
有人在Quora上提问:如何才能成为像盖茨、乔布斯、马斯克、或理查德·布兰森那样伟大的人?马斯克的第一任老婆(Justine Musk)回答总结了七点(意译):











极度痴迷,这个特征的本质会耗损一切(活物与死物)——包括耗损这个人本身和他身边的人——除非你亲眼目睹或亲身经历,否则很难理解。 ​


事实上,拥有“自我和自负”(Ego)并不是坏事,但你必须在拥有它的同时,真心臣服于比自己的“自我和自负”伟大得多的东西,即「Something Bigger Than Yourself」,只有这样你才能吸引和激励——那些你需要的人才,来为你工作,并和你一起“彻底疯狂”














在2008年的金融危机中,马斯克曾处在即将一无所有的破产边缘,他的第二任妻子妲露拉莱莉(Talulah Riley)见证了一切, 莱莉回忆道:













在和候选人面谈时,多莉·辛格(Dolly Singh)会鼓励他们,也会开门见山地告诉他们SpaceX和马斯克的标准。“SpaceX招聘的是一支特种部队,” 她说,“如果你愿意接受最高难度的挑战,那太好了。如果不是这样,你不应该来这里。”



“如果我们在你前进的道路上堆满了屎,你就必须把屎给吃了!这种方式不被其他地方广泛接受,但这里是SpaceX。” 马斯克的这些话,或许听起来刺耳,但你必须接受。












  • 马斯克的第一个孩子夭折,第一任妻子说她都能感觉到他的巨大痛苦。
  • 在PayPal时期,利用马斯克计划休假补过蜜月的机会,董事会策划了一场“政变”把他赶下了CEO的宝座,最后只能妥协的担任顾问——这相当于脱离了公司的管理和运营。
  • 《PayPal》一书中,马斯克被表述为极端自私、固步自封的混蛋,并且在每个紧要关头都做出错误的决定。
  • 马斯克被很多PayPal的员工质疑,是否可以算作PayPal的联合创始人。
  • PayPal和Zip2两家公司的联合创始人,一致认定马斯克“不是当CEO的料”。
  • 马斯克的批评者们,无论是在公开还是私下场合,都指责他是没有商业道德的人,像是个夸夸其谈的推销员——总是在自夸自卖自己公司的技术。
  • ……
  • 特斯拉当年被奥巴马政府给予4亿美元的低息贷款,这事被总统候选人罗姆尼一直拿来说,他认为马斯克是个失败者,奥巴马总统在乱花钱。
  • 当2008年金融危机来了之后,特斯拉面临资金短缺和员工离职的双重打击,马斯克说:“我没想过我会精神崩溃,但真的崩溃了。”
  • 电视台主持人曾大喊大叫着说:“华尔街将特斯拉列为最不可能成功的企业,别买特斯拉的股票,你买了只是浪费钱,甚至不应该租特斯拉的车。”
  • SpaceX在5次发射失败的情况下,马斯克把自己豪车和私人飞机都抵押了,没人相信他能成功——而他只想最后发射一次(结果成功了)。
  • 登上过月球的尼尔·阿姆斯特朗与尤金·塞尔南,都觉得马斯克的太空计划就是在瞎扯淡,并质疑他是否真正了解航天与火箭,对此马斯克说道:“这些人都是我心目中的英雄,真的很艰难,我真希望他们能来看看,我的工作有多么艰难。”
  • ……

马斯克在接受(CBS 60 MINUTES节目)采访的视频中,双眼湿润、眼眶泛红、时而哽咽,非常感性的讲述了他创业过程中,所经历的巨大困境与挫折,当主持人问他是否考虑过放弃时,他的回答是——“我不知道什么叫放弃,除非我被困住或者死去!”













在YouTube的直播中,马斯克谈论到自己的脑海中,总有各种想法在蹦来蹦去,甚至到了“永无止境的爆炸”这种地步,甚至在他只有 5、6 岁的时候,他就已经感知到了自己的与众不同。









  • 放弃——所有不重要的东西,
  • 牺牲——安逸的生活与娱乐,
  • 疯狂——去追求内心的目标,
  • 最终——才有可能梦想成真,
  • 虽然——这话听起来很偏执与狂热,但却是最现实不过的道理。















By scott.cgi


有时候,游戏制造商和玩家之间的差异就在一线间,不过后者打通关游戏的速度可要比前者创造游戏的速度来得快得多。因此,在游戏这种高风险、高回报的行业,创造力就显得很重要,但就目前来说创造力比较匮乏。人才对于该行业来说可以算是最大的瓶颈之一,这也是为什么对于游戏工作室负责人来说,用户生成内容可以成为孕育创作者经济的肥沃土壤。人们可以在 YouTube、TikTok 和 Twitch 这类平台上进行创作和消费,这类大型参与社区现在已经成为了不断增长的创作者经济中心。而现在,创作者经济已经进入到了游戏行业。

当然,这几十年来,游戏工作室一直深挖粉丝潜力,为自己提供创新源泉。Doom 可能是有史以来最著名的第一人称射击游戏,在上世纪九十年代就取得了成功,这不得不说要归功于它的一个做法 : 向任何愿意额外构建关卡和附加组件的人开放其底层源代码——它是推动「修改」现象的原创游戏鼻祖。在完成了第一人称射击游戏《Half-Life》的发行后,Valve 公司逐渐从一家发行商发展成为了一个成熟的数字平台(包括世界上最大的 PC 游戏数字市场 Steam)。 时至今日,Valve 推出过有史以来最为成功的游戏之一《反恐精英:全球攻势》,这也是它们自制衍生品的产物。

尽管游戏里的用户生成内容有着悠久且丰富的历史,但在传统意义上,用户对于游戏的这种贡献被认为是一种自我表达的形式或只是小众行为:参与者创造内容是因为他们热爱游戏、具有社区意识,而不一定是为了金钱收益。而如今,这种情况正在发生着变化:游戏工作室逐渐意识到,创造者为他们游戏带来的价值是值得实实在在的现金奖励的。比如,Roblox 是一款广受欢迎的多人在线创作游戏——去年向外部开发者的支出增加了将近两倍;而像 The Sandbox 和 Mythical Games 这样的新生代游戏,玩家则可以在其中建立和拥有属于自己的基于区块链的游戏体验。


UGC 繁荣背后的经济学

用户生成内容(UGC)的兴起其实并非偶然:在很大程度上是一种必然。要知道,制作游戏的成本在持续上升。游戏设计传奇人物 Raph Koster 在新冠疫情前进行的一项分析发现,假如以每兆字节来计算的话,500 万美元的独立手机游戏和 1 亿美元的跨平台大型游戏的有效创造成本是一样的。这就解释了为什么大型发行商倾向于规避风险——或者至少是非常仔细地权衡过他们的投资。

