





总部位于海得拉巴(Hyderabad)的rBitex加密货币交易所创始人Abhishek Jain表示,在新冠大流行期间,随着传统资产贬值、人们失业和储蓄利息下降,许多印度人发现加密货币是一种替代性投资。他说:“印度的比特币转换成现金的速度比大多数国家都要快,因为许多人都用它来赚快钱。”


加密货币在印度随处可见。报纸上有关于新币的整版广告、两个印度加密平台已成为独角兽公司(价值10亿美元以上)、最新的独角兽加密货币交易所CoinSwitch Kuber在板球比赛电视转播期间反复播放广告、宝莱坞演员兰维尔·辛格(Ranveer Singh)用印地语说唱称投资加密货币很酷、Salman Khan和Amitabh Bachchan等其他宝莱坞明星上周推出了出售数字电影对话、海报和艺术品的平台,以换取加密货币。

By Anna





正如Cointelegraph之前报道的那样,香港金融科技公司Fraction Group的子公司Fraction获得了泰国证券交易委员会的监管批准,可以交易代表实物和数字资产部分所有权的代币。虽然该批准涵盖了实物和数字商品的代币化投资,但Fraction的第一个重点是整合“破碎”的房地产投资,据说将利用一个初始分币发行(IFO)工具。根据该公司9月份的公告,IFO将为潜在投资者提供更容易进入高端房地产市场的机会。IFO代币将代表低至150美元的豪华房地产房源的部分所有权,据推测,这将降低更多参与市场的门槛。

早在今年1月,Fraction在其专有的交换平台上挂出了它的第一个房产,一个位于泰国曼谷On Nut的公寓单元。根据该公司网站上的细节,这个过程涉及到产权证的完全数字化,然后是房产所有权的分化,最后通过IFO提供这些分化的代币所有权。

Sundae是一个数字住宅房地产市场平台,其联合创始人兼首席执行官Josh Stech在接受Cointelegraph采访时,强调了代币化和部分所有权在市场上的优点。他说:“投资住宅房地产是创造财富的最大机会之一,可悲的是,目前的房产的投资方式是有利富人的。在区块链上将住宅房地产代币化,有希望为美国最大的资产类别提供高效和开放的机会,不仅仅是为年轻人,而是为任何想投资房地产而没有资金进行整个房产交易的人。”



房地产代币化仍处于起步阶段,仍然是市场的一个小众方面。然而,业内人士表示,英国会计网络Moore Global估计,到2026年,代币化房地产市场可以达到1.4万亿美元的估值,而代币化只占目前全球房地产市场的0.5%。



据专注于区块链的风险投资公司SPiCE VC的创始人兼董事总经理Tal Elyashiv称,代币化以及部分房地产所有权仍有很长的路要走。Elyashiv告诉Cointelegraph说:“我相信,为了推动房地产代币化市场,未来将需要更多机构对代币化资产的兴趣,而我认为这即将到来。市场已经看到大量的机构级项目涌入。市场还需要经历专门的房地产平台领域的创新,这些平台允许投资代币化的房地产资产,而投资者无需处理底层区块链的复杂性。”

SPiCE VC的创始人补充说,这些处理代币化房地产资产的专用平台对于提高市场的流动性至关重要。根据Elyashiv的说法,这种平台将使基于代币的房地产投资更加直观。







By Anna


随着加密货币市值达到新高,比特币保持在6万美元以上震荡。与此同时,鉴于近期杠杆头寸上升,市场上有分析师警告期货市场过热。随着长期同场竞争对手ProShares美国首支比特币ETF将于当地时间20日开始交易,Invesco宣布放弃推出期货ETF的努力。目前市场上种种利好因素,正刺激巨鲸(Bitcoin Whales)的大手笔投资者吸纳,但后市展望却偏向谨慎看待。







声明全文说道:“我们已决定在近期内不推出比特币期货ETF,然而,我们将继续与Galaxy Digital合作,为投资者提供全系列产品,让他们接触这一变革性资产类别,包括寻求实物支持的数字资产ETF。”


目前,比特币期货ETF可能是唯一在美国推出的加密ETF产品。由于管理这些ETF的法律规定投资者保护措施,美国证监会主席詹斯勒(Gary Gensler)则表示,自己偏好期货ETF。



