is a serial entrepreneur and cofounder of Blockgeeks.com, and Castellana is a cofounder of StakeHound. Spadafora and Rosic are currently part of the Badger operations team while Castellana and Cevallos have taken advisory roles in the project.

How does Badger DAO work?

Badger functions primarily as a DAO. Anyone who holds its governance token, BADGER, has the ability to vote on proposals set forth by members of the community. The more BADGER a user owns, the more voting power they have and proposals that garner enough votes from the community are put into effect on its platform.
Badger has integrated multiple DeFi products into its platform to help make bitcoin a usable asset across blockchains. The development team has partnered with other DeFi projects such as Yearn,  Ren, and Curve to bring these products to life.


Also known as Sett Vaults, SETTs are pools of tokens where users can lock up their tokenized bitcoin and allow smart contracts to manage their holdings to generate a yield. In other words, SETTs are Badger’s version of an automated DeFi aggregator.
When users deposit tokens into a SETT, they receive bTokens in return. For instance, if users deposit BADGER in a Sett Vault, they would receive bBADGER in return. These bTokens are interest-bearing tokens that represent the user’s share of the assets in the SETT and can be used as collateral in various DeFi applications. Anyone that deposits in a SETT will receive yield paid out in the appropriate token (based on the parameters laid out in that specific SETT) along with BADGER tokens. BTokens can then be traded back for the original asset along with any earnings (minus a fee).


DIGG is a decentralized “elastic-supply” cryptocurrency, pegged to the price of bitcoin. 

Digg’s software programmatically adjusts the supply of its DIGG cryptocurrency through smart contracts that expand or contract the circulating DIGG supply in response to fluctuations in the price of bitcoin.

If demand for DIGG is high, the price of each token may exceed the price of one BTC so the Digg protocol automatically increases the supply of DIGG to bring its price back down in line with the market price of BTC. If the demand is low, the Digg protocol automatically decreases the supply of DIGG to have the inverse effect. The process of programmatically adjusting supply to change an asset’s price is called ‘rebasing’ and is applied across all wallets that hold DIGG tokens.

While the supply of DIGG is constantly changing in an “elastic” fashion, a token holder’s proportion of the total supply of DIGG remains stable. In other words, if you held 1% of all DIGG tokens before a rebasing event, you would still hold the same percentage of coins after the rebasing.

DIGG can be used in DeFi protocols just like any other token, and can also be deposited into SETTs to generate a yield for its holders.

Which products support BADGER? 

Coinbase          ✔       ✔
Pro          ✔       ✔
Wallet          ✔      ✖️

What regions support BADGER? 

Coinbase    ✖️✖️  ✖️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️✖️✖️
Pro   ✔✖️   ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔✖️✖️
Wallet ✔ ✔   ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔✖️

Crypto to fiat trading pairs

USD  ✔ ✖️✖️
GBP ✖️ ✖️✖️
EUR ✖️  ✔ ✔

Crypto to crypto trading pairs 

BADGER    ✖️  ✖️ ✖️   ✔

See the full list of countries that Coinbase supports for crypto-to-crypto trading.

How many confirmations are needed for BADGER?

BADGER requires 35 network confirmations. Learn about transaction confirmations.

Which blockchain network hosts BADGER?

BADGER is hosted on Ethereum. 

What are the minimum and maximum withdrawal amounts?

Coinbase has implemented safeguards to ensure a healthy and efficient network both on-chain and through our platform.  

These safeguards include both minimum and maximum amounts for each cryptocurrency we allow customers to send through the blockchain.

Minimum: 0.000000000000000001 BADGER

Maximum: 5,000 BADGER

By Kraken and Coinbase

Categorized as Hot Crypto

What is IoTeX (IOTX)?

Founded as an open-source project in 2017, IoTeX is building the world’s leading privacy-centric blockchain platform for the Internet of Things (IoT). Their mission is to build a decentralized trust fabric for a new era of collaboration and data exchange among devices, applications and people. Backed by a global team of research scientists and top engineers, IoTeX combines blockchain, trusted hardware and edge computing to realize the full potential of IoT.

IoTeX & Internet of Trusted Things

IoTeX began our journey in 2017 to build the Internet of Trusted Things, where all physical and virtual “things” — humans, machines, businesses, and dApps — can efficiently exchange information and value at global scale. Throughout the past two years, we built IoTeX from scratch and devoted ourselves to delivering new innovations to the blockchain industry. This is manifested in Mainnet Alpha, which delivers a state-of-the-art Root Chain on which new Layer 2 chains, tokens, dApps, and businesses will be launched.

The IoTeX Mainnet serves as the origin for the Internet of Trusted Things. Our vision is much more than just adding trust to today’s IoT devices. Rather, by acting as a decentralized trust fabric for ALL physical and virtual things, IoTeX will drive end-to-end trust throughout the entire information life cycle, including collection, transport, storage, and utilization. This means data and assets can be shared by all types of “things”, enabling new decentralized business models involving humans, machines, businesses, and dApps:

  • Humans can seamlessly transact with machines in new sharing economy and data-as-a-service use cases
  • Machines can interact directly with other machines to power decentralized autonomous organizations (DAO)
  • Businesses can collaborate with other businesses to achieve new levels of collective intelligence and impact
  • Humans, machines, and businesses can access trusted dApps to perform various processes/tasks with full data privacy

The Internet of Trusted Things will change the world; however, it takes a special kind of blockchain to bring this vision to reality. IoTeX is the only blockchain platform capable of powering the Internet of Trusted Things. From Day 1, we made upfront design decisions to tailor fit IoTeX to support data privacy, trusted computing, large-scale IoT, interoperability, and big data use cases. By serving as the infrastructure to unify all “things”, IoTeX will power the new decentralized economy.

What is Mainnet Alpha?

Mainnet Alpha introduces the Root Chain, which is a robust foundation for future Layer 2 (L2) chains and dApps. As the manager of all L2 chains, the Root Chain utilizes Roll-DPoS consensus to guarantee security, reliability and transparency. The Root Chain provides P2P networking and consensus resources, which are leveraged by all L2 chains in the IoTeX Network. The Root Chain will allow developers to spin up custom L2 chains just as they would a new instance on Cloud! Cross-chain communication is also enabled by the Root Chain, which allows L2 chains to interoperate.