不过,即使是大型发行商的投资也无法成为不断创新的驱动力。游戏工作室的竞争优势源于其开发酷炫新体验的能力,假如有「太多相似,略有不同」的话,则在点击量驱动的市场中很难生存下去。通过向玩家和外部开发商开放创作,发行商相当于有效地将创新过程进行了外包,并降低了他们的业务风险。通过将开发职责从一个专业设计师的小团队转移给一大群粉丝和热情的玩家,可以极大地扩展整个设计过程。开放游戏构建模块,鼓励玩家访问并为他人开发游戏内物品和体验的做法可以发掘出更多新颖的内容,这也是早期一直进行的 Beta 测试过程。

据 Electronic Arts 高级副总裁 Samantha Ryan 称,在过去五年中,Electronic Arts 游戏开发商 Maxis 为模拟人生游戏《The Sims》制作了大约 5,000 件个人服装。她在最近的一次小组讨论中指出:

「但如果你看看我们最大的用户生成内容网站之一,你就会看到他们在同一时期创造出了 39,000 件作品。作为一个职业开发公司,我们竟然无法跟上我们玩家的步伐。」

像 Samantha Ryan 这样的游戏高管现在正披露着这一事实。众所周知,传统出版商在采用新颖的收入模式以及技术方面往往动作非常缓慢(VR 就是一个典型的例子)。他们更倾向于「观望」,直到最后迫不得已,花高价进入某领域,而通常是通过收购的模式。举个例子:当 Activision Blizzard 最终于 201 6 年进入手游领域时,花了 59 亿美元的价格收购了 King Digital。在这个新时代——大规模的粉丝参与加上游戏货币化——可见游戏的创造力和病毒式的传播并不是由保守的传统公司所驱动的,而是由外部(通常是社会)力量所驱动的。



在参与大多数传统娱乐形式的时候,其实我们都是很被动的:比如 Netflix 带来的「鱿鱼游戏」狂欢潮;再比如去看一场音乐会等。而游戏却截然不同,观众可以积极参与其中,甚至是将娱乐精神体现出来,所以游戏正在改变着这一切。通过对 Roblox、The Sandbox 和 Rec Room 等游戏的体验,我们发现这些游戏的重点子在于制作游戏。用户原创内容不仅仅是一种新的游戏方式——它也是一种逐渐可行化的货币化方式、一种身份形式以及一种社交纽带。

角色创造在长期以来一直是角色扮演类游戏的核心。通过用户生成内容,游戏中的角色变得更加丰满、更具表现力。与此同时,量身定制的这些虚拟形象,不仅可以在游戏中获得独特的冒险体验,还能帮助用户增进情感联系。(通过 Itsme 和 Genies 等公司的打造,这些角色变得越来越个性化。)值得一提的是,我们不是通过匿名化身或是游戏代币来游览游戏世界,而是透过角色独特的技能和不同个性来对游戏世界进行探索。在一轮游戏中,我有可能会成为狙击手,一头扎入战斗;也可能会化身为一个打不死的小混混,自己去做任务。游戏玩法会逐渐地从一种娱乐形式转变为一种表达形式。

当然,游戏更深层次的部分仍然是社交——用户对于情感上的需求不仅是可以进行联系,而是要能进行创造和贡献。通过开发出新颖的游戏物件或是体验,我们能够与他人进行分享而不仅仅只是纯粹的玩游戏。如今,许多社交媒体的互动方式仅仅局限于刷刷屏,与之不同的是,在游戏世界里玩家可以以虚拟身份进行实时互动——一些用户甚至可以在 Rec Room 这类可定制的游戏世界中结婚。当然,原画稿(游戏出品前泄露的游戏制作时使用的角色、场景图片素材)已经存在很长一段时间了,不过它并没有成为一种收入模式,因为它现在被放进了游戏中。



By Odaily星球日报

What is Storj (STORJ)?

The Storj (pronounced as “storage”) platform bills itself as a decentralized file storage solution which combines the benefits of cloud-based storage and blockchain technology. At the heart of the project is the Storj network which, among other things, allows the users to put up their free disk space for rent. Users which are required to store files and assets online can access the Storj network and rent the available storage resources from the renters in this ecosystem (“farmers”). The payment is effected with STORJ tokens on the blockchain and their use is supposed to encourage users to become a sort of small-scale cloud storage providers.

What Is Storj Trying to Achieve?

In order to be able to ultimately challenge the dominant cloud storage providers such as Google and Amazon, Storj’s model had to be designed to meet several challenges.

Lower Costs

  • Current infrastructure costs incurred by centralized storage systems could be driven down by the decentralized model offered by Storj. With their focus on decentralization, the Storj team hopes to present its platform as an affordable cloud storage solution. By eliminating the need for running data centers, the cuts in costs promised by Storj should reduce the current prices offered by the centralized storage providers by at least 1/3. This is to be achieved by cutting the costs of maintenance, bandwidth and utilities via utilization of what the Storj team describes as underused storage resources existing at the network edge.
  • These are to be particularly beneficial for small businesses which need storage yet do not have the capacity or funds to build and maintain full-blown data centers, hard disk arrays etc. The end users would be able to pay for what they actually want to use, with no minimum usage requirements or setup fees.

More Secure and Private Storage

  • The storage model proposed by Storj would operate in the manner similar to that of the internet itself, in the sense that there will be no control by a single entity over billions of devices in use. According to the Storj developers, the decentralization of the internet did not reach the management of data that come through it. Actually, these data are rather centralized and entrusted for storage to several global providers running a network of data centers. This comes with a variety of risks, including data breaches, global interruptions in the provision of services and higher storage costs.
  • Bytom aims to take on the popular cloud storage services such as Google Drive and Dropbox by reducing its reliance on the bandwidth or electricity resources available to data centers. It will offer temporary storage of large files which can be shared or distributed as part of point-to-point transfers.
  • Security and privacy would be ensured by the end-to-end encryption by which only the owners of files would be given access to their data, instead of having the companies exhibit full control over their documents. At the same time, the global distribution of files offered by Storj is also promoted as a more reliable solution compared to more centralized storage.

Better Scaling

  • In an age of rising demand for data storage resources, the Storj network promises more flexible scaling model. Storing exabytes of data can be challenging at the time when whole economies rely on their effective use. The Storj team went on to design a network which promises to meet the demand for faster data storage and larger formats, while leaving enough room to be eventually expanded in line with popular demand. With the help of its sharding technology, encryption and data distribution across the nodes, the Storj hopes to beat the traditional on-premise storage systems and offer better performance and reliability across the board.
  • Storj also wants to establish itself as the media transfer and backup platform. Going beyond the commercial cloud storage, the Storj developers are working on offering additional services for its platform. Its long-term storage support should make it suitable for the creation of archives and storage of backup and recovery files for regulatory or compliance purposes. At the same time, Storj wants to become a general-purpose media content delivery platform, with the support for the storage of large amounts of video, audio, photo and other files. They will be available for concurrent downloads based on their segmented and distributed nature.