加密货币交易公司QCP Capital指出,由于芝加哥商品交易所已经提供以太坊期货合约,因此以太坊ETF可能很快会跟进。

CoinDesk的Omkar Godbole报道称,由于美国证券交易委员会批准与加密货币相关的基于期货的ETF,全球衍生品巨头芝加哥商品交易所的比特币期货合约中锁定的金额,在上周五飙升至历史新高。




By 秉斯克

苏富比拍卖行推出NFT平台 ,将接受btc与eth支付

拥有277年悠久历史的国际艺术品拍卖巨头苏富比(Sotheby’s)在NFT领域踏出重要的一步,宣布推出名为“苏富比元宇宙”(Sotheby’s Metaverse)的NFT新平台,并将于10月18日至26日举行首次拍卖,参观者可以在平台上查看拍卖中的数字艺术品,并了解NFT背后的收藏家和艺术家。




苏富比数字艺术品销售主管迈克尔·布哈纳(Michael Bouhanna)表示:“通过苏富比元宇宙,我们将打造新的行业生态系,成为最复杂的数字艺术品销售和拍卖目的地,使苏富比在一些最重要的NFT行业活动中处于中心位置。”

苏富比元宇宙将于10月18日至26日举行首次拍卖,拍卖主题为Natively Digital 1.2: The Collectors,共有来自19位NFT收藏家的53件NFT作品。

此前,苏富比已多次涉足NFT领域,今年4月,苏富比首度举办NFT拍卖会,在NFT交易平台Nifty Gateway上拍卖现代匿名艺术家Pak创作的系列作品《The Fungible》,总计拍卖额达到1680万美元。

随后,苏富比多次举行NFT类型艺术品、与接受加密货币支付相关的在线或实体拍卖,包括在7月将全球信息网(WWW)发明者Timothy John Berners-Lee的NFT以543万美元的高价售出,9月展开Bored Ape Yacht Club(BAYC)系列NFT拍卖等。


By Anna




今年4月,特斯拉宣布已在第一季度卖出10%的比特币持有量,获利逾1亿美元,当时特斯拉首席执行官马斯克(Elon Musk)在推特上表示,出售持有比特币的10%是为了证明加密货币的流动性可在资产负债表上代替现金。






推特创办人Jack Dorsey的数字支付公司Square持有的比特币数量名列上市公司第三,该公司对比特币的投资额为2.2亿美元,共有8027颗,目前其总价值则已达到4.7亿美元,同样是投资额的两倍多。

By Anna

Categorized as 比特币

What is Stacks (STX)

Stacking is locking your STX temporarily to support the network’s security and consensus. As a reward, you’ll earn the Bitcoin that miners transfer as part of Proof of Transfer.

Bitcoin (BTC) being the first and most successful of all cryptocurrencies has won the hearts of users through the exclusive features it possesses. The coin has become the king of cryptocurrencies, considering the efficiency in its economical ability. However, there are still some loopholes with the network that many blockchain projects have proposed to tackle. One of the notable limitations faced with the Bitcoin network is the scalability issues it possesses. These major defects have geared concerns among blockchain projects and have raised innovations to curtail these issues. Stacks (STX), a layer 1 blockchain project, tackles the scalability challenges Bitcoin faces.

Stacks is a platform that facilitates the use of smart contracts and decentralized applications on the network. The blockchain platform generates its power from Bitcoin as it depends on it for security and the execution of transactions.

In other words, the Bitcoin network acts as the finality and security layer for the smart contracts contained and executed in the Stack Blockchain. Meanwhile, it is possible through the Proof of Transfer mechanism the platform adopts.

The connection between stacks blockchain and Bitcoin enables execution of transactions on the stack network as well as verification on the Bitcoin blockchain.

Stacks’ Team

The evolution of Stacks began in 2013. It initially aimed to provide a better internet system. The project was created by the founders of Blockstack – Muneeb Ali and Ryan Shea.

Years later, the project began to receive support from capital funds like Combinator, Digital Currency Group, and Winklevoss.