The safety-oriented Root Chain acts as a launchpad for various L2 chains, which are meant to be flexible and fit-for-purpose. L2 chains can be created with distinct crypto-economics and architectures to satisfy specific use cases: permissioned vs. permission-less, storage vs. micro-transaction focused, privacy vs. transparency-centric. The first L2 chain (codename: “AvoChain”) focused on privacy and trusted computing will be launched in Q2 2019.

Key components that have been released in Mainnet Alpha include:

  • Roll-DPoS Consensus: IoTeX’s in-house consensus mechanism is a variant of Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS), which delivers higher scalability without sacrificing decentralization or security. Roll-DPoS randomly selects 24 of the top 36 community-elected Delegates using distributed key generation (DKG) + BLS signatures. New Delegates are randomly selected every epoch (one hour) to ensure high security and hardware efficiency.
  • Ethereum-to-IoTeX Bridge: until the IoTeX Gravity Chain (governance layer) is launched in Q3/Q4, governance tasks (e.g., staking/voting) will be run on Ethereum. To facilitate this cross-network interoperability, we built a first-of-its-kind decentralized bridge between IoTeX and Ethereum, where the status of Ethereum staking/voting smart contracts instruct the IoTeX blockchain to perform Delegate swaps based on live voting results.
  • Extensible State transitions: IoTeX’s state transition component is designed to be extensible, meaning a subprotocol can be conveniently plugged in to support certain state transitions (e.g., confidential txns) without disrupting performance/security. As of now, there are five subprotocols implemented in Mainnet Alpha:
  • EVM-compatible execution unit: Mainnet Alpha uses Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), which is widely used by blockchain developers. Existing EVM-based dApps can be ported over to the IoTeX Network starting now! In the future, we will use EVM as a standalone execution unit for edge devices and develop an in-house IoTeX Virtual Machine, interpreter, and corresponding programming paradigms for decentralized computing.
  • SDK and explorer: to ensure a great developer experience, we provide the latest tech stack in the industry. dApps can interact with the IoTeX blockchain using our SDK (iotex-antenna) via gRPC. Developers can also create/unlock accounts, prepare smart contracts, and query the chain with GraphQL via our explorer (iotexscan). We use typescript to support type check and type annotation for ease of use and engineering quality.

IoTeX Native Token & Utility

The launch of Mainnet Alpha also marks the official launch of the IoTeX native token. The IoTeX native token is a utility token, which will be used in both the Root Chain (orchestration layer) and Gravity Chain (governance layer) for the following purposes:

  • Decentralized governance: staking/voting for Delegates, Delegate rewards and slashing, and network-wide votes/referendums (i.e., changes to rules, parameters, protocols)
  • Gas fees: running transactions and executing smart contracts on the IoTeX Network. One novelty is that gas fees are collected as a “tax” and then pooled/distributed to block producing Delegates
  • Bond/operation costs for L2 chains: to provision a Layer 2 chain, one must stake tokens on the Root Chain as bond and pay for operational costs. Each L2 chain may have its own crypto-economics and tokens, but will pay “registration costs” to leverage Root Chain resources.

Token Swap: Native & ERC20

The new IoTeX native token and existing IoTeX ERC20 token will co-exist for 3–6 months (until Gravity Chain launch in Q3/Q4 2019). For now, the ERC20 token will be used for staking/voting on Ethereum and will be tradable on exchanges (i.e., Binance, Bittrex, Upbit), while the native token will be used for running transactions and smart contracts on the IoTeX Network.

After the launch of Gravity Chain in Q3/Q4 2019, we will facilitate an official ERC20-to-native token swap via mainstream exchanges. Until then, options for token holders to two-way swap their tokens 1:1 include:

  • ERC20-to-native: leverage our Ethereum-IoTeX bridge to swap via smart contract — just send ERC20 tokens to an Ethereum smart contract and the corresponding amount of native tokens will be sent to your IoTeX address
  • Native-to-ERC20: use our micro-service iotex-tube — just send your native tokens to a specific IoTeX address, and corresponding amount of ERC20 tokens will be sent to your ETH address.

IoTeX Delegates & Staking/Voting

The IoTeX Network uses Roll-DPoS consensus, where Delegates are elected by token holders to run consensus on behalf of the entire network. The primary role of a Delegate is to help grow and maintain the network by providing robust node infrastructure, maintaining high server uptime, collaborating with other Delegates to run consensus, and contributing to various network initiatives.

IoTeX uses a unique staking/voting process managed completely by smart contract. As such, there is no centralized entity that can manipulate voting results — it is fully decentralized as all voting should be! In the IoTeX Network, 1 token = 1 vote and voters can also get bonus votes by setting a pre-defined stake duration (bonus curve). For more information on the voting process, please see our all-in-one Voter Handbook.

There are currently 50+ IoTeX Delegates from 20+ countries, including developers, community, media, universities, enterprises, and funds/VCs. Also included are experienced node operators from other PoS/DPoS networks, such as EOS, Tezos, Tron, Lisk, and IOST. With such a diverse, committed, and experience group of Delegates, we are confident that the IoTeX Network will be able to evolve efficiently and sustainably.

Vote today at member.iotex.io!

Voting for Delegates began on March 11, with a goal of having 20% of the total circulating supply (~500 million IOTX) staked/voted to bootstrap the Mainnet. This goal was met within one week, a testament to our highly committed community! With one week left until Mainnet Alpha, there are now >750 million tokens staked/voted (~30% of the circulating supply). If you haven’t voted yet, vote today on the official voting website!

The Future of IoTeX

IoTeX is and always will be 100% open source — an experiment in mindshare and collaboration, where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. The launch of Mainnet Alpha represents a new era of IoTeX, with community-driven development and teamwork as top priorities. We can’t wait to see what you will build on the IoTeX Network!

The Grand Design of IoTeX: Multi-layer Architecture

Mainnet Alpha is just a start — the grand design of IoTeX is a multi-layer architecture comprised of hierarchical blockchain layers with unique duties: Gravity Chain (governance), Root Chain (orchestration), and Layer 2 chains (operation/execution). Additional layers will be released throughout 2019, with the first Layer 2 chain in Q2 and the Gravity Chain in Q3/Q4. For more details, please see our post on The Grand Design of IoTeX.