How Does Storj Work?

Working out the manner in which the Storj network operates starts with its apparent similarity with the torrent technology. Torrents operate as peer-to-peer networks on which each stored file is split into numerous small segments which are then distributed to the users. The users both store and keep copies of the same file. A person desiring a copy sends a request to the network, in the hope of receiving fragments of the desired file from the users who have it (“seeds”). Finally, the torrent client software compiles the file pieces from different seeders and recreates the original file. A similar system is employed on the Storj network:

  • The process of division of files on the Storj network is called file sharding. Instead of sourcing an entire file from a single source, the Storj network will allow the user to download fragments of the desired file from several sources at the same time. This decentralized file transfer system should allow Storj to present itself as a faster downloading solution compared to other storage providers.
  • By breaking the files into pieces or shards, Storj removes the possibility of a single organization or company having access to complete files. While the torrents publish information on file pieces publicly, only the uploaders remain in the know regarding the location of files on the Storj. In this manner, the Storj wants to promote protection of privacy of the parties involved in the file transfer process.
  • Locating the shards of the original file on the Storj platform is the task of its distributed hash table technology of Kademlia.

Redundancy and Deletion Systems on Storj

The sharding system implemented by Storj faces several risks which the developers had to counter with the appropriate technologies. Knowing that file pieces are distributed to various computers on the Storj platform, the users may rightfully wonder what happens after some users decide to stop using Storj or shut down their systems for any reason. In order to prevent the lack of access to desired shards, the Storj platform has implemented a redundancy system on its network:

  • This system is based on the use of so-called parity shards. Storj will help the users determine the strength of the redundancy for each file they upload and create parity shards. Based on this, the system is supposed to shield the network from the unwanted loss of files.
  • Yet, the parity shard system can hardly function as a water-proof solution in the long run, when the loss of files becomes more likely with passing time. The Storj developers hope to counter this by organizing periodic audits and checkups of the network, while advising the users to do the same for their files whenever they want to reupload them.
  • At the same time, there are some concerns that Storj’s redundancy system might cause the network to become sluggish. In order to prevent this, the network has come up with a set of rules governing the deletion of files which get duplicated too many times as part of the redundancy system.

File Protection on Storj

One of the key differences separating the Storj network from torrent-based systems is the encryption of each piece of the desired file. This system was put into place to lower the risks of users getting unauthorized access to the files which are distributed as part of the platform’s sharding system:

  • The possibility that the users who have the file pieces may get insights into the content of shards may be problematic for those who feel that this may compromise sensitive information. This is the point at which the Storj calls upon its “tenants” or file uploaders to both compress and encrypt the files before submitting them to the sharding system. Encrypting is done by assigning a unique key to a single file.
  • Since the data gets encrypted with the user’s private key on their own device, the data hosts or “farmers” are prevented from knowing what a complete file actually contains. Instead of this, they will receive a piece of a larger file which has been encrypted and thus made unusable unless they get their hands on both the encryption key and the remaining shards.
  • Potential hackers wanting to gain illicit access to a desired file would have to find all of its shards, which is hardly possible without the private key. Unless they manage to somewhat persuade farmers to send their shards and steal the key from the tenant, they will be arguably powerless against this system.

What is the Storj Bridge System?

Being central to the platform’s decentralization and security efforts, the Storj’s network of tenants and private keys needs to be flexible enough to meet potential changes in the current technological landscape. One of the trends which may have an impact on the underlying Storj system is the tendency of users to switch their devices every now and then. Considering that the tenants have their encryption keys stored on local devices which may get changed, the Storj developers had to come up with the Bridge server architecture to account for the situations in which the users do not need to access files from the same device.

With that in mind, the Storj team went to develop and implement the Bridge server technology. It allows for the secure storage of the encryption keys on a dedicated server which holds the relevant metadata.. The Storj team hopes to see this technology implemented alongside the future file sharing system, as the identity verification and storage would both take place in the cloud.

Role of STORJ Token

The Storj token (STORJ) is the currency with which the payment operations on the Storj platform are managed. Fees paid by tenants are turned into funds which the farmer receive for providing both the storage and bandwidth resources to the main platform.

In order to make sure the payments reach the right address, the Storj requires farmers to verify the existence of shards which are sent to them. The Storj maintains a file audit and verification system which involves sending a request to farmers to which they need to respond. This system is called the Proof of Retrievability and relies on sending a Merkle challenge to the farmers on an hourly basis. They will be able to provide answers only if the shards kept on hard drives remain intact and free from tampering.

In case they attempt to modify or delete the file in question, all payments will be automatically stopped. To expand the existing system with additional incentives to play fairly, the Storj team will work towards establishing a dedicated reputation system for its farmer nodes. In 2018, the Storj network has been estimated to have around 40k active farmer nodes.

As of March 2019, the market cap for Storj stood at just above USD 30 million. More than 135 million tokens have been in circulation in the same period, out of the planned supply of 425 million units. While the Storj Labs company pre-mined its entire supply of tokens, the tokens can be acquired either by becoming a farmer or via trading on cryptocurrency exchanges such as Binance, Bittrex and others. STORJ is usually traded in combination with Bitcoin, Ether, Tether and other currencies. Since the STORJ is based on Ethereum, ERC-20 wallets are a suitable option for storing the acquired tokens.

Storj Team and Competitors

The Storj open source project was started in 2014, while the ICO took place in May 2017. The project shares the name with the Storj Labs company which is headed by the founder and CSO Shawn Wilkenson, Ben Golub (executive chairman) John Quinn (co-founder) and Philip Hutchins (CTO and principal architect). The core team has about 45 members with various professional backgrounds ranging from Bitcoin mining to managing startups.

In addition to cloud storage providers such as Dropbox, Google Drive and OneDrive, the main competitors of Storj include Siacoin, as yet another decentralized cloud storage platform, Filecoin and MaidSafe Coin.

Which products support STORJ? 

Coinbase           ✔      ✔
Pro           ✔      ✔ 
Wallet           ✔     ✖️

What regions support STORJ? 