Thereafter, the project enjoyed further development. Some of the members of its team include leading researchers from MIT, Princeton, and Stanford.


Unlike other blockchain projects that utilize the proof-of-work and proof-of-stake mechanism to secure their network, Stacks has developed a new consensus algorithm that is perfectly suitable for its operation and to secure the network. The mechanism is deduced from the Proof-of-Burn concept. Known as Proof of Transfer (PoX), it has marked the first consensus mechanism to use two blockchains. This concept ensures that already mined and existing cryptocurrencies of an existing and verified blockchain are not burnt. Instead, they secure the new blockchain.

The Proof of Transfer mechanism eliminates the system of burning cryptocurrencies. It requires that mined cryptocurrencies are transferred to other participants within the ecosystem.

The new Proof of Transfer consensus mechanism helps the network to facilitate its reward protocol. More interestingly, the system allows the network participants to receive rewards as well as transaction payouts in existing and stable cryptocurrencies. It gives these participants the opportunity to participate in the new blockchain at the same time.

This system allows Stacks to eliminate challenges that users experience with new blockchains. Thus, new users feel confident about joining the network.

Moreso, since the network is basically integrated with already existing blockchain (Bitcoin), it uses an already extremely secure blockchain to secure new chains without the need to require new Proof-of-Work chains and cryptocurrencies.

Clarity Programming Language

As said earlier, the Stacks Blockchain provides support for smart contracts, decentralized applications. It also enhances the creation of flexible virtual assets that are easily transferable.

In a bid to provide support for these smart contracts, the network uses the Clarity programming language to secure these activities.

Clarity programming language is a predictable programming language that uses no compiler. Stacks has deployed this programming language to help it bring smart contracts to Bitcoin.

More precisely, the programming language uses predictable source code for executing smart contracts while publishing them on the blockchain nodes.

The system, therefore, utilizes this tool in facilitating the security of the Stack ecosystem via the decidable programming language.

Stacks and Bitcoin

Stacks and Bitcoin are basically two interconnected blockchain networks that work hand in hand. It is quite interesting that both blockchain networks do not depend on each other. They are independent networks connected through the Proof-of-Transfer consensus mechanism.

Via this system, miners can transfer new cryptocurrencies as well as smart contracts on Bitcoin to other participants of the Stack network.

Stacks 2.0

Stacks 2.0 is an upgraded innovation from the Stack team to bring secure apps and smart contracts to Bitcoin.

The Stacks 2.0 mainnet launch allows developers to utilize the Stacks protocol to build a user-owned internet on Bitcoin. The platform allows users to earn Bitcoins.

STX Token

The STX token is the proprietary token of the Stacks Blockchain. Activities performed on the network rely on STX tokens.

STX tokens basically foster the execution of smart contracts on the Stacks network. The token functions as a tool to publish new smart contracts to the blockchain. It is also used for transaction processes such as paying fees and receiving rewards. The token follows the same successful trail with its blockchain network. It has attracted the interest of a significant number of users, especially users who crave Clarity smart contracts.

The token is available for trade at legal and leading cryptocurrency exchange companies.

Stacks’ Use Cases

Stacks (STX) has offered amazing functionality to its ecosystem,  especially to the Bitcoin network. It proposes new features to the Bitcoin network since Bitcoin is static and not flexible for adjustments. Through its integration with Bitcoin, users can initiate new features to the network without having to change Bitcoin itself.

Moreso, a major challenge for the Bitcoin network is scalability. Thus, Stacks blockchain seeks to solve the scaling issues with Bitcoin. Stacks extends the Bitcoin transaction capacity since Bitcoin has limited space for transactions.

Besides, Stacks adopts Bitcoin’s efficient security and finality to protect transactions conducted within the ecosystem. The network uses Bitcoin to settle transactions on the Bitcoin blockchain for each block generated.

Advantages of Stacks

Stacks is very beneficial to crypto users, especially members of the Stacks community.  The Stacks blockchain has offered users the advantage of enjoying combined features of two independent blockchains on every activity.

Members of the DeFi space can enjoy the extended features of Bitcoin while executing smart contracts.