IoTeX Roadmap 2019

As shown in our roadmap, 2019 will be an action-packed year for IoTeX. With a robust Root Chain foundation in place, the next steps of adding new L2 chains (i.e., trusted computing, IoT device hub), open source tools (i.e., SDKs, explorers, wallets), and dApps/services (i.e., DEX, stable coins, oracles) will involve the entire IoTeX developer and user community. Let us celebrate this major Mainnet Alpha milestone together and look forward to the journey ahead — let’s build the future together!

What products support IOTX?

  Coinbase            ✔      ✔
  Pro           ✔      ✔
Wallet          ✖️     ✖️

What regions support IOTX?

Coinbase    ✔ ✖️ ✔✖️✖️ ✔  ✔ ✖️
Pro    ✔ ✖️ ✔✖️✖️ ✔  ✔✖️

Crypto to fiat trading pairs

USD  ✔ ✖️✖️
GBP  ✖️ ✖️✖️
EUR  ✖️✖️

Crypto to crypto trading pairs

IOTX    ✔ ✔  ✖️ ✖️

See the full list of countries that Coinbase supports for crypto-to-crypto trading.

How many confirmations are needed for IOTX?

IOTX requires 35 network confirmations. Learn about transaction confirmations.

Which blockchain network hosts IOTX?

IOTX is hosted on the Ethereum blockchain.

What are the minimum and maximum withdrawal amounts?

Coinbase has implemented safeguards to ensure a healthy and efficient network both on-chain and through our platform.  

These safeguards include both minimum and maximum amounts for each cryptocurrency we allow customers to send through the blockchain.

Minimum: 0.000000000000000001

Maximum: 6,544,503

By IoTeX and Coinbase

Categorized as Hot Crypto

What is LCX (LCX)?

LCX, the Liechtenstein Cryptoassets Exchange, is a blockchain ecosystem for professional investors. LCX will provide crypto custody service called LCX Vault, a crypto trading desk called LCX Terminal, an advanced trading platform for security tokens and other cryptoassets called LCX Exchange, and an international fiat-to-crypto exchange called Binance LCX, which is a joint venture with Binance.

B. Industry

Cryptoassets exchanges are classified into two catagories: centralized exchanges and decentralized exchanges. According to the data from CoinMarketCap on September, there are only 18 decentralized exchanges among top 200. Comparing to other centralized exchanges, the specialty about LCX is that they will offer trading between Swiss Francs (CHF) and Euros (EUR) against major cryptocurrencies pairs. According to the H1 crypto exchange report by Blockdata, there are 177 effective exchanges by the end of April 2018. Among 177 exchanges, there are not many of them provide international fiat-to-crypto exchange. Bitfinex, Coinbase Pro, Bitstamp and Kraken are the big exchanges that offer trading between Euros against major cryptocurrencies pairs. There is no exchange offer trading between Swiss Francs against major cryptocurrencies pairs right now. It is because there are only two countries use Swiss Francs, which are Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Switzerland does not have an exchange offer trading between Swiss Francs so far.

Liechtenstein and Switzerland are members of the European Economic Area, but not the European Union. So, the advantage being that financial services based there, including those working on cryptocurrencies and blockchain, can skirt some of the most onerous EU regulations while still trading across the continent because of financial ‘passporting’ rules. It’s part of the reason why Liechtenstein’s banks are still handling crypto investments on behalf of their clients, and even offering advice on initial coin offerings, while the rest of Europe’s financial sector has shied away from digital currencies. Crown Prince Alois even implied that his royal family could soon use blockchain to manage the day-to-day administration of their monarchy, and he’s made mention of diversifying his family’s assets into digital tokens.

Although crypto exchange is a very competitive market, there is not many direct competitors to LCX. With the help of Binance, LCX has a potential to be successful in Europe. (7.5/10)

C. Mode

LCX, the Liechtenstein Cryptoassets Exchange, is a blockchain ecosystem for professional investors. LCX will provide crypto custody service called LCX Vault, a crypto trading desk called LCX Terminal, an advanced trading platform for security tokens and other cryptoassets called LCX Exchange, and an international fiat-to-crypto exchange called Binance LCX, which is a joint venture with Binance.

· LCX Exchange: LCX Exchange is a stable, scalable, and secure professional trading platform for utility and security tokens. LCX is designed to satisfy the strict requirements of institutional investors: custody, compliance, stability, transparency and auditability.

The LCX Trading Platform will be built on scalable infrastructure, matching engine and a secure backend infrastructure. It will incorporate the LCX custody solution, analytical tools and a variety of reporting capabilities. The trading interface will be available in English, German and Chinese simplified. Additional languages will be rolled-out over time. The LCX Trading Platform will be rolled out in several phases, first listing a variety of cryptoassets and at a later point of time listing security tokens. The listing of security tokens is in accordance to the international Financial Market regulations and will be launched after final approvals.

· LCX Terminal: The LCX Terminal is an advanced crypto assets autotrading, portfolio management and analytics platform with API integration of major exchanges.

· LCX Vault: An institutional-grade crypto asset vault using dedicated hardware security modules that support multi-signature authorization. LCX will offer custodian storage of cryptocurrencies for financial institutions, corporations, asset and wealth managers, family offices and HNW investors. The LCX Vault bridges the gap between hot wallets and cold storage. LCX will closely work with market leaders in secure hardware for storing crypto assets and implement their custodial solutions. The LCX Vault will provide clients with an end-to-end security solution and operational service, while allowing clients to maintain control of their private keys at all times. LCX’s advanced crypto wallets will be based on certified Hardware Security Module (HSM) technology. The hardware security modules will secure the private keys and manage the multi-authorization process.

· Binance LCX: Binance LCX is a joint venture between Binance and LCX, that will launch a fiat-to-crypto exchange in Liechtenstein. The experienced team at Binance will provide and maintain the technology platform, while Binance LCX manages customer support, legal requirements, due diligence, KYC, AML and government communication. Binance LCX plans to build up a team of 10–15 people for its Liechtenstein office and will immediately start the hiring process. The exchange will offer trading between Swiss Francs (CHF) and Euros (EUR) against major cryptocurrencies pairs, and add more trading pairs overtime subject to regulatory approval.