Coinbase    ✔  ✔ ✔  ✔ ✔ ✔✖️
Pro   ✔
  ✔ ✔  ✔ ✔ ✔✖️
Wallet  ✔ ✔  ✔ ✔ ✔✖️

 Crypto to fiat trading pairs

USD ✔ ✖️ ✖️
GBP ✖️ ✖️
EUR ✖️ ✖️ ✖️

Note: Coinbase Wallet does not support direct bank transactions. You’ll need to transfer your crypto to Coinbase.com or send it to an external address in order to cash out.

Crypto to crypto trading pairs

STORJ     ✖️  ✔  ✖️

See the full list of countries that Coinbase supports for crypto-to-crypto trading.

Note: Only assets hosted on the Ethereum blockchain can be converted through the Coinbase Wallet mobile app at this time. Learn more about trading on Coinbase Wallet.

How many confirmations are needed for STORJ?

STORJ requires 35 network confirmations. Learn about transaction confirmations.

Which blockchain network hosts STORJ?

STORJ is hosted on Ethereum.

What are the minimum and maximum withdrawal amounts?

Coinbase has implemented safeguards to ensure a healthy and efficient network both on-chain and through our platform.  

These safeguards include both minimum and maximum amounts for each cryptocurrency we allow customers to send through the blockchain.

Minimum: 20 STORJ

Maximum: 275,000 STORJ

By CryptoNews and Coinbase

Categorized as Hot Crypto

What is Alchemy Pay (ACH)?

I. What is AlchemyPay?


POS machine?


AlchemyPay is a payment consensus protocol system used to create “the world’s most adaptive decentralized (DeFi) encrypted payment ecological infrastructure”.

II. What are the characteristics of AlchemyPay?

Simple to use and highly adaptable

1. Use the simplest operation interface on the front end to allow the payee to realize cryptocurrency collection without too much learning;

2. Compatible with mixed payment of legal currency and encrypted currency;

3. Compatible with real-time exchange of different legal currencies and different cryptocurrencies;

4. Compatible with almost all mainstream payment methods such as POS, APP, and Web;

5. Compatible with almost all scenarios such as offline retail, e-commerce, online entertainment,

Alchemy Pay’s easy-to-use aggregated fiat currency payment channels

block transactions, supply chain finance, and transnational transactions.

III. Why can AlchemyPay be “easy to use and adaptable?”

Behind the simplicity is the fusion and pursuit of complex technologies: To achieve “easy to use, highly adaptable”, it is necessary to integrate dozens of complex technologies, and let the payee be in the front end with the simplest operation interface. Realize cryptocurrency collection without too much learning.

Technical advantages of AlchemyPay:

1. Blockchain network adaptation layer: Through the adaptation layer of the blockchain network, the AlchemyPay payment consensus protocol can be seamlessly deployed in various public chains; integrate LightningNetwork, RaidenNetwork, and StateChannelNetwork into an integrated network;

2. Commercialized payment based on various networks: zero-block secure payment confirmation technology; fast routing algorithm; multiple tokens multiplexing the same channel; lightning network channel capital intelligent balance; support for various payment modes, including PULLPAY, combination Payment, split account (split), batch collection/payment, etc.;

3. PULLPAY protocol: supports two payment modes of blockchain pre-authorization PULLPAY and lightning network PULLPAY to meet the needs of various subscription and repeat payment scenarios;

4. Cross-chain payment based on AtomicSwap: Cross-chain lightning payment is realized through AtomicSwap and PayChannel; many coins that do not support the Lightning Network support the Lightning Network through AtomicSwap and SubmarineSwaps to achieve fast payment; cross-chain combined payment of multiple blockchain currencies;

5. Machine learning-based risk control anti-fraud and quantitative transaction model: payment risk control anti-fraud based on machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms to ensure the security of the payment network; based on big data risk control to ensure the security of smart contracts; based on quantitative transaction models The collected cryptocurrencies are converted into stable currencies or mainstream currencies through a variety of quantitative strategies to hedge against the risk of currency price fluctuations and depreciation;

6. Smart contract template engine: Provides a visual and procedural smart contract customization interface, uses natural language to describe smart contract business rules, so that business personnel can understand and verify smart contract implementation logic; provide solutions to the smart contract and product level, Component-level, and interface-level packaging to meet application requirements at different levels and lower the threshold for smart contract use;

By integrating dozens of complex technologies, it provides various payment technology application solutions that are easy to use, safe and fast, and convenient to access for all kinds of developers who need digital currency payments, such as:

1. Game developers: SDKs that support mainstream fiat currency wallet payments and Crypto payments; RPG blockchain games based on StateChannel;

2. Wallet developers: With PULLPAY, offline merchants scan the QR code of the user’s wallet with a code scanner to directly deduct money; with PULLPAY, users will automatically deduct money from the user’s wallet after a certain deduction (such as a taxi);

3. DAPP developers: fiat currency and encrypted currency payment gateways for various DAPP applications; users directly use Token to pay, without ETH to pay for Gas;

4. E-commerce platform developers: use AlchemyPlugin/SDK/API to quickly have the ability to acquire legal currency and encrypted currency;

5. Payment service developer: quickly own a payment system of its own brand, support global mainstream fiat currency wallet payment, encrypted currency payment; based on the AlchemyPay platform, develop applications such as split accounts and local fiat currency C2C exchange;

6. Industry application developers: customer loyalty management developers, issue general points based on the Alchemy platform, and support general point consumption and exchange.

IV. What is the value of AlchemyPay?

Provide a set of feasible solutions for the further popularization of global digital currency.

1. Through the integration and optimization of technology, the problems of slow digital currency payment and excessive exchange rate volatility have been solved, and the feasibility of digital currency payment has been technically realized;

2. Through the combination of cryptocurrency and legal currency (users pay digital currency, merchants receive legal currency), it is customary to enhance the willingness of merchants to accept digital currency;

3. Through the upgrading of collection units and the continuous expansion of merchants through important companies with core resources, so as to create payment scenarios for digital currencies in the world;

V. On the basis of the AlchemyPay consensus agreement, which business sectors will be established?

Alchemy Pay Eco Map

1. Payment: establish a hybrid payment system combining digital currency and legal currency by integrating legal currency, digital currency, exchanges, and digital wallets;

2. Network (Merchant Network): By integrating banks, payment companies, SaaS companies, consumer groups, etc., who have merchant resources, it is enough to establish real digital currency transaction scenarios on a global scale;

3. DeFi (Decentralized Finance): Build an aggregated decentralized financial platform by integrating digital wallets and DeFi applications;

4. Trust (trusted assets): through the integration of banks, payment companies, and other channels, we propose a hybrid financial scoring system that combines digital currency and legal currency.

Remarks: AlchemyPay’s business segments are currently in their infancy. Among them, Payment and Network have been launched and put into application, while DeFi and Trust are still in the underlying technical architecture stage and have not yet been put into application.