Moreso, Stacks gives members the opportunity to earn Bitcoins. Certain reward programs the network provides are usually offered with Bitcoin. Stakers of the Stacks blockchain have the opportunity to earn their rewards in Bitcoin instead of any other token that would require them to later convert to Bitcoin.


Stacks (STX) with its unique features is a big addition to the blockchain industry. Since it allows users the benefits of merging smart contracts with Bitcoin’s functionality, it is correct to say that Stacks’ services will boost the adoption and use of Bitcoin in the crypto industry.

The outstanding functionality of the Stack blockchain makes it possible to predict a successful future for the network in the industry.

The avenue it gives users to be able to earn BTC by merely participating in the network is also a point of attraction towards the network.

By John Caroline

Categorized as Hot Crypto

What is Request (REQ)

Request crypto is one of the latest tokens to benefit from being added to the Coinbase exchange. What’s more, the listing of this token is further proof of the big shift in Coinbase’s philosophy.

It wasn’t long ago that a listing on Coinbase equaled a major stamp of approval. To get listed on Coinbase, crypto engineers had to jump though a lot of hoops. In the process, they really had to prove to Coinbase that they were worthy of a listing. In this way, the exchange acted as a sort of crypto gatekeeper.

More recently, though, Coinbase has changed its tune… as you can see in this tweet from its CEO:

1/ Reminder about how Coinbase lists assets: our goal is to list *every* asset where it is legal to do so.

— Brian Armstrong (@brian_armstrong) June 28, 2021

He went on to mention that beyond the exchange’s listing standards (regarding safety and legality), this was a move toward freer markets. And, as he concluded, it was the way to make Coinbase the most innovative. It also happens to be a way that can make Coinbase more money. After all, the more tokens it lists, the more opportunities there are for trades. And charging trading fees is a big part of how Coinbase makes its coin.

So no complaints from the peanut gallery here. Coinbase is a publicly traded company now. It’s beholden to its shareholders. And increasing profits is one of the easiest ways to keep shareholders happy.

Now back to one of Coinbase’s most recent listings: Request crypto (REQ).

All About Request Crypto

In a nutshell, Request crypto is a utility token. It was created to ensure the stability and performance standards of the Request Network. This network is an Ethereum-based decentralized payment system. It allows folks to request a payment and receive money in a secure way. It also removed third-party oversight requirements. This is an important detail… because it’s one of the quickest ways to reduce transaction costs.

The other key benefit of the Request Network is that it works with currencies all around the world. It’s not limited to crypto. It’s not limited to fiat currencies. It transfers dollars to the Korean won and just about everything in between. It’s a robust network with an impressive amount of capabilities.

This process works by having one user create a payment request – or invoice. The invoice needs to include the address the payment should be sent and the amount it should be in. The terms of payment can also be included here for business transactions. Then, the request is delivered to the payer of the invoice. All the while, each and every step of the process is stored on the Request Network. This makes it easy to keep track of transactions, both for the payer and the payee.

The last thing worth mentioning about the Request Network – which is powered by Request crypto – is that it has incorporated laws from all around the world. This, it hopes, will keep it compliant with the various trade laws of every country around the world.

There really is some impressive engineering behind both the Request Network and the Request crypto that powers it. But as far as payment systems go, it has a lot of competition. And not just from the likes of Visa (NYSE: V), Square (NYSE: SQ) or PayPal (Nasdaq: PYPL).

The Competition Is Stiff

Beyond the legacy payment processing companies mentioned above, there are plenty of companies operating in the crypto space too. Circle, which issues the stablecoin USD Coin (USDC), has been in the payment processing game for close to a decade. Incidentally, it was the first company to receive a BitLicense from the New York State Department of Financial Services.

Request crypto also faces competition from Solana crypto and, to a lesser extent, Telcoin. Not to mention Coinbase Commerce, Electroneum, BitPay or CoinGate, among others. But specifically for business-to-business applications, Request crypto and the network it supports do stand out. What it boils down to is adoption.

This could be an exceptional tool for freelancers who pick up jobs around the world. Business consultants, writers, web designers and recruiters could all make good use of this type of payment system. And it has the possibility of cutting down on the paperwork needed for quarterly tax filings… since payments are vetted though international trade laws.