According to the telegram, there will also be $LCX, the utility token of the LCX ecosystem. Comparing to other exchanges, LCX provides more comprehensive service to investors, for both individuals and institutions. As a centralized exchange, LCX will face some trust issues in the future. Comparing to decentralized exchanges, centralized exchanges are more likely to be attacked by hackers. Moreover, since transaction data will not be on-chain, funds in exchanges are more likely to be embezzled (7.5/10)

D. Technology

LCX is a centralized exchange with its own platform’s cryptocurrency, just like Binance. As it was mentioned above, the experienced team at Binance will provide and maintain the exchange. Although LCX is not open source, people do not have to worry about the trading performance and security of LCX.(7/10)

E. Operation

Telegram — 2699 members, admins are always online to answer. Most people are asking if there will be ICO or fundraising; Twitter — joined twitter on February 2018, 96 tweets and 2249 followers; Facebook — 48 followers; LCX is a recent project, so it is understandable that they do not have many followers.(6/10)

F. Team

There are no members listed on their official website. But according to the LinkedIn, there are 5 members listed. Monty Metzger is the CEO of LCX. He is a serial entrepreneur that graduated from Harvard Business School. According to the LinkedIn, the size of the companies he had created is quite small which implies that his past experience is not that successful. Yeshu Agarwal, the CTO of LCX, is founder of Coinally.io. Coinally.io is the cryptocurrency auto trading & portfolio management platform featuring API import support for most major cryptocurrency exchanges such as Bittrex, Poloniex, Binance, Coinbase, Bitfinex, GDAX, Kraken, and Liqui. The rest of the team members is on marketing and community end. According to their job posting, they are currently hiring developers in New Delhi, which we can conclude that they will build up a technical team in India. The CTO is Indian as well. Like it was mentioned above, the experienced team at Binance will provide and maintain the technology platform, while Binance LCX manages customer support, legal requirements, due diligence, KYC, AML and government communication. So, with the help of Binance and an experienced CTO, the technology of LCX is guaranteed.

On advisory end, they have some big names. They have Don Tapscott, the author of “The Blockchain Revolution”, Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia, and Prof. Dr. Shoucheng Zhang, the Founding Chairman of Danhua Capital. LCX has a quite luxuries lineup. (8/10)

G. Conclusion

LCX will highly likely to be the first crypto exchange in Liechtenstein. LCX intends to obtain a MIFID II license in accordance with the Liechtenstein Banking Act and further licenses under the Blockchain Act. While conducting its business LCX will take all required efforts to comply with existing Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations applicable in the regulated financial market. With the technical support of Binance, as long as LCX can operate lawfully, they are very likely to be successful in Europe.

Which products support LCX? 

Coinbase           ✔      ✔
Pro           ✔      ✔
Wallet           ✔     ✖️

What regions support LCX? 

Coinbase   ✖️  ✔ ✔ ✔ ✖️✖️✖️
Pro   ✔✖️   ✔ ✔ ✔ ✖️✖️✖️
Wallet ✔ ✔   ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔✖️

Crypto to fiat trading pairs

USD  ✔ ✖️✖️
GBP ✖️ ✖️✖️
EUR ✖️  ✔ ✔

Note: Coinbase Wallet does not support direct bank transactions. You’ll need to transfer your crypto to Coinbase.com or send it to an external address in order to cash out.

Crypto to crypto trading pairs 

LCX    ✖️  ✖️
 ✖️   ✔

See the full list of countries that Coinbase supports for crypto-to-crypto trading.

Note: Only assets hosted on the Ethereum blockchain can be converted through the Coinbase Wallet mobile app at this time. Learn more about trading on Coinbase Wallet.

How many confirmations are needed for LCX?

LCX requires 35 network confirmations. Learn about transaction confirmations.

Which blockchain network hosts LCX?

LCX is hosted on Ethereum. 

What are the minimum and maximum withdrawal amounts?

Coinbase has implemented safeguards to ensure a healthy and efficient network both on-chain and through our platform.  

These safeguards include both minimum and maximum amounts for each cryptocurrency we allow customers to send through the blockchain.

Minimum: 0.000000000000000001 LCX

Maximum: 180,000 LCX

By EVALUAPE and Coinbase

Categorized as Hot Crypto

What is OriginTrail (TRAC)?

  • OriginTrail is a neutral Web3 protocol enabling trusted data sharing between companies, organizations, and blockchains. End-to-end information is shared and secured in a fully decentralized knowledge graph network, monitored with AI and oracles. Connecting and searching vast amounts of linked data between organizations (such as in supply chains) in a verified way has not previously been possible.
  • At the core of OriginTrail is a decentralized network of nodes that share or hold data for a specific length of time. The TRAC token is the glue between all entities and is used as both a collateral (to keep data holders/creators honest and data immutable) and a payment (to compensate data holders for their time and resources). Sensitive data can be set to expire and is protected using zero-knowledge methods in a privacy-by-design approach. TRAC is integral to utilizing the protocol and is used in at least 6 different ways.
  • OriginTrail/TRAC is used by Home Depot, Walmart, Target, & the US Department of Homeland Security for factory audit verification.
  • Team recently backed by Coinbase/Twitter VC Greg Kidd and internet pioneer Bob Metcalfe (Metcalfe’s Law of network effects).
  • Adoption is catalyzed by building on globally recognized standards for sharing information and data. Together with GS1 (the global bar code registration body), they are developing the next generation EPCIS/CBV 2.0 supply chain standard.
  • Multi-chain technology strategy by connecting to Ethereum, Polygon, xDai and [soon] Polkadot. OriginTrail complements other blockchain projects and does not compete.

Which products support TRAC? 

Coinbase          ✔      ✔
Pro          ✔      ✔
Wallet          ✔     ✖️

What regions support TRAC? 

Coinbase    ✔   ✔ ✔ ✔✖️✖️✖️
Pro   ✔   ✔ ✔ ✔✖️✖️✖️
Wallet ✔   ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔✖️

Crypto to fiat trading pairs

USD  ✔ ✖️ ✖️
GBP ✖️ ✖️ ✖️
EUR ✖️  ✔  ✔

Note: Coinbase Wallet does not support direct bank transactions. You’ll need to transfer your crypto to Coinbase.com or send it to an external address in order to cash out.

Crypto to crypto trading pairs 

TRAC   ✖️  ✖️
 ✖️    ✔

See the full list of countries that Coinbase supports for crypto-to-crypto trading.

Note: Only assets hosted on the Ethereum blockchain can be converted through the Coinbase Wallet mobile app at this time. Learn more about trading on Coinbase Wallet.

How many confirmations are needed for TRAC?

TRAC requires 35 network confirmation. Learn about transaction confirmations.