VI. What achievements have been made in AlchemyPay’s business so far?

In the two major business segments of Payment (payment) and Network (merchant network) that have been launched, they are currently implemented in 18 countries and regions around the world and have more than 100,000 supporters in communities such as Telegram and Twitter. , Payment institutions, enterprises, digital currency exchanges, digital wallets, etc. to complete the integration.


At present, it has integrated WeChat Pay, Alipay, Visa, Master, Dash, GrabPay, Nets, and other legal currency payment systems, and supports mainstream digital currencies such as BTC, ETH, USDT, BCH, BNB, and is compatible with hundreds of digital currency wallets such as ImToken and Trust. It has reached deep business cooperation with Binance, Huobi, Gemini, Celo, Cobo, and other well-known blockchain institutions on a global scale to jointly establish a digital currency payment ecosystem.

Network (Business Network):

At present, more than 2 million reserve merchants have been signed up, of which more than 3,000 are actually in operation. Access includes:

1. Shopify (an international e-commerce giant with a market value of more than 120 billion US dollars);

2. Arcadier (SaaS organization serving enterprises in more than 130 countries around the world);

3. QFPay Group (with more than 1.2 million merchants worldwide);

4. Singapore has more than 2500 business courtesy cars located in high-end consumer places such as airports, Universal Studios, and five-star hotels;

5. CeLaVi, the top floor of Singapore Sands Hotel, a global landmark;

6. The famous fashion brand Aldo;

7. Pricerite, a listed company on the Hong Kong Main Board, etc.

AlchemyPay embeds QFPay and Shopify’s digital currency payment

VII. Why can AlchemyPay contract more than 2 million reserve merchants?

AlchemyPay is different from traditional payment companies in terms of operation. It adopts a one-to-one contracting model. Instead, it cooperates with institutions with many merchant resources and adopts a 2B2C business model to find partners with merchant resources (such as payment institutions, SaaS companies), E-commerce groups, etc.), so that you can integrate as little as a few hundred, as many as tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of merchants.

VIII. Why does AlchemyPay issue ACH?

Use ACH to make payments in global stores

The purpose of ACH issuance is to govern the AlchemyPay ecosystem and promote the popularization of digital currency through the governance of the AlchemyPay ecosystem and rewards for early contributors to the system.

For example: At present, more than 2 million reserve merchants have been signed, and more than 3000 of them are actually in operation. Most of these merchants are connected directly before the issuance of ACH, so AlchemyPay needs to bear a lot of market costs and training costs, and It is very difficult to control budgets and distribute rewards reasonably; but after enabling ACH incentives, the value of ACH will be anchored with marketing costs, and supernodes (such as payment institutions, SaaS companies, e-commerce groups, etc.) will assume the market The responsibility of promoting and training nodes (merchants), the system will be based on the supernodes and nodes that accept digital currency payments, and will be rewarded based on the connection time, node level, and transaction volume, so as to promote the digital currency payment scene in the world more quickly set up;

IX. What behavior can obtain ACH?

1. Through the AlchemyPay payment system, supernodes (banks, payment companies, SaaS, etc.) and nodes (merchants), accept digital currency payments;

2. Merchants who use the AlchemyPay payment system choose to use digital currency instead of legal currency to pay;

3. Participate in specific activities or purchase specified goods on the platform supported by the AlchemyPay payment system;

Note: The 51% mining of ACH is expected to go online for half a year, that is, 2021.3.7. Before that, if the trial run reward is enabled, the monthly community & team incentive quota will be occupied.

What products support ACH? 

Coinbase           ✔     ✔
Pro           ✔     ✔
Wallet           ✔      ✖️

What regions support ACH?

Coinbase ✔  ✔   ✔ ✔ ✔✖️
Pro ✔  ✔   ✔  ✔ ✔✖️
Wallet ✔  ✔   ✔  ✔ ✔

Crypto to fiat trading pairs

USD   ✔ ✖️ ✖️
GBP ✖️✖️✖️
EUR ✖️✖️✖️

Note: Coinbase Wallet does not support direct bank transactions. You’ll need to transfer your crypto to Coinbase.com or send it to an external address in order to cash out.

Crypto to crypto trading pairs

ACH   ✖️  ✖️ ✖️ ✖️

See the full list of countries that Coinbase supports for crypto-to-crypto trading.

Note: Only assets hosted on the Ethereum blockchain can be converted through the Coinbase Wallet mobile app at this time. Learn more about trading on Coinbase Wallet.

How many confirmations are needed for ACH?

ACH requires 35 network confirmations. Learn about transaction confirmations.

Which blockchain network hosts ACH?

ACH is hosted on Ethereum.

What are the minimum and maximum withdrawal amounts?

Coinbase has implemented safeguards to ensure a healthy and efficient network both on-chain and through our platform.  

These safeguards include both minimum and maximum amounts for each cryptocurrency we allow customers to send through the blockchain.

Minimum: 0.000000000000000001

Maximum: 83,250,000

By Alchemy Pay and Coinbase

Categorized as Hot Crypto

What is Kryll (KRL)?

Kryll is an online automated platform and currency (KRL) which was started in 2018 by Luca Benevolo. The aim was to help people to create their kryll trading strategies without the need for any particular skills. Users just have to connect their blocks in order to create their strategies. Word “Automated” solves many problems because Kryll does not require any management thanks to the algorithm for making everything automatic.

Kryll is not mineable and is based on the N/A algorithm and N/A coin proof type. It currently has a circulating supply of 31,638,781 coins and a total market cap of 19,581,024. Kryll ranks at position 765 of the crypto ranking list and its price currently trades around $0.61.

How Does Kryll Work?

The platform consists of 5 different parts which all together give us as a result the key for success. The first element is the strategy editor WYSWIT “What you see is what you trade”. The second element is the Marketplace where you can find all the automated strategies available to use. The next two parts are the Smart trading tool which many traders already use and the Swap tool. The last and most important tool is the Kryll mobile application.


WYSWIT is the first tool you need in order to create your strategies using the most popular technic, flowcharts. There is no need to be an expert on trading strategies or even be a software developer for using this editor. All you need to do is just to place blocks by dragging and dropping them into the Kryll ecosystem and thus create your own decision flows. As you are done with the decision flows, you can make unlimited tests for free in order to be sure that your strategies are going to be profitable.


This is the place where users can publish their trading strategies and make them available for rent by other traders. Users who are unfamiliar with the creation of trading strategies can order one of the already existing strategies using the KRL coin. In that way, Publishers can have a passive income by just selling their knowledge. Also, renters can easily contact to publishers for further help in case they are not sure of what they are looking for.