The Bottom Line on Request Crypto

As an experiment, there’s a lot to like about the Request Network. As an investment, there’s reason for both excitement and pause. It’s a penny crypto, after all…

Since its inception in 2017, it has yet to break the $1 mark. In fact, not long ago, you could pick it up for less than $0.05 a token. But trading volume has changed all of that. With the Coinbase listing came a lot of interest. Around 200% more interest than usual. If trading volume stays anywhere near that level, anything’s possible. Request crypto could launch past the $1 mark in a matter of days. But that’s pretty unlikely.

As a buy-and-hold play, Request crypto could be worth a gamble. If the Request Network does begin to catch on, you could see a slow but steady rise in value. But that’s a very big “if.” That being said, it’s a token we’ll be keeping a close eye on. A little momentum and an uplisting to Coinbase could be enough for companies to take notice of Request’s underlying capabilities.

Which products support REQ? 

Coinbase         ✔      ✔
Pro         ✔      ✔
Wallet         ✔     ✖️

What regions support REQ? 

Coinbase    ✔  ✔  ✔ ✔ ✔✖️✖️
Pro   ✔
  ✔  ✔ ✔ ✔✖️✖️
Wallet ✔  ✔  ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Crypto to fiat trading pairs

USD  ✔ ✖️ ✖️
GBP ✖️  ✔ ✖️
EUR ✖️  ✔ ✔

Note: Coinbase Wallet does not support direct bank transactions. You’ll need to transfer your crypto to Coinbase.com or send it to an external address in order to cash out.

Crypto to crypto trading pairs 

REQ    ✖️  ✔
 ✖️   ✔

See the full list of countries that Coinbase supports for crypto-to-crypto trading.

Note: Only assets hosted on the Ethereum blockchain can be converted through the Coinbase Wallet mobile app at this time. Learn more about trading on Coinbase Wallet.

How many confirmations are needed for REQ?

REQ requires 35 network confirmations. Learn about transaction confirmations.

Which blockchain network hosts REQ?

REQ is hosted on Ethereum. 

What are the minimum and maximum withdrawal amounts?

Coinbase has implemented safeguards to ensure a healthy and efficient network both on-chain and through our platform.  

These safeguards include both minimum and maximum amounts for each cryptocurrency we allow customers to send through the blockchain.

Minimum: 0.000000000000000001 REQ

Maximum: 250,000 REQ

By Matthew Makowski

Categorized as Hot Crypto



CFTC周五发布命令,对Tether Holdings Limited、Tether Limited、Tether Operations Limited和Tether International Limited公司,在Tether稳定币(USDT)方面做出不真实或误导性陈述和遗漏重大事实的指控进行备案和和解。据CFTC称,在2016年6月至2019年2月底的不同时期,Tether对其是否持有足够的美元储备以充分支持其稳定币做出了误导性或不真实的陈述。CFCT命令要求Tether支付4100万美元的民事罚款,并停止和制止任何进一步违反《商品交易法》(CEA)和CFTC的法规。

CFTC周五还发布了一项单独的命令,同时对iFinex Inc.、BFXNA Inc.和BFXWW Inc.的指控进行立案和解。这项指控与他们经营Bitfinex加密货币交易平台有关。CFTC发现在Bitfinex交易平台上与美国人进行非法的数字资产场外零售商品交易,并在未按规定注册的情况下作为期货佣金商(FCM)。CFTC称,这违反了美国的法律,并且不符合其2016年与Bitfinex就类似指控达成的和解。该命令要求Bitfinex支付150万美元的民事罚款。它还禁止Bitfinex进一步违反CEA的指控,并要求Bitfinex实施和维护额外的系统,以防止非法的零售商品交易。

CFTC代理主席Rostin Behnam说:“本案强调了在快速增长和发展的数字资产市场中对诚实和透明度的期望。CFTC将继续采取果断行动,将影响CFTC管辖市场的不真实或误导性的事件曝光。”

CFTC致力于履行其法定职责,促进市场诚信并保护美国客户,CFTC代理执法主任Vincent McGonagle说:“CFTC将在必要时利用其对商品,包括数字资产的强大反欺诈执法权力。CFTC还将采取行动,确保向美国零售客户提供的保证金、杠杆或融资的数字资产交易必须在适当注册和监管的交易所进行。此外,正如Bitfinex的命令所反映的,CFTC将对那些选择违反CFTC命令的人采取果断的行动。”