Which blockchain network hosts TRAC?

TRAC is hosted on Ethereum. 

What are the minimum and maximum withdrawal amounts?

Coinbase has implemented safeguards to ensure a healthy and efficient network both on-chain and through our platform.  

These safeguards include both minimum and maximum amounts for each cryptocurrency we allow customers to send through the blockchain.

Minimum: 0.000000000000000001 TRAC

Maximum: 284,091 TRAC

A 20 Minute Overview of OriginTrail

In This Article…

The OriginTrail Decentralized Network (ODN)

OriginTrail is a neutral, open-source protocol enabling data sharing between companies and organizations. It utilizes decentralized nodes and an off-chain technology stack to interface with legacy systems as well as other blockchains (permissioned and permissionless). OriginTrail allows businesses to improve interoperability among systems and facilitate trusted data exchange.

Network Features

The ODN Mainnet has been operating since December 2018 with actual enterprise “data jobs” being posted by data creator nodes and stored by data holding nodes (continue reading for examples). The OriginTrail protocol and the ODN has been built from the ground up with four core features: 

  1. Interoperability and Data Integrity: OriginTrail has been built to take advantage of globally recognized GS1 and W3C standards. This allows for efficient alignment of data from multiple sources, including both legacy systems and newer blockchain-powered systems. This data could be anything: tracking and tracing data, Internet-of-Things (IoT) data, descriptive attributes, etc. Once data is aligned, consensus checks to verify datasets from different stakeholders can take place; additionally, auditing via compliance organizations can be authorized automatically. Due to the sensitive nature of many supply chain and business use cases, the ODN is designed to provide a “zero-knowledge” method to prove data validity.
  2. Data Immutability: A tamper-proof fingerprint (cryptographic hash) of the data is generated and placed on the a blockchain when first published to the ODN; this is then used to verify that data has not been modified in any way.
  3. Stability & Cost Efficiency: As the “heavy lifting” of interoperability and data integrity takes place off-chain, the OriginTrail graph database operates cheaply and efficiently. Its open-sourced nature enables easy deployment and does not “rip and replace” legacy systems as other blockchain-based supply chain solutions do.
  4. Network Incentivization via Token Staking: As detailed in the section below, the TRAC token is the means of compensation between data creators, data holders, and data consumers. It uses an innovative staking system to keep all parties honest; nodes are therefore incentivized for performing consensus checks and delivering data on demand.

With all of these factors in mind, the OriginTrail Decentralized Network overcomes a significant barrier to centralized blockchain solutions: keeping trust between all parties on the network.

At the core is a decentralized network of data providers, data creators, data holders, and data viewers:

Schematic of the interaction between network nodes, enterprise connections, and the blockchain layer

Data enters the OriginTrail Decentralized Network through a Data Creator node. This data source could be from any number of business functions, including existing ERPs, blockchains (permissioned and permissionless), etc. A cryptographic data hash of the data is first fingerprinted to a blockchain to ensure data immutability. This data is then passed (via a bidding process) to 3+ Data Holder nodes that agree to hold the data for the terms of a contract. Data holder nodes are essentially decentralized, interconnected servers and provide that data upon demand to relevant parties.

The data can be treated exactly how the data creator wants. Data creators can set the data to be public or private, have the data expire after a certain number of weeks/years, or have that data (or parts of data) shared only with appropriate parties. Sensitive data is protected using zero-knowledge methods in a privacy-by-design approach. These data holding nodes also function as a vast, decentralized knowledge graph to connect data sets across companies and/or supply chain partners quickly and efficiently. This core feature of the ODN is one of the major selling points for protocol adoption, as searching for inter-related data between partners has not been possible before. This writeup on the decentralized knowledge graph is highly recommended to learn more.

Data holding nodes were designed to be very decentralized. They are open to anyone with 3000+ TRAC, and if the data job meets your criteria (job length, data size, etc.) then your node could be randomly assigned the job. All data holding nodes are equal; having more TRAC per node only means you can accept additional jobs compared to others. There are currently 800+ data holding nodes as of May 2021.

The ERC-20 Trace Token (TRAC) is the glue between all entities and is used as both a collateral (to keep data holders honest and data immutable) and a payment (to compensate data holders for their time and resources). More information on TRAC utility and economics is in the following section.

For more information, there is also an official breakdown of network incentives and market forces.

Achieving consensus between two stakeholders

Blockchain Interactions

As the ODN is a middle-layer protocol, it has been designed to interact with a number of blockchains. While the data is kept off-chain on the ODN, the cryptographic hashes of the data are stored on a given blockchain. There are currently four blockchains supported, with a Polkadot expected after the blockchain goes live.

  • Ethereum: The Ethereum blockchain was the first supported blockchain supported by the ODN. An example of this can be seen here, which is the cryptographic data hash for this data job from the British Standards Organization. However, the rise in gas prices over 2020 caused data job prices to be almost prohibitively expensive. Other blockchains, such as layer-two solutions xDai and Polygon, enable much cheaper fees for data jobs.
  • HyperLedger Fabric: HyperLedger Fabric connections (in the form of smart contract integrations) was first achieved in late 2018. A recent example can be seen in this Oracle-developed usecase in the milk supply chain.
  • xDai: This L2 blockchain connection went live in March 2021. xDai was chosen due to the high maturity of the xDai ecosystem and production-grade/security audited bridges to Ethereum. It has been the workhorse blockchain for 2021.
  • Polygon: The connection to the Polygon L2 blockchain went live in August 2021 and jobs have been increasing in frequency.
  • Polkadot (via OriginTrail Parachain): The OriginTrail developers have stated they will be bidding for a Polkadot parachain slot soon after the network goes live. The OriginTrail Trace Alliance and Parity (Polkadot Developers) have had a partnership since September 2020 and OriginTrail co-founder Žiga Drev was selected as one of 6 project talks at the Mainstage of the 2021 Polkadot Decoded conference. Parity developers have also contributed to the OriginTrail Parachain codebase on Github, highlighting their collaboration.
    • Details on the exact timing/plan for parachain auction bidding have not been released as of October 2021.
    • Additional network utility is unlocked in the form of knowledge tools, where TRAC is used to transact knowledge from producers to consumers. It will be open to the entire Polkadot ecosystem. The developers have been working steadily towards this over several years, and the 2021 Expanded Roadmap suggests that this will expand TRAC utility by orders of magnitude. The roadmap is well worth reading for details.
Flow of data and TRAC tokens among ODN participants

A comprehensive overview of the technical side of the OriginTrail protocol can be found on the official OriginTrail website, the Whitepaper, and in the official documentation. The knowledge graph and privacy aspects can be read about in detail here. The Expanded 2021 Roadmap is well worth reading. There were also Technology office hours in July 2020 and September 2019. A Tech Discord exists for questions about node running.