Kryll MarketPlace Interface. Source: kryll.io

Smart Trading tool

This is the most powerful and smart feature that Kryll has invented for the users. The Smart trading tool allows users to execute already existing trading strategies simply. How does this work? All you need to do is just place the crypto pairs you wish to exchange and the amount of money you are willing to invest. After that, you have to choose at which price you wish the system to buy for you.

Swap Tool

Kryll.io focuses on making user’s life easier. The Swap tool will help you avoid the mess with the crypto exchange process. The tool allows users to exchange their cryptocurrencies through the Kryll platform without the need to sign in in order to complete the transaction. For instance, you can exchange Bitcoin to Ethereum directly on Kryll.io platform.

Kryll Mobile Application

The last and most useful tool is the Kryll Mobile Application which is available on smartphones or tablets. Using the app you can trade or even monitor your strategies remotely through your mobile phone. Besides, you can have full access to your portfolio and receive notifications for any kind of changes.

Advantages Of Using Kryll.Io

Trading 24/7: Not all users have free time to spend on their mobile phone checking whether their investment winning or not. One major advantage is the fact that Kryll.io offers automated trading.Besides, your bot/strategy will watch the market for you 24/7. While you are working or sleeping, the system will take care of the market movement and will react without your help.

Knowledge is not required: There are always people who are new in the industry and want somehow to start investing. Kryll is the solution to the problem thanks to the already existing strategies developed by experienced traders. In that way, beginners can rely on the community of users using their strategies for learning purposes. Besides, for those who are not in the mood of creating their own strategies, there is always an option to pay and use one of the existing strategies.

Responding time: Firstly, Trading is not an easy thing to deal with. Prices are constantly fluctuating (up and down) which works positively or negatively for traders depending on the situation. Secondly, users cannot be 24/7 in front of a screen monitoring price changes like bots do. Hence, there will always be chances that you might not be able to place an order due to inactivity. Finally, Kryll will solve those problems for you as automatic trading bots will instantly react to any chances they detect without your help.

Disadvantages Of Using Kryll.Io

Using trading bots may sometimes be risky. The cryptocurrency market is unstable due to the fluctuations happening to different coins. Till now, there is no such trading strategy that will always win for you as no strategy can remain unaffected to a highly volatile market. An automated trading bot is always executing your orders as it does not recognize what is true or false. As a result, repeating the same strategy even when the momentum is inappropriate could lead to huge losses.   

Kryll Token Price Prediction (2021,2022,2025)

According to the recent kryll historical data, analysts believe that the kryll token could trade at $0.40 by the end of 2021. One year later (2022), the coin could start re-gaining the lost ground moving the price above $0.49. If that happens, then the KRL currency could face a bullish cycle leading the price above $2.80 by the end of 2025.

How To Exchange Your BTC (BTC) To Kryll (KRL) Using InstaSwap?

First of all you have to choose KRL in the “You Get” section. Then, choose the method you wish to buy it with, “crypto” or “fiat”. As you are done with the first two steps, then you have to enter the Kryll wallet address you wish to receive your KRL tokens. You also have to add your refund wallet address (in case that something goes wrong) and you are almost ready to go.  Fill your email and press “Continue”. You will receive a verification code at your email address in the next few seconds which you can use only once in order to complete the transaction. Press “Continue” and enjoy the process. Send your deposit to a one-time address and you shall receive your exchanged coins in the next 10 minutes.

Which products support KRL? 

Coinbase         ✖️     ✖️
Pro          ✔     ✖️
Wallet          ✔     ✖️

What regions support KRL? 

Coinbase   ✖️✖️  ✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️
Pro   ✔ ✔   ✔ ✔ ✔✖️✖️✖️
Wallet ✔ ✔   ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔✖️

Crypto to fiat trading pairs

USD  ✔ ✖️ ✖️
GBP ✖️ ✖️ ✖️
EUR ✖️  ✔  ✔

Note: Coinbase Wallet does not support direct bank transactions. You’ll need to transfer your crypto to Coinbase.com or send it to an external address in order to cash out.

Crypto to crypto trading pairs 

KRL   ✖️  ✖️ ✖️   ✔

See the full list of countries that Coinbase supports for crypto-to-crypto trading.

Note: Only assets hosted on the Ethereum blockchain can be converted through the Coinbase Wallet mobile app at this time. Learn more about trading on Coinbase Wallet.

How many confirmations are needed for KRL?

KRL requires 35 network confirmation. Learn about transaction confirmations.

Which blockchain network hosts KRL?

KRL is hosted on Ethereum. 

What are the minimum and maximum withdrawal amounts?

Coinbase has implemented safeguards to ensure a healthy and efficient network both on-chain and through our platform.  

These safeguards include both minimum and maximum amounts for each cryptocurrency we allow customers to send through the blockchain.

Minimum: 0.000000000000000001 KRL

Maximum: 534,874 KRL

By Nick Palm 

Categorized as Hot Crypto

What is Shiba Inu (SHIB)?

Shiba Inu coin (SHIB) is an Ethereum-based ERC-20 token that has risen in popularity this year, largely because of its dog-themed ecosystem, speculation on its price by retail investors and strong community engagement. The official Shib Twitter account, for example, has over 1.2 million followers – more than leading crypto companies such as CardanoKraken and Solana.

The digital asset was inspired by the Japanese breed of dog of the same name, which sparked a viral meme trend in 2013 and subsequently led to the creation of the infamous dogecoin cryptocurrency. Shiba inu, along with dogecoin and the hundreds of other pet-inspired digital assets, have become collectively known in the industry as “meme coins.”

Ordinarily, a meme coin offers owners little to no utility compared with more established cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin and ether. In the case of Shiba Inu coin, however, there seems to be a legitimate attempt by the development team to provide more value to SHIB holders, including launching a decentralized exchange in July.

Notably, the desire to provide more utility to users has seen the self-proclaimed “doge killer” become the second-most popular meme coin in the market. And although the market capitalization of dogecoin is three times that of shiba inu at press time, the underdog project has managed to create and build up a large community in less than two years.

Read more: Why Shiba Inu Has Been More Resilient Than Some SHIB Haters Would Like to Admit

Key features of shiba inu coin

So other than being another doggy-themed cryptocurrency, what is the shib coin all about?

The first notable thing about Shiba Inu coin is its total supply. A total of 1 quadrillion SHIB tokens were minted during its official launch in 2020. A quadrillion is a number followed by 15 zeros. Some 50% of the supply of shiba inu was locked in Uniswap SHIB/ETH liquidity pool – a decentralized exchange where users deposit pairs of assets into liquidity pools that other investors can trade against. That is known as an automated market maker system.0 seconds of 5 minutes, 46 secondsVolume 90% 

Read more: What is an Automated Market Maker?