  美国财政部高级加密货币监管员兼负责国内金融的财政部副部长梁内利(Nellie Liang )就财政部把稳定币当作加密货币重要的轨迹参照对象作出解释。它解决了加密货币一个严峻的问题:由于稳定币的设定,其价格波动会相对较小。





  在这个节骨眼上,由于是珍妮特·耶伦(Janet Yellen )担任财长和格雷·詹斯勒(Gary Gensler)担任SEC主席,更多针对加密货币社群的监管似乎是不可避免的。拜登及其顾问甚至已经考虑实施一套全新的加密货币监管框架。




By 中财网

What is Rari Governance Token (RGT)?

DeFi was meant to bank the unbanked. Uproot corrupt financial systems. It was meant to allow people to opt out from the shackles of their national currencies. Yet here we are spending the last few months debating food, well food tokens. While the returns are impossible to ignore, there are immense, deep-rooted questions surrounding their sustainability and contributions to societal progress.

As part of our mission to thrust the DeFi space towards a more sustainable and equitable model, we are announcing the community-owned governance token: the Rari Governance Token, also referred to as $RGT.

We believe in fair distribution and liquidity mining is the best way to do it. We will be distributing 87.50% of the token to depositors within a short 60 day period. The remaining tokens will be reserved for the team and subject to The Rari Vesting Plan (details shortly!).

Value of the $RGT.

The $RGT will have a few different roles:

  • Maintaining Governance: decisions to integrate new protocols, edit pool parameters, edit risk parameters, etc
  • Passthrough Governance: if a pool accumulates other tokens like $COMP, $BAL, the token can serve as a passthrough for their governance
  • Fee Discounts: the token can be used for fee discounts from the Rari Protocol

$RGT will be burned on every cent made by the protocol (70% of all revenues to be exact), decreasing the total supply of the token as the protocol succeeds. The $RGT will leverage the new Rari Protocol V2 (launching soon) which uses other projects (like Yearn, Aave, mStable, Synthetix, Chainlink) while also focusing on long-term sustainable yields.

Earn the token.

You will be able to participate in liquidity mining (alongside VC’s, other retail partners and many more) with the launch of Rari V2 on October 20th 2020. In order to begin earning $RGT, all you have to do is deposit into one of the pools! Below you will find the projected distribution curve with a speedy 60 day length to ensure maximum distribution.

Nearly half of the token is distributed within the first 15 days!

Get ready.

We are super excited to have you on our side, we hope that you will participate in the liquidity mining program. Stay tuned for more details as our launch date approaches. In the meantime follow us on Twitter and join our Telegram! Rari Governance Token (RGT) is available on Coinbase.

By Rari Capital

Categorized as Hot Crypto




eToro商业解决方案副总裁Doron Rosenblum评论称,加密的长期潜力显然是一个现在被广泛接受的概念,机构和散户投资者对加密的兴趣继续呈指数增长。添加Solana的策略,进一步拓宽该平台加密资产范围,为用户提供更多机会使其投资组合多样化。



最近,总部位于以色列的eToro不但添加DOT和FIL,也将Enjin(ENJ)与Shiba Inu(SHIB)加入行列,此外,该公司也清楚表明说,目前可以访问27个加密货币代币的美国用户,目前还无法使用Solana。

eToro长期以来也积极参与体育赞助,就在9月期间,Finance Magnates报道称,该投资平台宣布与8家在意甲联赛中比赛的意大利足球俱乐部达成赞助协议,其中包含知名的博洛尼亚(Bologna F.C.)和卡利亚里(Cagliari Calcio),eToro将继续为他们提供2021/22赛季的赞助。

这也就意味着,经纪人将接触到俱乐部提供的广泛营销机会,包括比赛日 LED 板、媒体背景、门票和数字版权。

美国佛罗里达州迈阿密市市长Francis Suarez目前正努力降低电力成本,旨在吸引更多矿工前来活动,而中国的比特币矿工可能在迈阿密寻找到一席之地。在接受采访时,Suarez谈到对加密货币采矿业的关切,也提到使用清洁能源的问题。