TRAC Token Utility and Economics on the ODN

TRAC Facts

  • 500 million total. Non-inflationary, all pre-mined and distributed during ICO
  • Markets with liquidity: Coinbase, Kucoin, Uniswap, Bancor
  • Token Sale Complete: January 17, 2018
  • ICO price: $0.10 (0.00007968 ETH)
  • Contract Address: 0xaa7a9ca87d3694b5755f213b5d04094b8d0f0a6f (18 decimal)

The Trace token (TRAC) is the utility token that drives the entire ODN. It is a pre-mined, non-inflationary token, and only 500 million will ever exist. Fractions of TRAC (out to 18 decimal places) can and have been used on the network, so supply will never be an issue. This means that the price of a data job (which is paid for in company fiat currency) can be relatively stable as the price of TRAC rises due to utility and adoption. For example, a data job in 2020 could cost 50 TRAC for $2.00 (in fiat) while 3 years later could cost 0.5 TRAC for the same $2.00 rate. TRAC is an ERC-20 token and there are no plans to change blockchains.

Token Utility

TRAC is utilized on the OriginTrail Decentralized Network (ODN) in six ways, and the network (and its decentralized nature) cannot function without it. These mechanisms are:

1. Engaging in the OriginTrail Ecosystem. Data creators and data holders must have TRAC staked in their nodes to take part in the ODN. More TRAC staked in nodes means more data jobs can be published or held.

2. Publishing data to the ODN. Data creators publish data jobs on the ODN using TRAC to compensate 3+ data holding nodes for their time and resources. The exact value of TRAC for each data job is dependent on market forces, but parameters like job length and data size affect it. This TRAC is locked in a smart contract until the job’s completion.

3. Collateralization by Data Holders. To prevent data tampering and as a promise to hold data for a set period of time, TRAC from a data holder’s stake is also locked via smart contract for the length of the data job. Failure to provide data on-demand leads to loss of this staked TRAC to the data creator. Upon completion of the terms of the job, the data holder earns back their original stake AND the TRAC staked by the data creator.

Note that data holding node is not like a typical crypto “masternode.” They actively accept and provide data and are more akin to servers; most (all?) people run them on VPS providers due to the potential to lose TRAC staked (by failing to provide data if there is downtime). Some knowledge of a Linux environment is essential.

4. TRAC Usage as a Polkadot Native Token. As discussed above, OriginTrail will bid for a parachain slot on the Polkadot network. There will be a native token for use on Polkadot, which is like a “wrapped” form of TRAC. No new TRAC tokens are ever created, thus constricting the supply (i.e. the total number of Polkadot TRAC + ERC-20 TRAC = 500 million). A bridge will exist to allow easy movement between chains.

5. Staking TRAC. Individuals will soon be able to stake their TRAC on Version 6.0 of the ODN. Stakers will be able to get a share in the profits of the data job. This locks TRAC into the network for months and years, constricting supply. More information is coming soon.

6. Knowledge Incentivization. The final usecase for TRAC is through a data ecosystem that allows data creators to sell their data on the open market. For example, the recently announced EU-sponsored Food Safety Market aims to develop an industrial data platform for food certification in Europe by 2023. There are also Data Markets being built for both pharmaceuticals and satellite imagery; this has the potential to unlock valuable proprietary siloed data previously thought unsellable.

The OriginTrail Parachain super-charges these data marketplaces with the addition of knowledge tokens, knowledge wallets, the knowledge marketplace, and knowledge tenders. They allow individuals to buy and sell data in a trusted, private way; the developers say this will increase TRAC’s utility by orders of magnitude. Because this is tied into to the Polkadot ecosystem, all Polkadot/Kusama projects will be able to utilize this feature. Please see the 2021 Roadmap for a very in-depth look at this usecase.

The OriginTrail Knowledge Economy

Token Economics

Given the four components of TRAC utility described above, the price of a TRAC token should be well-correlated to the usage of the OriginTrail Decentralized Network. TRAC token scarcity (via utility) is subject to a “triple effect” as described in the 2019 OriginTrail Vision Paper:

“When the TRAC token economics and all of the above utilities are put into practice, they create a triple effect. When data gets published on ODN, the publisher creates a certain demand for TRAC that is used to compensate the nodes in the network for holding the published data. At the same time, the same demand gets created for TRAC that is put as collateral for that particular job. While that collateral gets locked, it effectively also lowers the entire available supply of TRAC, thus creating the third effect.”

One could easily argue there is a fourth effect, based on investors/speculators locking tokens away from the ODN. This further reduces supply and would positively impact TRAC price. A very comprehensive look at market forces and incentives of the network was also released by the team and is worth reading to understand more.

Upward price pressure on TRAC will happen in two ways (beside speculation/investment):

  • Token Lockup (by Staking, Nodes and Data Jobs). Token utility (discussed above) locks up a lot of TRAC in the network (per job) for months and years at a time. Reducing effective supply should positively impact price. The team stated in a September 2020 AMA that they expect to have 100k data jobs flowing over the network per day by 2023. Staking could lock up 20% of the total supply at the outset, reducing effective supply further.
  • Direct Exchange Integration. The developer-created Network Operating System (nOS) directly links existing enterprise software to the ODN. TRAC is automatically purchased with company fiat by directly market-buying TRAC on exchanges. This also solves the problem of mainstream companies needing to purchase and hold cryptocurrency. nOS is discussed in detail below.

Further, Alpha Sigma Capital, a prominent crypto venture capital fund, released an updated report in August 2021 that said TRAC is significantly undervalued, and should be priced at $3.53 based on their metrics. They expect more token price and team growth over the next 4 years. Alpha Sigma Capital confirmed they currently hold TRAC tokens.

Of the 500 million TRAC tokens, 358.6 million tokens have been distributed. Founder and team tokens (75 million total) were fully distributed by January 2020 according to the two-year vesting schedule.