The other 50% of shib token’s supply was donated to Ethereum’s founder, Vitalik Buterin, who burned a vast majority of them by sending the tokens to a dead crypto wallet address. The remaining tokens (worth $1.2 billion at the time) were donated to an Indian COVID-19 relief cause and other charities.

The Shiba Inu coin universe also consists of a decentralized exchange, called Shibaswap, and two other tokens, “LEASH” and “BONE,” (see below.)

Finally, the community is also championing a rescue campaign for Shiba Inu dogs. All you need to do is make purchases on Amazon through smile.amazon.com and select Shiba Inu Rescue Association (a 501(c)3 as your preferred nongovernmental organization). This will allow a percentage of your purchase to be donated to a cause focusing on helping Shiba Inu dogs in need.

What is ShibaSwap?

Shibaswap is a decentralized exchange – a type of peer-to-peer trading platform similar to Uniswap that allows users to trade SHIB and other cryptocurrencies without an intermediary company. It also allows users to provide liquidity (deposit funds into pools that other traders can use to trade against) and stake tokens (deposit them into a smart contract) to earn interest using shib token and two additional ERC-20 tokens that exist in the Shiba ecosystem:

  • Bone ShibaSwap (ticker: BONE): Bone is designed to function as the platform’s governance token, with a total supply of 250 million coins. That means holders of bone tokens are able to propose and vote on changes to the Shiba protocol via its “Doggy DAO.” It’s also minted and rewarded to users who provide liquidity on the platform.
  • Doge Killer (ticker: LEASH): This was originally launched as a rebase token (also known as an elastic token), a type of token similar to an algorithmic stablecoin where the supply automatically increases and decreases via a computer algorithm to keep its price pegged to another asset. In this case, leash’s supply is adjusted to track the price of doge at a rate of 1/1,000.

For example, if the price of dogecoin was $0.05, the supply of leash would change (mint new tokens or destroy coins in circulation) to adjust the price of leash to $50.

Leash tokens have since been “unleashed,” and now no longer track the price of doge. With a scarce supply of just 107,647 tokens, leash has become the main store of value coin for many shiba inu owners.

ShibaSwap functions

On the ShibaSwap homepage, there are six functions available that incorporate the ecosystem’s three native coins, shib, leash and bone:

  • Dig: Digging is the liquidity pool function on the ShibaSwap platform. Here, users can deposit crypto assets in pairs to existing liquidity pools on the platform, or create their own. As a reward, liquidity providers receive ShibaSwap liquidity pool tokens (SSLP). Those tokens represent their share of liquidity in the pool and entitle holders to receive free bone tokens upon redemption.
  • Woof: “Woofing” is the function for redeeming bone rewards by cashing out SSLP tokens.
  • Bury: This refers to where users can stake their shib, leash and bone in order to generate high-interest yields paid in bone tokens. At press time, the rates were 171%, 266% and 814%, respectively. Once staked, users receive a token that represents their staked amount in xSHIB, xLEASH or xBONE.

33% of bone rewards from staking are available immediately, while the remaining 66% are locked up for six months.

  • Swap: This is the exchange feature of the ShibaSwap platform where users can swap between multiple assets.
  • Bonefolio: This is an analytics dashboard where users can explore current interest rates and track their yield returns.
  • NFTs: Here, users can trade 10,000 unique non-fungible tokens called “Shiboshis” – pixelated Shiba Inu dog cartoons similar to CryptoPunks with different traits, some rarer than others.

Who created SHIB coin?

Shiba Inu coin was launched in August 2020 as a direct competitor to Dogecoin. But unlike Dogecoin, the mysterious creator(s) of Shiba Inu, known as Ryoshi, made some design decisions that have since set the token apart. According to Ryoshi, SHIB has “the ability to outpace the value of dogecoin, exponentially, without ever crossing the $0.01 mark.” To put that into perspective, shib was trading for $0.00002831 at press time, which is a long way from $0.01. And yet, its market cap has already reached a third of Dogecoin’s market cap.

Read more: How Dogecoin Became So Popular

As noted above, following the launch of Shiba Inu, Ryoshi transferred half of the token’s total supply to Buterin, while the other half was locked in Uniswap, a decentralized exchange. As written in the project’s white paper, which the shib community calls the woofpaper, the goal was to transfer ownership of 500 trillion SHIB to Buterin with the hope he would lock them away forever.

The Elon Musk effect

The launch of Shiba Inu failed to gain traction at the beginning, but it began to make a splash around the same time Tesla CEO Elon Musk and other prominent individuals started to take interest in Dogecoin. Tech billionaire Musk in particular has been one of the most vocal supporters of Dogecoin. Dubbed the “Dogefather,” Musk was even voted as the project’s new unofficial CEO.

In the run-up to his appearance on “Saturday Night Live” in May, Musk hinted that he would mention Dogecoin during the show. That fuelled an unprecedented dogecoin price rally, which boosted the value of shib.

In five days, the price of shib increased by over 2,000%. The coin subsequently experienced a price slump along with the market-wide crash sparked by Musk’s announcement that Tesla would no longer accept bitcoin as a form of payment. It would later recover some of the lost value in the first week of October when Musk shared the picture and name of his new Shiba Inu puppy. All in all, SHIB’s price gained over 27,000,000% from January to October.

What products support SHIB?

Coinbase           ✔      ✔
Pro           ✔      ✔
Wallet           ✔     ✖️

What regions support SHIB?

Coinbase✖️  ✔ ✔✖️✖️
Pro ✔✖️  ✔ ✔ ✔✖️✖️
Wallet ✔  ✔ ✔ ✔✖️

Crypto to fiat trading pairs

USD   ✔  ✖️ ✖️
GBP ✖️ ✖️ ✖️
EUR ✖️ ✖️✖️

Note: Coinbase Wallet does not support direct bank transactions. You’ll need to transfer your crypto to Coinbase.com or send it to an external address in order to cash out.

Crypto to crypto trading pairs

SHIB   ✖️  ✔ ✖️ ✖️

See the full list of countries that Coinbase supports for crypto-to-crypto trading.

Note: Only assets hosted on the Ethereum blockchain can be converted through the Coinbase Wallet mobile app at this time. Learn more about trading on Coinbase Wallet.

How many confirmations are needed for SHIB?

SHIB requires 35 network confirmations. Learn about transaction confirmations.

Which blockchain network hosts SHIB?

SHIB is hosted on Ethereum.

What are the minimum and maximum withdrawal amounts?

Coinbase has implemented safeguards to ensure a healthy and efficient network both on-chain and through our platform.  

These safeguards include both minimum and maximum amounts for each cryptocurrency we allow customers to send through the blockchain.