Suarez也补充称,他已经与公用事业佛罗里达电力与照明公司(Florida Power & Light Co.)的首席执行官埃里克·西拉吉(Eric Silagy),就导入加密货币业务进该地区展开交谈。但部分谈判仍在进行阶段,目前还未出现正式的交易。


除迈阿密市在6月期间所提供的欢迎信息外,美国能源大州德克萨斯州也是中国比特币矿主理想的候选地区,该州2019年发电近8600万亿瓦时,排在全美第8名。总部位于深圳的比特矿业(Bit Mining Limited)在今年5月签署价值2500万美元的合同,用于建造位于德克萨斯州的加密货币挖矿数据中心。



  • 不丹
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  • 中国
  • 中国澳门
  • 中非共和国
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  • 也门
  • 亚美尼亚
  • 伊拉克
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  • 佛得角
  • 俄罗斯
  • 克里米亚地区
  • 冈比亚
  • 几内亚
  • 几内亚比绍
  • 刚果共和国
  • 刚果民主共和国
  • 利比亚
  • 利比里亚
  • 加拿大
  • 加纳
  • 加蓬
  • 北塞浦路斯
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  • 印度尼西亚
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  • 吉尔吉斯斯坦
  • 吉布提
  • 喀麦隆
  • 图瓦卢
  • 土库曼斯坦
  • 土耳其
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  • 圣基茨和尼维斯
  • 圣多美(Sao Tome)
  • 圣文森特和格林纳丁斯
  • 圣皮埃尔
  • 圣诞岛
  • 圣赫勒拿岛
  • 圣马力诺
  • 圭亚那
  • 坦桑尼亚
  • 埃塞俄比亚
  • 基里巴斯
  • 塔吉克斯坦
  • 塞尔维亚
  • 塞拉利昂
  • 多哥
  • 多米尼克
  • 奥兰群岛
  • 委内瑞拉
  • 安奎拉
  • 安提瓜和巴布达
  • 密克罗尼西亚
  • 尼加拉瓜
  • 尼日利亚
  • 尼日尔
  • 尼泊尔
  • 巴勒斯坦领土
  • 巴哈马
  • 巴基斯坦
  • 巴巴多斯
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  • 布基纳法索
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  • 布隆迪
  • 帕劳
  • 库克群岛
  • 库拉索
  • 所罗门群岛
  • 托克劳
  • 摩尔多瓦
  • 摩洛哥
  • 文莱
  • 斐济
  • 斯威士兰
  • 斯瓦尔巴和扬马延
  • 斯里兰卡
  • 日本
  • 朝鲜
  • 查戈斯群岛
  • 柬埔寨
  • 格林纳达
  • 格陵兰岛
  • 梵蒂冈城
  • 毛里塔尼亚
  • 毛里求斯
  • 汤加
  • 沙特阿拉伯
  • 法罗群岛
  • 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那
  • 津巴布韦
  • 洪都拉斯
  • 海地
  • 牙买加
  • 特克斯和凯科斯群岛
  • 特立尼达和多巴哥
  • 瑙鲁
  • 瓦努阿图
  • 白俄罗斯
  • 百慕大
  • 皮特凯恩群岛
  • 福克兰群岛
  • 科摩罗
  • 科特迪瓦
  • 科科斯群岛
  • 科索沃
  • 突尼斯
  • 索马里
  • 纳米比亚
  • 纽埃
  • 维尔京群岛
  • 缅甸
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  • 荷属圣马丁
  • 荷属安的列斯群岛
  • 莫桑比克
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  • 萨尔瓦多
  • 萨摩亚
  • 蒙古
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  • 诺福克岛
  • 贝宁
  • 赞比亚
  • 赤道几内亚
  • 赫德岛和麦克唐纳群岛
  • 阿富汗
  • 阿尔巴尼亚
  • 阿鲁巴
  • 香港
  • 马尔代夫
  • 马拉维
  • 马绍尔群岛
  • 马达加斯加
  • 马里
  • 黎巴嫩
  • 黑山共和国


By 秉斯克