The following table shows the current TRAC token distribution. As described in the 2020 Q1 Report, all of the TRAC available in the “soft lock” column will be used in the protocol development fund for future improvements (132.5 million total).

Updated distribution of TRAC tokens.

The following is a bit of speculation from a long time TRAC holder and node runner.

As discussed above, the token economics model is incredibly well thought through, with TRAC serving as a true utility token. Data job length varies, but node runners have seen job lengths as little as 3 minutes and as long as 5 years (average is 6 months). Each data job requires a lot of TRAC to be locked in the smart contract for the duration of the job: some from each data holding node for collateral and an equal amount from the data creator node to compensate each of the data holders. It will not take much to reduce the supply of TRAC dramatically, and there are numerous paths to enterprise adoption as outlined in the section below.

It is also interesting to note that when configuring any node parameters, the notation is always in micro-TRAC units (mTRAC); this suggests that “fractions of TRAC” data jobs were planned from the beginning and will be a common feature of the network. This would imply massive utility and enormous price potential.

Path to Enterprise Adoption

The OriginTrail Decentralized Network has been fully up and running since late 2018, and current job offers can be seen on the community-built network explorer, OT Hub. Since OriginTrail was developed as an open-sourced protocol for data sharing and supply chains, anyone can run nodes to create or hold data. The OriginTrail/TraceLabs team confirmed in the June 2020 Office Hours that there are jobs running on the ODN that even they do not know what they are. This shows that the network is being used as intended: a trustless, permissionless system to exchange data.

Nevertheless, there are a number of features and initiatives that will encourage adoption of the OriginTrail protocol: 


TraceLabs is the for-profit entity started by the same team that developed OriginTrail and serves as the core developers of the protocol. They are catalyzing the adoption of the OriginTrail Decentralized Network by developing custom solutions for companies (some examples of which can be seen below). The TraceLabs team has venture capital backing and have consistently said they have ample funding to continue development. As of October 2021, there are 25 members on the TraceLabs team (not including contractors and advisors). Their website currently shows 12 open positions. TraceLabs has a goal of connecting 100,000+ organizations to the ODN by 2023, as shown in a recent conference presentation. In a September 2020 AMA, they stated they hope to have 10k-100k data jobs flowing over the network by 2023.

The team has a number of high profile advisors; these include Coinbase/Twitter venture capitalist Greg Kidd, Electronic Arts (EA) games knowledge graph strategist Aaron Bradley, and internet pioneer Bob Metcalfe.

Network Operating System (nOS)

The biggest catalyst for ODN adoption is the development of the TraceLabs-built Network Operating System (nOS). This is a custom software solution for businesses that directly connects the OriginTrail Decentralized Network to their legacy system and other permissionless and permissioned blockchains (including HyperLedger). It easily allows for existing ERP integrations, consensus checks for data discrepancies among partners, supply chain/track-and-trace applications, and data/sourcing provenance. TraceLabs estimates that nOS decreases implementation time and deployment costs by 10-fold. Demo pictures can be seen on the TraceLabs website.

nOS is already integrated into several legacy enterprise suites,including Oracle Cloud, Salesforce, SAP, and Microsoft Navision. This enables 10,000+ businesses ready access to nOS functionality with a single click.

Further, and perhaps most importantly for adoption, nOS enables the spending of credits purchased with company fiat to directly purchase TRAC via Uniswap and other exchanges; TRAC is only utilized in the background, is directly purchased when needed, and used in nodes immediately (see this writeup for details). As cryptocurrency never touches the company’s accounting books, it solves the problem of mainstream companies needing to purchase and hold cryptocurrency to use the protocol. Because of this consistent buying pressure, it should create upward pressure on TRAC price over time.

Oracle and TraceLabs have had a partnership since late 2018, and nOS has been listed on the Oracle Cloud Marketplace since early 2019. The Oracle partnership also brought increased support for Hyperledger integration. https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?dnt=false&embedId=twitter-widget-0&features=eyJ0ZndfZXhwZXJpbWVudHNfY29va2llX2V4cGlyYXRpb24iOnsiYnVja2V0IjoxMjA5NjAwLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X2hvcml6b25fdHdlZXRfZW1iZWRfOTU1NSI6eyJidWNrZXQiOiJodGUiLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X3NwYWNlX2NhcmQiOnsiYnVja2V0Ijoib2ZmIiwidmVyc2lvbiI6bnVsbH19&frame=false&hideCard=false&hideThread=false&id=1070678005763190784&lang=en&origin=https%3A%2F%2Forigintrailexplained.info%2F&sessionId=3c62e9633a0472adabd02299ebae9da1a132894e&theme=light&widgetsVersion=f001879%3A1634581029404&width=550px

Open Standards (GS1 EPCIS/CBV and W3C integration)

The entire global supply chain runs on standards developed by the GS1 organization. Systems to identify, capture, and share information among supply chain partners (including the ubiquitous bar code), were all developed over the past 45 years by GS1. These standards allow for interoperability between different systems and supply chain architectures across the globe. Any blockchain-based solution to improve traceability should integrate with these legacy systems, and the OriginTrail protocol was designed from the ground up to do this.

The OriginTrail protocol fully supports the GS1 EPCIS 1.2 and CBV standards in the protocol data structure. This ensures full compliance and integration with legacy systems. In July 2020, TraceLabs confirmed that they joined the 54 company working group to develop the next generation EPCIS/CBV 2.0 standards, to be ratified soon. This puts OriginTrail in an incredible position to shape next-generation intelligent supply chain interactions.

In August 2020, TraceLabs announced an integration of the ODN and the upcoming GS1 Digital Link standard.

The OriginTrail protocol also supports the Web of Things (W3C) recommended standard. This will ensure wide compatibility with IoT devices and has already been utilized for a number of European Union-wide use cases and pilots (see below).

OriginTrail/TraceLabs has been a member of GS1 since 2018, which gives them access to the development of supply chain standards and their implementation. OriginTrail/TraceLabs co-founder Žiga Drev was invited to speak at several local and global GS1 conferences, including the GS1 Global Forums in 2019 and 2020. OriginTrail was also featured in a 2018 GS1 position paper on blockchain technology. GS1 members are intimately aware of the protocol through these endeavors. 