Minimum: 0.000000000000000001

Maximum: 36,475,051,065

By Andrey Sergeenkov

Categorized as Hot Crypto


CoinGecko平台数据显示,SHIB市值已超过了股票和加密交易平台 Robinhood,达到369亿美元,而 Robinhood (HOOD) 市值为 300 亿美元,欧洲银行业巨头法国兴业银行和德意志银行市值分别为280 亿美元、260 亿美元。SHIB在 CoinGecko 上成为第九大加密货币,超过了主要竞争对手狗狗币,年初至今涨幅近 40 倍。


与狗狗币的诞生一样,SHIB 的创建本身就是一个笑话,目前的代币供应量高达数百万亿枚,因此每枚代币的价格相对较低。

SHIB 不断创下历史新高,其背后的真正原因是什么?

Shiba Inu价格和交易量飙升的三个原因包括:在多家交易所上市,推出自己的Shiboshi NFT系列,以及 SHIB 在衍生品交易所的未平仓合约激增。

过去一个月帮助 SHIB 价格上涨的最大因素之一是用户对该代币的敞口增加,这得益于它在多个加密货币交易所上市。

第二个原因是Shiba Inu推出了自己的NFT系列,称为Shiboshi’s。现在,所有 Shiboshi 都已铸造并在 OpenSea NFT 市场上市。


SHIB 走强的第三个原因是,OKEx、FTX 和火币等多个交易所的期货未平仓合约 (OI) 激增。


如上图所示,随着 SHIB 的价格飙升至历史新高,SHIB 的 OI 从 10 月 3 日的 1570 万美元飙升至 10 月 27 日的创纪录高位1.7895亿美元。

根据市场分析师 Marcel Pechman 的说法,“未平仓合约似乎跟随价格上涨,而不是实际增加。”




区块链数据显示,虽然 SHIB 继续吸引全球的散户投资者,但更老练的加密货币交易员正在推动最新的涨势。

Nansen 研究分析师 Daniel Khoo 表示,自本周初以来,被区块链数据公司 Nansen 标记为“聪明钱”的地址开始购买 SHIB。购买主要集中在过去7天,金额约1.6亿美元。

被标记为“聪明钱”的地址包括通过在去中心化金融 (DeFi) 协议中提供流动性和采矿流动性以及投资于加密货币的公共实体而赚取超过 100,000 美元利润的交易者,以及投资于加密货币的公共实体。

Khoo 说:“这让我很震惊。”并补充说,他没想到SHIB会靠“聪明钱”积累起来。

Santiment的数据显示,自10月初以来,价值至少100万美元的SHIB交易开始增加。随着 SHIB 的价格上涨,鲸鱼活动在过去几周内连续多天飙升。


谷歌趋势还揭示了关于Shiba Inu的另一个有趣的事实:尽管中国实施了加密货币交易禁令,但其交易员对SHIB表现出了难以抑制的兴趣,几乎与美国的同行一样高。

在过去一周中,中国搜索查询“SHIB”的值为 98,而美国为 100。100分代表最高人气,在给定时间范围内观察到的一个词的最大搜索量。这意味着越来越多的人在网上浏览关于SHIB的信息。

美国最大的加密货币交易所Coinbase目前正在遭遇宕机,截至发稿时,该网站已离线超过 15 分钟,网站状态页面显示遇到了“连接问题”。业内分析师推测,宕机与SHIB交易热潮有关,仅在 Coinbase 平台,SHIB的交易量就已超过 50 亿美元。

By 比推











Delphi Digital 的分析师在周一发布的一份市场报告中表示,「狗概念币再次上涨,这在历史上一直是市场过热的一个迹象……狗概念币第一次疯狂是在今年 4 月至 5 月,随着加密货币市场的降温,它迅速下跌。9 月初,这类概念币再次风靡一时,更广泛的加密货币市场出现了相当深度的去杠杆化。」

SHIB这类资产的活动激增表明投机热情可能正在达到临界点,「加密恐惧和贪婪指数回到了我们自 3 月初以来从未见过的高位,正式标志着『极端贪婪』水平。」Delphi Digital后来的市场更新分析中表示。


By 蜂巢财经







《Bitcoin:Beyond The Bubble》

如果你对比特币的概念很感兴趣,但是却不知道该从何开始,那么这部纪录片将会非常适合你。在短短35 分钟时间里,将复杂的加密货币知识简单化,精闢的概述比特币的原理、特性与价值所在。不单单是如此,片中也包含许多学者与专家对比特币的观点。总体而言,这部片简单易懂,节奏也不会让人感到沉闷。最重要的是,其所传达的都是优质且中性的正确观念,对新手而言相当有帮助。

《Trust Machine:The Story of Blockchain》


《Bitcoin:The End of Money as We Know It》


除了上述所提到的5部纪录片与电影,市面上仍然还有许多值得大家一看的纪录片,特别是《The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin》 和《Banking on Bitcoin》,都是许多加密货币爱好者推荐的选择,期盼这些纪录片能够帮助读者,从头开始了解加密和区块链技术的潜力和重要性。

By 秉斯克


债券巨头太平洋投资管理公司(Pimco)首席投资官Daniel Ivascyn表示,该公司已涉足加密货币,并计划逐步加大对数字资产的投资,这些资产有可能颠覆金融业。






贝宝(PayPal)和富达(Fidelity)等大型金融公司已进军加密货币领域,而Square和MicroStrategy等公司则利用自己的资产负债表购买比特币。摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)是首家向客户提供比特币基金的银行,高盛(Goldman Sachs)很快也宣布了自己的计划。







那么,格罗斯此前的战绩及“债券大王”的桂冠是如何得来的呢?在PIMCO和格罗斯之间,到底是谁成就了谁? 格罗斯其人:数学天才















21世纪初,格罗斯认为美国即将出现经济衰退,而导火索就是美联储为抑制经济过热而采取的加息举措,PIMCO据此将100亿美元的公司债转换为美国政府支持的住房抵押债券,并在数月之后破灭的互联网泡沫中狂赚5亿美元。 2006年,格罗斯再次成功预测美国的次贷危机。


有股神之称的沃伦·巴菲特曾经表示其每个月都会看比尔·格罗斯的月度投资展望,“我每个月都急于看到比尔·格罗斯的评述,他文笔生动、条理清晰、见解独到。”而有“金融史学家”和“金融大师”之称的哈佛大学教授彼得·L·伯恩斯坦却表示,格罗斯对股市和债市的影响甚至要大于这位股神。 既然巴菲特和伯恩斯坦都对格罗斯推崇备至,那么格罗斯在最新的月度展望中又会告诉我们一些什么呢? 格罗斯最新观点:加倍下注







By 夏洛特