OriginTrail’s standards-based approach also caught the attention of the World Economic Forum (WEF), who detailed OriginTrail as one of the top blockchain-based supply chain solutions in their 2020 Blockchain Deployment Toolkit report. They also published an article on OriginTrail’s Essential COVID-19 Supplies Repository as an effective use of blockchain technology.

Lastly, the German Federal Office for Information Security praised OriginTrail as one of two future leaders in blockchain-assisted supply chain management.

Trace Alliance

Trace Alliance

The Trace Alliance is a global network of 100+ business enterprises, service providers, developers, and research institutions that share knowledge gained using the OriginTrail protocol. They have direct access to OriginTrail knowledge resources, use cases, and the latest technology releases/solutions. The goal is to aid in the adoption of the OriginTrail protocol for the benefit of all members. Members include Deloitte, OneAgrix, TE-Foods, Oregon Tilth, and TMA Solutions. A full list can be seen here.

In September 2020, Parity (core developers of Polkadot) partnered with TraceLabs and will be part of a working group on decentralization and tokenomics.

Current and Near-Future Adoption of the ODN

The OriginTrail Mainnet has been up and running since December 2018. The following is a sampling of organizations that have used the technology on either the mainnet or testnets. It is not meant to be a complete list.

BSI (British Standards Institute)

The British Standards Institute (BSI) is the national standards body of the United Kingdom and has 86,000 clients in 190 countries. They produce and update hundreds of thousands of standards and certifications per year. OriginTrail and BSI have had a partnership since January 2019, and certification data from BSI is already flowing over the OriginTrail Decentralized Network (see example here).

In June 2020, BSI released a whitepaper detailing how the SCAN initiative (led by BSI) will utilize the OriginTrail Decentralized Network to monitor and audit factories servicing major United States brands in their Trusted Factory Blockchain Program. SCAN members (including Walmart, Target, Home Depot, Lowes, and Walt Disney) have over 18,000 factories that will be part of this initiative. This official writeup and the whitepaper are highly recommended reading. A video of how this works in action was also presented at the December 2020 OriginTrail Liftoff event.

SCAN members participating in factory audit initiative through BSI

In addition, BSI also trains and certifies 200,000 students per year on topics from business improvements to environmental management. The BSI white paper (and team confirmation in the June 2020 Office Hours) indicate that these certifications will be verified using the ODN over time.


EVRYTHNG is an internet of things software company performing supply chain logistics for a number of global brands. These include Coca Cola, Ralph Lauren, Puma, and Avery Dennison, among others. EVRYTHNG has made a big push over two years for blockchain integration for their brands. OriginTrail has had a partnership with EVRYTHNG since May 2018 and a number of pilots by EVRYTHNG have made use of OriginTrail technology and testnets. These include:

  • May, 2018: EVRYTHNG partnered with OriginTrail and created an IoT/provenance connected “Barry the Bear” stuffed animal in advance of the GS1 Global Forum conference. 
  • June, 2019: EVRYTHNG upgraded their partnership and used OriginTrail and IOTA to create a traceability solution using Avery Dennison IoT products and fashion brand 1017 ALYX 9SM.

EVRYTHNG recently streamlined its blockchain integration hub in May 2020, with OriginTrail still being seen as an essential partner for blockchain connectivity. In January 2020, CTO of EVRYTHNG Dominique Guinard also confirmed by a tweet that future use cases for EVRYTHNG blockchain integrations will be on the ODN mainnet.

European Union Consortia/Blockchain Accelerators

The European Union might be the biggest supporter of blockchain integration on the planet; details of which can be read about in this 2019 EU report. OriginTrail/TraceLabs is involved in at least eight EU initiatives and pilot programs in the supply chain space. Over time, this will encourage the adoption of the protocol by individual companies.

TraceLabs received funding from the EU to build the Open Provenance Knowledge Graph (OpenPKG). It will help organizations automate their GDPR compliance and have a transparent way of handling personal data; a use-case is currently being rolled out with the British Standards Institute.

Other initiatives include:

  • Food Safety Market: Announced in June 2020, this project aims to develop an industrial data platform for food safety certification in Europe. This consortium is also part of the Trace Alliance.
  • SmartAgriHubs: A consortium of 160 partners in the European agriculture space to aid in the adoption of 80 new digital solutions. OriginTrail is part of a flagship integration experiment, and is using both blockchain oracles and their Oracle partnership to improve the milk supply chain in Europe. A demo can be viewed here.
  • DEMETER: A project that is building an interoperable, data-driven, and sustainable European agri-food sector using IoT technology.
  • LEDGER: TraceLabs is part of an initiative to create a Food Data Market for sustainable food production and data distribution. TraceLabs is one of only 16 companies selected out of 300 applicants. The Food Data Market has also gone global with the EU Commission’s NGI Atlantic initiative.
  • Blockchers: TraceLabs is part of a program for automation and incentivizing sustainable farmers using public blockchain-based technology.
  • Block.IS: TraceLabs is developing a laboratory data market as part of the Blockchain Innovation Space initiative, helping to contribute to lab and pharmaceutical safety and trust. They are one of 10 finalists entering the commercial phase.
  • PARSEC Accelerator: TraceLabs is developing a verifiable sustainability scheme for food supply chains based on satellite data. It will be part of its data market solution.
  • EIP-EKOPAKT: TraceLabs is part of a consortium developing a farm-to-fork traceability system. The first pilot will take place in Slovenia with the goal of other countries in Europe following thereafter.

Additional project information on these EU-funded endeavors can be found here.

Individual Companies (selection)

Perutnina Ptuj is the largest poultry producer in Southeastern Europe and has had a six-year partnership with OriginTrail/Tracelabs. They recently introduced a QR code-based IoT scanning platform to track poultry provenance on the OriginTrail Decentralized Network. A demo video can be seen here

OneAgrix is a Singapore-based online marketplace for Halal products. Two billion people in the world consume halal food products, and blockchain is increasingly a part of the certification. TraceLabs and OneAgrix have partnered to allow for halal certification on the OriginTrail Decentralized Network. Data has already been moving over the ODN and a live demo can be seen here.

OBE Organic is an Australian organic beef producer. They have been investigating OriginTrail technology for 1.5 years now. Public data from OBE Organic was recently observed on the ODN Mainnet. 

AppsPro has a strong presence in the Middle East and is a Platinum Oracle solutions provider. AppsPro and OriginTrail announced a partnership to bring the protocol through the AppsPro network.

By origintrailexplained

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